A Montage of 13 Scenes From That Day Until Right Before Diwali

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1. Arnav looked at that damn file and launched an investigation of his own to confirm if it was all true

2. Khushi smirked as the television screen showed Amol Ayushman being led away in handcuffs

3. Manorama Raizada pleaded with her mother-in-law to let Akash get married, but she refused, firmly stating that Arnav would get married first

4. Anjali walked into a small boutique during a random shopping excursion, her eyes landing on some exquisite designs

5. After consulting with Akash and Arnav, Anjali asked the designer to come in for an interview

6. Akash sat through the interview, tongue-tied and inexplicably nervous as the young designer displayed her portfolio to the three of them

7. Khushi paled as Payal proudly announced that she'd just been hired as a junior designer by AR Industries, but recovered quickly. After all, it wasn't as if she would ever visit Payal at work

8. Khushi took an another big case, this time in favor of a group of miners that had been injured during a mining incident

9. Arnav ran into an old girlfriend of his--Sheetal Kapoor and her son, Aarav. Sheetal had recently returned from America and was looking for a place to stay so Arnav invited her to stay at his place for now

10. When Khushi won the case against the wealthy mine owner, her name was once again propelled into the media. Arnav would growl and turn off the television whenever her name was mentioned

11. Akash blushed anytime Payal was in his vicinity. Anjali smiled secretly every time she saw

12. Khushi was offered a job by Mehta and Mehta Law Firm which she firmly refused. Undeterred, Mr. Akshay Mehta invited her to his family's Diwali party, certain that she would change her mind and accept their job offer once she saw how lavishly he lived.

13. Arnav and his family were invited to a Diwali party by Uncle Akshay, a close friend of the family's and head of the law firm that represented AR Industries

Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to leksharshi. Her comment last chapter cracked me up.

Okay, so the title was longer than the actual chapter #self-roast. However, important points have been made and the following chapters will be much longer.

As always, looking forward to reading your comments.

Next chapter will be on Sunday, November 3, iA. Until then, take care.

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