42: Uprise in the mountain

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AN: I'm sorry, that I've been gone for so long, but be assured, I didn't forget this story and I WILL finish it. But updates might only come sporadically for the future. It's harder than I thought to plan a battel.


After their talk with Bellamy Clarke turned on her heel. A new plan formed in her mind. If they couldn't break Emerson, she'd use him to distract the Maunon and have them look at her, not Bellamy.

Confused the other's looked at Clarke leaving. Kane was the first to catch himself and he went behind her, the others following a step behind.

"Where are you going, Clarke? What are you up to?" Kane asked, but Clarke didn't reply. She was to focused at her task. Once they arrived at Emerson's air lock Clarke activated the communicator and spoke with an ice cold voice, "Put on your hazmat suit. You're going home."

20 minutes and Indra threatening Abby after she challenged Clarke later, they were taking Emerson to the gates of Camp Jaha. "Open the gates!" Clarke instructed the guards, that immediately followed her order. Then Clarke turned to Emmerson, "It's a five hour walk to Mt. Weather?" she looked at how much oxygen Emerson had left and let some out, then she looked up again, "You're gonna do it in six. And if you make it," she pasued, a smirk around her lips, "tell them, that we're coming."

Emmerson knew, that Clarke didn't count on his survival. She didn't care. But he had to warn his people. And he had to keep his family safe. His children. And for them he'd make it. He turned on his heels and took of. Not looking back.

At the same time in the mountain Bellamy just arrived at the cages. He swiped Lovejoy's card and the door opened. He immediately was met with hostility. While he made his way through the rows hands tried to grab at him. Reach him. Probably to kill him. In their eyes he was a guard. And the guards were the enemies. But one person would recognise him. At that moment he arrived at her cage. The one next to her still empty. Recognition lit up her face and Bellamy stepped closer. He unlocked her cage and while she crawled out of her prison he spoke, "You have to open the other cages. But this is the only key. Keep an eye on the door, I don't know when guards will come again. Be ready to fight. You are the army that will take down the mountain from the inside. Your commander and her army will distract them for as long as possible. Wait for their signal." He gave the girl the key and turned on his heels. She didn't stop him. She had a task now and so had Bellamy still. But he realised, he had no clue where the acid tanks were. maya probably knew it, but she was of to get a resistance together. So Bellamy's only option was to return to the radio and hope, Maya would come back soon. In the meantime he listened to the talk of the other guards. How fortunate, that the radios were still connected. For one or two hours nothing much happened, but then a new voice came from the radio, "To all units, this is the president speaking. Move forward with the operation. We need everyone to get one child out of the room. Dr. Tsing will be going in with you."

Bellamy froze. This voice was so young. That wasn't the old man Clarke had been talking about. But he was the president? And now he ordered one of The 100 to be taken for bone marrow extractions. He took the radio. "This is Bellamy, do you copy?" he spoke into the radio.

For a couple of long seconds he got no answer, but then the radio crackled to life and Raven spoke, "I copy. What's the matter? By the way, you forgot the over, Bellamy. Over."

"This is not the times for jokes, Raven. They are taking our people now." He listened to the loud bangs in the background and heard guards shouting, "Retreat!" He turned back to the radio and spoke again, "On the other hand it sounds like our people are putting up a fight. But I don't know how long they can hold themselves."

"Okay. I'll inform Clarke. She is getting ready to leave with our part of the army. Only a few more hours. Is the fog disabled? Over."

"I'm still working on that. But when you arrive, it will be down. Over."

"So will our target. Good luck Bellamy."

"Thanks, Ray. To you too. And yu forgot the over. Over."

Bellamy smirked and Raven just scoffed.

"Get back to work Bell. And over."

At that moment Maya returned. She looked worried. "The guards are fighting with your people. This won't end well. But at least my father and some others are on our side. What about you?" She asked.

Bellamy looked her in the eyes and answered, "The cages are handled. How do I get to the acid tanks?"

After Maya explained him the way, they separated again. Bellamy headed of to the tanks and she rejoined the resistance. If you could call this people that. Until now they hadn't done much, but refuse blood transfusions. That however, was on a completely different level.

While Bellamy was heading through the mountain to destroy the acid tanks a figure appeared on the screen in Cage's office. The security cameras caught a figure in a hazmat suit stumbling towards the door on top of the mountain. Just in front of the door he collapsed. Immediately Cage jumped from his chair. On his way out he grabbed an oxygen bottle and went out. He felt so good walking outside without ever needing a suit again. He changed the oxygen bottle on the suit and looked at the man. Emerson was back. His best man. He soon would also never need to rely on such a suit again.

Emerson caught his breath and finally propped himself up. "The Outsiders prepare for an attack, sir. We should find out what they're planning immediately."

"Of course," Cage replied, "but first we stop at the med bay. Soon you will walk the earth with us without a suit."

However, soon Cage's confidence would waver and he'd ask his father for advice. He wasn't the leader he saw himself as after all.

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