Rock and Stone

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Arnav's secretary hummed as she texted back and forth with the receptionist downstairs. Both of them were sure that after the lunch that ASR was sharing with his girlfriend, his mood would be fantastic. It would be the perfect time to bring up the raise that the secretary wanted.

Thus, she was surprised when she saw Khushi rush past her. Glancing at her phone, she saw that it had only been twenty minutes. What happened to those two hours that ASR had booked?

Before she could inform the receptionist about the latest update, she heard a loud crash from Arnav's office. Followed by another and then another.

She rushed over and slammed open the door. "Arnav Sir--"

"Get out!" He shouted as he bent down, picked up another dish and flung it against the wall.

Terrified, she shut the door. What was happening? What should she do? If only Aman Sir was here.

She jumped as she heard yet another crash from inside.

I should call Anjali Ma'am, she thought.

She didn't know if she explained the situation to her boss's sister properly, but she must have at least conveyed the sense of urgency because Anjali said she would come right away.

Things were still crashing when she arrived five minutes later. "Go back to your spot," Anjali instructed the secretary. "Cancel all his meetings for today. I'll handle this."

The secretary nodded, relieved now that there was someone here who could take charge. As she started to walk away, Anjali stopped her again. "And remember--if word of this gets out, I'll know exactly who the source is."

The secretary gulped. "Don't worry, Ma'am. I won't say anything to anyone."

"Good. Now go."


I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry. I'm not going to cry.

Khushi repeated the mantra over and over as she stared out the bus window.

Damn you, Arnav Singh Raizada, she thought, as a wave of fury overtook her. How could he do this to her? How could he?

Didn't she mean anything to him? Her sense of honor, her standards, her hopes and dreams--hadn't he considered them even once?

Her phone buzzed, indicating a call from Buaji. Khushi cleared her throat before picking up. "Hello?"

"Titliya, I'm home now. Are you still busy?"

"No, I'll be home in ten minutes, too. See you soon."

She hung up and straightened her back with renewed determination. Under no circumstances could Buaji see her inner turmoil. As for Arnav--well, she'd figure it out later.


Anjali placed a hand on Arnav's shoulder. "I told you to get out!" He whirled around to face her, eyes wild. "Di?"

Eyes full of sorrow and sympathy, she murmured, "Chote, what happened?"

He averted his eyes, ashamed as he took in the destruction. "Nothing."

"Your secretary told me that Khushi Ji was here."

Arnav flinched at the sound of her name. "She left."

"I see that. But what happened that caused this?"

"She left," he repeated. "She couldn't handle my issues and she left. Arnav Singh Raizada isn't good enough for Khushi Kumari Gupta." He snarled. "No, she needs a piece of paper, a certificate with our names on it. After all, without that, what could I offer her? What use would I be to her?"

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