A Fool's Folly Part II

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"I...I have a proposition for you."

Jaya Khatri tilted her head aside. "I'm listening."

"I want to help you win this case."

"Oh? And how?"

"I'm not sure. But whatever you need...information from the inside or anything, I'll help you."

"And why would you do that?"

Barun stiffened. "Revenge. She has fun humiliating me over and over again so now I want to see her humiliated in court."

Jaya smiled. "Give me your number. I'll keep in touch."

Barun woke in cold sweat, rushing over to the bathroom to empty his stomach. This was his weakest moment, and all his justifications fell apart. He regretted it: regretted making that deal with Jaya, regretted deleting that email at her bidding, already regretted what was to come.

He couldn't do it. His conscience would murder him if he didn't put a stop to it.

He crawled back to bed and took his phone from the nightstand. He'd call Khushi right now and tell her everything.

Maybe she could still fix it.

But it was two in the morning. No, it was too late to call. He'd call her later.

Feeling better, he drifted off to sleep.


Arnav checked the time impatiently. Not yet. Anxiously, he paced the length of his room before checking again.


Grabbing his wallet and keys, he flew out the door and nearly tripped on the stairs because he was going so fast.

He slowed down as he got to the dining area, where his family was gathering for breakfast.

"Where are you going, Chote?" Di asked as he walked past them.

"To pick up Khushi and Payal."

"It's eight in the morning," Devyani commented dryly. "Let them have breakfast. You too, come sit down."

Arnav shook his head. He wanted to--no, he needed to see how Khushi had reacted to the binder. It had been hard enough not to call her all day yesterday to ask, but now he couldn't wait any longer.

"I'll eat with them--"

"Hello, hi, bye bye, so impatient to see his new wife," Manorama teased. "It's only been one day, Arnav bitwa. Sit down and eat with us. Don't make the girls think that they can't go to their maika in peace."

Reluctantly, he sat down with them.

Subhadra shook her head at his eagerness to see Khushi, wondering what magic the wisp of a girl had done on her talented, handsome grandson.

Anjali caught the movement, and an idea struck.

"Actually, why don't I go pick the girls up after breakfast? We haven't had a girls' day since Khushi's Mehndi."

Arnav turned to her sharply. "What? Why do you need a girl's day? Look at your neglected son--he needs your attention."

"Yeah, look at me, Mom," Aarav pouted. "I need you, too."

"25 rupee kato overacting ke," Anjali teased. "Okay, fine. I'll stay with you."

"But you should also get your girl's day," Aarav said, pretending to think hard. "I know! Take me with you. Maybe we can go to the mall, maybe we can stop by the arcade..." He trailed off hopefully.

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