Death of a Private Investigator

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My brain is melting, Anjali thought as she feigned a smile for another guest.

An extrovert by nature, she usually didn't mind dealing with people. However, these last few days had exhausted even her. Plus, most of the people approaching her were more interested in networking than in the new bride and groom, and she really wasn't in the mood for that.

On top of that, Arnav was nowhere to be found, so she couldn't pass the leeches off to him.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," Aman said, appearing at her side. "Could I have a minute? There's an issue with the caterers."

Anjali excused herself and followed Aman. However, instead of leading her to the kitchen, he led her to a quiet corner and offered her a glass of juice. "You looked like you could use a break."

"How do you always know what I need?" she said, gratefully gulping down the liquid.

It was meant to be rhetorical, but he answered anyway. "How could I not?"

She felt her insides warm. How could someone as perfect as Aman fall in love with her, of all people? She didn't deserve it.

She knew that, and yet, she felt her resistance crumbling. Smiling softly, she placed a hand on his shoulder before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his cheek.

When she looked at his face again, the combination of shock and delight almost made her laugh. "I--"


The panic in Arnav's voice as he called out to her caused the words to die on her lips.

"What is it, Chote?" she said, turning to look at him, concerned by the tension written all over his face. NK, Lavanya and Khushi stood just behind him. Lavanya looked as unperturbed as always, but Khushi looked unusually pale and NK's eyes were darting around nervously.

"We have to go out for a little bit; can you cover for us?"

Anjali blinked. "Go out where? What's going on?"

"I'll explain later, okay? Thanks."

"Explain what?"

But they were already leaving. "Do you believe this?" Anjali complained to Aman in disbelief.

Aman shook his head. "Let's go see to the guests, then."

She nodded and they joined the main throng of people again.

Anjali had no idea that fifteen minutes ago, the four of them had been outside in a secluded garden, with a stranger pointing a gun at them.

The man's hand was shaking violently. It was easy to see that he didn't want to shoot anyone, but desperation and panic had driven him to this point.

But Arnav knew that it was in desperation and panic that people made mistakes, and it was highly possible that he would accidentally shoot. And at the moment, Khushi was in the line of fire.

"Okay," Arnav said, trying to sound calm. "Whatever you want. You want to leave? Leave. We won't stop you."

The man's eyes flickered to him and he nodded jerkily. "All of you, get your hands in the air. Now go face the wall over there."

He watched with wild eyes as they complied. As soon as their backs were turned, he ran.

Khushi lowered her arms as soon as his footsteps faded. "He's going into the hall," she said to Lavanya, panicked. "What if he hurts someone there?"

She shook her head as she pulled out her phone. "No, he was already putting his weapon away. He only wants to get out of here; if no one tries to stop him, everything will be fine."

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