5: Mob law?

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TW: Slight violence!
Her head shoots up. There is a commotion in front of her tent. And further away she heard strange noises, coming from the training pits in TonDC.
"They deserve it! They have destroyed all our stocks. Of course they want justice," one voice says. Another voice whispers loudly and annoyed, "The general will decide how to punish the boys, and when she finds out what you have done, she will not be happy!" That caught Anya's interest. Whatever they were arguing about, now she wanted to know. She stood up from the stool she fell asleep on last night, ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her posture. Then she stepped out of the tent, startling the two arguing villagers. "About what will I not be happy?" she demanded to know. Both villagers avoided eye contact. "I have asked you a question!" she said threateningly, deepening her scowl. "What were you talking about?" The first man, a young lad that looked like a farmer boy, hurried to say, "Nothing of importance, general. We just had a little disagreement about something. Nothing you need to worry about." He was obviously lying, so Anya turned to the second middle-aged guy and subtly let a hand rest on the hilt of her sword, "I won't ask again. What is going on here?" This guy looked up at her and immediately looked away again, he knew Anya was not in the mood for more stories, so he answered, "Some villagers have taken the boys to the pits to take justice for burning our stock for the winter."
Anya felt rage bubbling inside her. "Where is Alura? She was supposed to stand guard." The middle-aged man answered again, "She is with Nyko. She tried her best to keep the crowed calm, but the just overran her." If not before, now Anya was pissed. Without another word she strode towards the training grounds and ever from here she heard the cheering and saw the large crowed gathered in front of her. When she reached the crowed, people immediately stepped aside and Anya strode to the very front, where she saw the Skaikru boys trying and failing to defend themselves from three villagers, built like boulders. That Finn boy laid on the ground, curled up an a ball, covering his had with his hand, while being kicked over and over again by one of the guys. The other boy - impressive enough - was still on his feet, but rambling incoherently in a pitiful attempt to calm the two villagers down that circled him.
"Wan daun! (Stop!) What is going on here?" Anya glared at the three men and then turned to the crowed, "Jok of, dison ste odon! (Fuck off, this here is over.)" The crowed quickly began to dispersed. Before everyone was gone, she called out to a group of three, "You three will get the Skaikru boys back to their cell. And if you dare to touch them, I will personally cut off your hands. Is that understood?" They were smart enough to not anger their general further and took the boys back to their cells. Only the three men stayed behind and one was not smart enough to keep his mouth shut, saying angered, "Worheda, jus drein jus daun. (General, blood must have blood.) This goufas burned our entire stock. We demand justice." The other two just looked away, suddenly not that interested anymore in their justice.
Anya drew her sword and hold it to the rude man's neck. "I am a general in Heda's army. I told you, their fate would be decided in the morning. Yet you chose to disrespect me? You go against my direct order and decide to beat up goufas (children) three against two? Have you any clue how bad that could have ended for the coalition? Heda will not be happy when she hears about that treachery." The other two men looked ashamed. "You will be on stable duty until Heda arrives when you're not working. Then she will decide how she wishes to proceed with you."
The two men scrambled away in fear. Good, they wouldn't bother Anya anymore. But the angry man obviously decided to double down. "This is not your village. You do not get to decide how to punish this kriponon (criminals)," he spat in Anya's face. Anya's mouth turned into a small line and her eyes darkened. "You will show respect to a representative of the coalition or..." before she could finish her sentence, this idiot swung at her. In a swift move she redirected her sword and knocked the guy out with the hilt of her sword. Branwada. Anya dragged him to the centre of the village and tied him to a post, standing there. He would wait for Heda's arrival here. While she tied the man to the post, a small crowed gathered and when Anya was done she addressed the crowed, "This man tried to attack me, for this he will stay here until Heda arrives. By attacking me, he attacked her, so she will decide his punishment. No one is to give him any food or water or they will be tied next to him. Is that understood?" There were a few murmurs of affirmation in the crowed. "Very well. There will be a meeting in an hour to discuss the most recent events and the loss of the food stock. Make sure everyone attends." With that Anya turned around and went to the holding cell. It was basically a cellar with a metal door you could lock. She had to check on her prisoners after what happened and then she wanted to check on Alura. When she arrived she saw the boy she didn't know tend to Finn kom Skaikru. Finn looked badly beaten, but was conscious and wailed about his pain. She took it as a positive sign. She didn't want to interact with her prisoners, but the boys noticed her and the not-Finn-one rushed to the door. "You have to let us out. This crazy mob almost killed us. My friends needs to see a doctor!"
Anya cut him off, "Your actions have consequences. You burned down our entire stock for the winter and threatened us with fayoguns. I would have every right to kill you right now. But I'm not going to do that. And I will make sure, that my people will not attack you again. And for your friend, our healer can take a look at him later."
"Thank you."
Well at least this boy had manners. "I'm not doing this as a courtesy to you. Let that be assured to you."
Sarcasm answered her, "Well, sucks to be us than. I should have gotten rid of him when there was still time." He obviously referred to Finn kom Skaikru and Anya wasn't quiet sure, whether he was joking or not.
"Maybe you should have. It would have saved me the headache of dealing with this nuisance."
With that she left the holding cell to go to Nyko and find Alura.

A/N: I for sure thought we would reach the part where Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia reach the village, but I guess you will have to wait for the next part.
Thank you all for reading and please feel free to comment. Let me know what you think of the story so far and tell me whether you want more author's notes or less.
To be continued...

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