1: Mother-Daughter-Reunion

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A/N: This is my first longer story I write and English is not my fist language. Still I did my best and hope you enjoy the story. Please feel free to point  out mistakes in my language and storytelling and comment on what you like and dislike. Just be civil:) and not evil. Without further ado:
Clarke and Anya grasped forearms. After all they have been through after the Mountain Men they would part ways to seek peace. Anya would get an audience with the Commander and Clarke would do her part by convincing her people to ally with the clans and bring down their common enemy.
Anya walked away from the camp and Clark looked after her when, suddenly, a shot disrupted the silent air. The General screamed, sinking to the ground.
"Anya," Clarke shouted and sprinted towards her when a second shot rang through the air and a sharp pain in Clarke's shoulder let her sink to the ground beside Anya. She immediately saw the red stain on Anya's shoulder.
Anya groaned.
"Hey, Anya! Can you hear me?"
Anya groaned again.
Good enough for Clarke. "This wound is most likely not lethal, but if you stay here they will definitely finish the job! You have to go!"
They both could hear the guards nearing as Clarke helped Anya to her feet. But Anya did not survive the Maunon just to be taken in or killed by the Sky People! With Clarkes help she scrambled to her feet and ran to the tree line holding her bleeding shoulder. She knew a place nearby where she could hide and wait for potential search parties to lose her.
Clarke turned away from the spot where she saw Anya just a second ago and was immediately knocked to the ground by multiple guards. She heard someone shout, "You three, search for the other one. She can't be far!" And then more shouting in the distance. Her vision became blurry and the guards dragged her limp body back to the camp.
Everything faded into a blur after the gate to the camp opened. Clarke's mother came into her daughter's view. Clarke was brought to medical.
Clarke opened her eyes, her mother beside her. She immediately was hit by a wave of emotions. Her mother beside her, but she also needed to save her friends in the mountain. Hopefully Anya got away to the Commander. They needed to join forces against the mountain and they needed peace.
"Where is Anya?" Clarke's voice was raspy, "How long was I asleep?"
"Ten hours," Abby replied, "How do you feel, darling?"
"Mom?" Clarke just couldn't believe what she saw. "But, I saw your ship crashing."
"I wasn't on board," Abby smiled lovingly.
Clarke started crying from relieve. She might have hated her mother for what she did to her father and she took revenge by taking of her bracelet, but almost loosing her, made her realise, that she never wanted to lose her other parent too. She hugged her mother in a tight hug.
After a while, though, she remembered the shooting. Clarke pulled away and looked around.
"What is it?" Abby asked.
"Where is the one I was with yesterday?" Clarke now looked into her mother's eyes.
"The guards lost the grounders track." Then Abby's eyes narrowed. "What did you do with this grounder? Did he hurt you? Why did the grounder bring you back?"
Clarke felt anger rise inside of her. "Did she hurt me? The Ark's guard shot at me! They could have killed me. And most importantly Anya. If she is dead, so are our chances at peace with the grounders!" Clarke's voice rose with every sentence.
"Why would you want peace with the grounders? They kidnapped you. How did you escape?" Abby looked confused.
Clarke took a deep breath before she answered, "I escaped with Anya's help. And I escaped from the mountain, not the grounders." Then she had a question: "Why do you randomly shoot people outside the camp?"
Immediately Abby got defensive, saying, "We have to protect ourselves. They are..."
Clarke interrupted, "They are not the problem. We can help each other. The Mountain Men took us, not the grounders. They are dangerous." Thinking about the mountain made Clarke think about the people, that weren't there and she asked yet another question, "Has anyone from the 100 survived? Where are Finn and Bellamy? And Raven?...And why do you have a pin? I thought you weren't a member of the council anymore." Clarke had so many questions at once. But she could't slow down. She needed to know what was going on and save her friends in the mountain. At that thought Clarke tried to sit up just to be pushed down gently by her mother. "You need rest. And for the pin, I'm acting chancellor now. Thelonious didn't make it to the ground and Kane leads a small group to seek and audience with the Commander and negotiate for peace." Clarke noticed, that her mother wasn't answering her question about her friends. Her heart pounded in her chest as she asked, "What happened to my friends? Are they...are they dead?" Her voice broke. She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer. Clarke sat up to look her mother in her eyes and this time Abby let it happen. In an attempt to calm her, Abby grabbed Clarke's arm. "We found six. Finn and Bellamy are out searching for you. We thought the grounders had you."
Clarke's head pounded slightly. She had to think about everything. Sort it out. Anya was most likely still alive. Her friends were trapped in Mount Weather. Some are at the camp and Bellamy and Finn are searching for her. Also her mother was Chancellor, Kane was on his one mission to seek peace and there was no time to waste. "We have to find Bellamy and Finn. They need to know that I'm okay and the mountain is the real threat. And then we have to join forces with the grounders and take the mountain down!"
Abby immediately said, "What you have to do is rest. Now we are hear to take care of stuff." And before Clarke could get a word in, the woman of the guard, that took Clarke in yesterday, came in and announced, "The kids are back and they have an injured person with them!"

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