Bonus chapter: Clexa OS - New Year

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A/N: This story is a bonus chapter for new year. It's a Clexa OneShot, so not a part of my story, and very light to read. It's nothing too complicated, but if you let the story carry you like a slow river, you might enjoy it...


It was their first new year celebration since they fell to the ground and made peace with the grounders. Lexa had invited Clarke and all her friends to join the festivities in Polis. Clarke was so excited to see how the grounders would celebrate the new year. Lexa had already told her, that this celebration symbolised a new beginning and the cleansing of the past. But she wouldn't tell Clarke more.

"I can't believe, your girlfriend invited all of us to celebrate new year in Polis, Clarke. I don't even know what to wear," Raven beamed jumping around the room.

Clarke smiled and shook her head, "She is not my girlfriend, Raven. And you can wear what you always wear."

Raven snorted, "Sure, Lexa absolutely is not your girlfriend. And Clarke, seriously, I can't just wear this," she looked down on her raggedy clothes, "Anya will be in Polis."

"Oh, so you want to dress up for your crush?" Octavia teased.

Raven tried to playfully slap Octavia, but the young girl was too fast. "Well, we can't all have a boyfriend like you, O," Raven commented and faked looking distraught.

"Well, Raven, if you want to impress Anya, wear a bearskin to the - what you'd say - party," Linkon said, his lips twitching up into a smirk.

Raven stuck out her tong and the other laughed.

"Raven, woe her with her genius and you won't need your looks anymore," Clarke sarcastically suggested to Raven.
Ignoring the sarcasm, Raven gave a thumbs up and agreed, "You are so right, Clarkie. By the way, obviously I'm driving us to Polis."

Octavia widened her eyes and quickly said, "Linkon and I will take our horses. It wouldn't be enough space for all of us in the car either way."

Clarke tried to hold back her laughter and failed. Snorting she turned to Raven and teased, "Ouch, Octavia doesn't trust you, mhm?"

"That doesn't matter, Clarke, since I'll have enough people to testify to my great driving skills," she grinned, "You, for example..."

Now Octavia and Linkon laughed and left the room. "Well, we still have things to do, see you later," Octavia said and dragged Linkon out of the door.

"Sure, THINGS," Raven commented.

"As long as their on time..." Clarke looked at Raven and added, "I'll go and do stuff, too. See you later."

When it was time to leave, Clarke counted a last time. Jasper, Monty, Harper, Monroe, Miller, Fox, Bellamy, Gina, Linkon, Octavia, Raven and herself. Since Octavia and linkon were riding to Polis, they'd only need two cars. Raven driving the one, Monty the other. Unfortunately Raven started picking her group, so Clarke ended up on the passenger seat next to Raven joined by Bellamy, Gina and Miller. Monty, Jasper, Harper, Monroe and Fox were the other group. Before Raven started the car, she shouted to Octavia and Monty, "You'll never be in Polis faster than me," and started the car, immediately racing off. In fear for their life the others clawed their hands into the seats and pressed their eyes shut.

But Raven managed not to crash the car and park it at the gates of Polis in one peace. Bellamy got out of the car and emptied his stomach in the nearest bush. Clarke felt nauseous, but managed keep her lunch in. "Remind me to never drive with you, again!" she said to Raven. Almost 30 minutes later Monty arrived at the gates, too, and they went in together. It would take Octavia and Linkon a little while more to arrive on horse. Upon entering the streets of Polis the group immediately dispersed. There were booths everywhere and they all wanted to explore. Only Clarke and Raven had a destination. They headed to the tower. Lexa promised to wait there for Clarke and Anya wouldn't be too far away from Lexa. When they reached the tower the guards let Clarke and Raven in and there waited Lexa and with her Anya. Clarke went to Anya, they grasped their forearms and greeted each other. Raven went to Lexa and nodded, "Hey, Commander. Nice to meet you again." Lexa nodded back, saying, "I glad to see you again, too. I hope you'll enjoy the celebrations." Raven eyed Anya and responded, "So do I." Then Clarke turned to Lexa and Raven went over to Anya. She greeted her, "Hey, Cheekbones."

"Striksora," Anya responded and nodded to Raven.

Clarke on the other hand hugged Lexa as a greeting. After that they went out into the crowed and Lexa showed Clarke all her favourite stalls. The last one was the one where Lexa stood the longest at. It was a little booth with candles in all shapes and sizes. Lexa's eyes glowed with joy as she showed Clarke all the different candles and asked Clarke to choose her favourite candles. While Clarke struggled to pick her favourite candle, Lexa had already picked 20 and put them on the counter. Then she stepped to Clarke again and whispered in her ear, "You are allowed to pick more than one, you know." So Clarke decided to take one ornately decorated, one with a stunning scent and one made from bee wax. After all, who doesn't like honey and wax scented candles.

When she finally turned towards the counter, she stopped dead in her tracks. She slowly turned her head to Lexa, blinked and finally asked, "Ehm, Lexa, are that all your candles?"

"Yes, Clarke," Lexa nodded, "candles are an essential part of my life. You can't possibly have too many candles. But don't worry. These," she motioned to her 20 candles, "are just the candles for tonight. That are the candles for new year."

Clarke looked at Lexa, looked at the candles, looked at Lexa and shook her head. "How are you gonna carry these?" she asked and put her three candles to the others. From a pouch in her clothes Lexa pulled some money and fur bags out. She paid for the candles and put them carefully into the bag. On their way out, Lexa leaned over to Clarke and told her, "Now let's go to the tower. From the roof you have the best view of the festivities. And since the Fleimkepa leads the ceremony, I can just be there with you. Only I've you'd like, though." Lexa sheepishly looked to the ground. Clarke gave her a slight nudge with her shoulder and Lexa looked back up at her. "I'd love to, Lexa. Are the candles for the roof?"

Clarke could swear a light red colour stained Lexa's cheeks as she answered, "Yes."

On the roof of the tower was a bench and around that Lexa put the candles and lit all 23 of them. Then Clarke and Lexa sat next to each other and Clarke put an arm around Lexa. Lexa looked at her and smiled. This moment was perfect. Clarke's face was only lit by the candles around them and Clarke looked lovingly at her. The Fleimkepa's voice carried through the air as he spoke the ritual words to guide Polis into the new year, but up here, Clarke and Lexa couldn't make out words, it was just the words carrying around them. They inched closer to each other, careful not to break the moment and finally their lips met, carefully at first, slowly asking for permission, testing their limits. Their eyes were closed and the yellow shimmer of the candles and the movement of the chanting slowly carried them further and deeper into giving into each other...


A/N: Thanks for reading this story. Tell me how you liked it.
The plan for next year is to keep updating on Mondays. At first I'll still update twice a month, but I will try to get back to updating four times a month again. We'll see how this goes.
For now, happy new year and maybe you can cleanse yourself from the past and freshly start into the new year. And if not that, at least I'll still be around and I hope this helps at least a little bit.
Until then: Lexa x Candles forever.

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