44: According to plan

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In the middle of the night, a few hours before Bellamy blew up the acid tanks, Clarke and the others reached Heda's army. Now everyone was gathered and now they could move out. And so would the dam-crew.

A little while later, they did move out. The Skaikru knew exactly were the border to the fog were. They waited there until Bellamy informed them over the radio, that the fog was disabled. Then they marched on. Heda and Clarke at the front. Some of the Trikru moving on the ground, some in the trees scouting out the area ahead. Amongst the seasoned warriors were Skaikru with guns and rifles. An eery calm settled over the group the closer they came to the Mountain. And soon they reached the clearing in front of the big and formerly impenetrable door of Mt. Weather. Now the army would wait while a few of them rig the explosives to the door. Now the dam had to fall and the'd be as good as in.

At the same time Raven's small task force moved through the woods. She was carried by a Trikru warrior and even with her on the back, he was faster than Sinclair and Wick. Soon they reached the dam. Because Raven didn't bring the cane - it would've only hindered the running - the Trikru had to support her. Immediately Raven and the warrior and Sinclair and Wick started preparing the bombs, but it took time. Time, that they didn't have. They had already rigged up two of the turbines and Wick had just started with the third one, when they heard footsteps. Two workers entered the room. When they saw the intruders, one of the workers immediately backed away and grabbed their radio and the other ran over to Wick and pulled him away from the turbine. Just the blink of an eye later, the worker fell to the ground. A sword stuck out from the back, dark crimson blood staining the floor, quickly becoming more. And while their companion fell to the ground, the worker with the radio could only stammer, "I-Intruders, at the...the...", wide eyes trained on their dead friend, when a blood stained blade cut him down as well.
Raven heard a sputter coming out of Wick's direction and saw him spit out blood and wipe some from his face.
"Oh my god, are you okay, Wick?" Raven asked and hobbled over to him as quick as she could, using the railing around the place to support her weight.
Wick collected himself for a long moment, looking down at the dead body in a blue hazmat suit.
"Yeah," he finally said with a thin voice, "yeah, it's not my blood."
Wick looked over to were he stood before and his face went even paler than before. There were glass shards under the turbine. And all around the shards was the explosive powder. When the worker had grabbed Wick, the jar had slipped out of his hand and shattered on the ground.
Sinclair and the Trikru warrior came closer and when Sinclair saw the broken jar, his face paled as well. "We can't blow up all the turbines now. We don't have a spear."
Raven nodded slowly, "and without this turbine down, the power will stay on."
"Is there nothing else we could do?" Wick asked, the desperation clear in his voice.
Raven looked at Sinclair and he looked back at here. They were both out of ideas. Slowly Raven shook her head no, but then she hesitated. She looked at Sinclair again, narrowing her eyes in thought. Slowly she thought aloud, "The turbines are connected. If we take out four turbines, the fifth get turned down, so it doesn't overload. I've I could deactivate this failsafe..."
"...the turbine would blow up," Sinclair finished the thought.
"A critical failure? On purpose?" Wick asked, his face questioning, but then changing to determined. "Let's do it. Raven, you work on the last turbine while Sinclair and I rig up the last two explosives."
"And you need to hurry," a voice behind Raven made them jump. "More of them will be coming, I'll stand watch." The Trikru warrior stood behind Raven gave her a rod, he picked up after he took out the second worker for walking without him, was what he said. Then he turned away to keep and eye on the door from were guards would soon come.

Cage was walking through the corridors of the decontamination and isolation wing. He was carrying a tray of food for his father. He needed him now. He let himself be outmanoeuvred by a bunch of savages. But his father could save everyone.
Trying for a neutral expression Cage opened the door to his father's room. He sat down the food next to his father and sat down opposite of him in an armchair.
"Come on," he tried to start this conversation with his father, "you haven't eaten in two days. And I brought your favourite." He looked at Dante.
But his father looked away. He was not in the mood for this pretence, "How bad is it?" He scoffed at the confused gaze his son gave him. "Come on. I know that you're not just here to bring me food."
Cage looked down. "It's bad. Really bad. They're going after our power supply. I already sent a team out to the damn, but there is an entire army waiting at the front gates...They must have figured out that there is a delay." After his father still didn't say anything, he added, "I underestimated the Commander, okay. Is it that what you wanted to hear?"
At that Dante looked up and with a bitter voice he corrected Cage, "It wasn't the Commander. This is Clarke's doing" He looked up at his son, "and yours."
Pleading, Cage started, "Dad...", but Dante cut him off, "You've killed us. Just a week in office and you've managed to turn neighbour against neighbour and the enemy is closer than ever. They hate us more than ever and they're more powerful than ever. You've just lost our defences, the door, that stood firm for almost a century, will soon fall and an army of savages will soon kill all of us in our own home."
After a moment of silence Cage demanded, "Tell me how to stop it...Please. I need your help. Your people need your help!"
But Dante just stood up and walked over to stare at the opposite wall.
Cage sighed and walked over to the old painting in the room. He had it brought down here for his father, but he didn't even take of the cover. So now he did. One last effort to convince his father. "They will destroy everything in here. Not just us. But our history. Our art. Your art."
When Dante didn't react to that, Cage sighed again and turned to leave..
But when he grabbed the door handle, his father spoke, "Wait!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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