13: Heda's arrival and grounder's lore

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A/N: In this chapter, Heda will arrive, but since she needs to talk to Anya first, Clarke's and Lexa's first meeting will happen in chapter 14. In this chapter, Clarke will learn more about the grounders.
Aaaand I'm sorry for updating so late, I simply forgot that I didn't do it, yet.
Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia, Alura and Anya waited at the entrance of TonDC for the arrival of this mysterious leader of the grounders. Some time has passed since the messenger arrived and everyone gathered at the entrance. The tense silence in the group was disrupted by one of the lookouts shouting, "I see the Heda!" The three Skaikru grew more nervous, Bellamy was clenching his fists and Clarke was nervously stepping her foot, but she quickly stopped when she saw Anya's look.
Anya stepped in front of Skaikru and Alura stood a little behind her and then came Skaikru. Almost immediately after they took formation, two guards on horses came through the entrance of the village. They were followed by a young woman with long black hair and a dark skinned women, that looked like she would kill you even faster than Anya. Clarke wondered whether this woman was 'Heda'. This two women were followed by even more guards, all on horse. Clarke was again astonished, that horses survived on the ground without significant mutations. The two guards in front dismounted their horses and handed the reigns to some villagers, that were to take all horses to the stables, the two women behind them followed suit and went over to Anya and Alura, who both bowed and murmured, "Heda." Then Anya looked up again and continued, "Hello, Indra, I'm glad you're back. TonDC needs their chief now." The black haired woman and the dark sinned one both nodded their head and the one, Clarke thought was Indra spoke, "Who are these three?" signalling towards the three Skaikru, "I've never seen them here." Anya turned to her, "This are Octavia, Bellamy and Clarke kom Skaikru, but I think, we better discuss everything in private." The black haired woman nodded and Anya, the Heda and Indra went towards the Heda's tent. When Clarke wanted to follow them, she was held back by Alura. "This is a private meeting, Heda will probably even leave most of her guards out of earshot. Maybe Gostos, her personal guard, is allowed to stay, be we are definitely not to be part of this meeting. For now we should just use our time while waiting. I could teach you more Trigedasleng or we could fight."
Bellamy seriously doubted, that he'd need to learn Trigedasleng and Octavia wanted to fight more. She wanted to learn how to fight better, but she also wanted to spend more time with the kids.
Clarke on the other hand said, "If I get an audience with the commander, I want to be as good in Trigedasleng as I can be in this short amount of time. I think, we should learn more Trigedasleng."
Since Bellamy knew, how important that was to Clarke, he agreed, but when Octavia said, she would go to fight with the children in the pit, he quickly decided to join her, much to the annoyance of his little sister. So Bellamy and Octavia went to the pit while Alura walked Clarke to a green clearing in TonDC, where she would prepare the leader of the 100 to meet the leader of the 12 clans.
Alura decided, it would be best, if Clarke knew a little about the political structure as well as Trigedasleng, so she decided to explain Clarke a little bit about background of the clans and their language as well as teaching her important Trigedasleng phrases.
"Down here, twelve clans formed after the bombs fell, you landed in Trikru territory, the Tree People's lands. Heda is Trikru as well. The Maunon, the Mountain Men, are enemies to all the clans, because we are in a coalition, where the enemy on one is the enemy of all. But because the Mountain stands in Trikru territory, we are the prime target of them. Close to the Skaikru camp is the border to Azgeda, the Ice Nation. Be careful around them, their queen is a snake and many follow her example. Nevertheless, Azgeda became part of the coalition. Also close is Ouskejon Kru, Blue Cliff in your language. Important to know is, that the Heda, is the leader of the twelve clans and the most powerful person around. The Heda can decide laws and execute and decide punishments, though the twelve ambassadors, from each clan one, council her. Heda holds authority, because in her lives the spirit of Bekka Pramheda, the first commander. And this is interesting, Bekka Pramheda fell from the Skai, just like you."
Clarke furrowed her brows. That was interesting, maybe their histories were more entwined than they all knew. She would have to get more information about that later.
"I think that is all the background you need. Now, what do you know in Trigedasleng, already?"
"I know how to introduce myself, I know the phrase 'Yu gonplei ste odon' and I know a little bit of healing terminology from Nyko."
Alura thought for a second. "Okay, introducing yourself in our language is good. For a better understanding of how the clans operate, you should also know 'Jus drein jus daun'. It means blood must have blood-"
Clarke interrupted, "So, it's like an eye for an eye?"
"I'm not quite sure, that's totally correct, but I think, you get the idea. I don't think, I can teach you more useful phrases, so do you have any questions for me?"
Clarke actually needed to think about that for a while and then decided for a question, "Could you tell me a little more about the travel of the soul?"
Alura ordered her thoughts for a moment and began to explain, "Our souls are eternal, but they inherit a mortal body. When someone dies, we burn their bodies, so their souls are free and can inherit new bodies. Heda's spirit is special, because it chooses a successor immediately. Normal spirits or souls, however you want to call them, take time to recover from life, before they reincarnate in a new body. If the body is not burned, the soul remains trapped in this body and on earth for all eternity."

A/N: I hope, you liked this little grounder lesson and are exited for Clarke's and Lexa's first meeting😍

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