The Toils of Akash

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All I need to do is convince Ma. Akash looked at his mother, who was listening with rapt attention as NK described his day. If I can do that, then I'm worthy of Payal.

He cleared his throat. "Ma, I need to talk to you."

"Yes, Akash bitwa," his mother chirped.

"I...uh...never mind. We can talk later."

Arnav leaned over and whispered to Anjali, "He'll never be able to do it."

"Wanna bet?"

"200,000 Rupees to your favorite charity if he convinces her. 200,000 to mine if he can't. And you can't help him."



"My NK works so hard," Manorama exclaimed the next morning as Akash sat down for breakfast.

He had to hide his smirk at Arnav's exasperated expression. "Where is he anyway?" Akash asked, looking around.

"At the hospital. He left at 5:30 this morning for an emergency."

"Thank God," Arnav said. Everyone gave him incredulous looks. "What?"

"An emergency means somebody got hurt," Aarav answered. "Are you happy that somebody got hurt?"

"No, of course not. I'm just happy that NK is the doctor looking at them...because he's a good doctor."

"Nice save, Bhai," Akash whispered sarcastically.

"A child has more common sense than you, Chote," Di added.

"Anyway," Manorama said. "After I find a girl for you, Akash Bitwa, I'll find someone for NK, too. His mother already gave me that task."

"Akash will only get married after Chote," Deviyani said, ever so patiently.

Manorama huffed. "But Arnav bitwa doesn't want to get married. So does that mean my Akash will never get married?"

"Chote will get married," Devyani declared.

"I'm sitting right here, you know," Arnav grumbled.

"Dadiji, what if I like someone? Will I still have to wait for Bhai?"

"You like someone?" Manorama asked ecstatically. "Is it a girl from the pictures I gave you? I bet she's a hundred times prettier than that middle-class girl."

"Actually, Ma, I'm talking about Payal."

"What do you mean? You said yourself you weren't interested in her! My poor bitwa; she's entrapped you again! You go to the office one day with her and you change your mind. What magic did she do on you?"

"Ma, calm down. I haven't even talked to her since then. And I never said I wasn't interested in her."

"You said--"

"I said that we couldn't get married. Because at that time, I thought I wasn't worthy of her. But I realized that I can't just give up. I need to become the person she needs."

"What are you talking about? You already are the person she needs--rich!"


"She will never be my daughter-in-law. End of discussion!"

Akash looked helplessly towards Di who lifted her hands up in a Sorry gesture.

Breakfast continued in tense silence.


"So when are you going to pay up?" Arnav gloated as he buckled himself in.

"It isn't over yet," Di replied.

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