6: Talks

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TW: Slight violence in the last paragraph (knife)!
When Anya entered Nyko's hut, Alura and Nyko were talking, but stopped and turned to Anya when they noticed her. Alura straightened her posture and asked, "What can I do for you, general."

"I just wanted to check on you. But for taking an entire crowed, you look better than I thought." The faint illusion of a smile made Anya's face softer for a moment.

"Alura has some bruises and chattered rips. And as you can see, her nose is broken, but apart from that, she can be glad to have trained under you. I have seen gona (warriors) double her size being only half that tough," Nyko complimented with a smile toward his patient. They seemed fond of each other and Anya would definitely keep an eye on them.

"There will be a meeting shortly to discuss the food stock and the vigilantism this morning. It is mandatory to attend. And I'm awaiting you nearby." With that Anya left the hut and went to her tent to check on the fayoguns of the Skaikru.


Anya stepped on the podium where normally Indra as the chief of TonDC would stand to address the crowed. But Anya knew from Nyko that Indra left after they thought her dead to inform Heda of the tragedy. Slowly the crowed gathered around the podium and when Anya felt like most of TonDC was there, she began to speak,

"People of TonDC,
your food stock for the winter was destroyed. Therefore we will need hunting parties to go out as soon as possible. About demanding food from Skaikru Heda will decide as they are not part of the coalition and thus any advance would be going against direct orders and attacking any Skaikru is an offence against the unspoken treaty that we do not engage with Skaikru without explicit orders from Heda. So, you all, keep in mind not to take out your anger on Skaikru. Justice will come with Heda's decision. She should arrive in a few days time. Who will go hunting?" The hunting parties were organised quickly and they left immediately. "Furthermore we have to discuss your actions this morning. It is unacceptable to go so directly against my orders, but I understand your frustration and anger. It is justified. They destroyed our stock for the winter, almost burned down this village and threatened our all lives. But you have to see the bigger picture. Violence will not benefit our fight against the Maunon, but maybe Skaikru will. But not if we keep being their enemies. Let Heda decide how to proceed. The always had our best interests in mind." Approving murmurs were heard from the crowed. But then a shout disrupted the air, "They will never bring justice. You are weak, Anya kom Trikru." Anya quickly searched the crowed and soon pinpointed the location of the troublemaker. "The fact that I knocked you out before you could throw the fist punch suggests otherwise." A few people laughed and one shouted, "Don't make it worse for yourself, Demin."

When no more disruptions were heard, Anya continued,
"Now to the two Skaikru boys. We will suggest a punishment to..." Anya went silent and signalled the crowed to stay silent as well. She listened carefully. Something was moving in the woods and it was no animal. But it couldn't be the hunters. They just left and the noises were too loud to be Trikru. So it was either the Maunon or Skaikru, searching for their comrades. Anya drew her sword and moved closer to the noise. The crowed parted to let her pass. Some drew weapons they had themselves and followed her. Then they saw a figure emerging from the tree line, followed by two others. Two had fayoguns strapped to their backs and one looked like a clanswoman. Anya blinked and then she recognised the blonde hair. She lowered her sword a little and called to the woman, "Hello, Klark kom Skaikru. What are you doing here?" She also recognised the other two now. The woman was Linkon's Skaikru girlfriend and the other was at the bridge when Clarke and Anya were first negotiating for peace. He had a gun back then and he had a gun now. That would have to change.

"We are searching our friends. Murphy and Finn. They were heading towards TonDC and they might pose a threat to you," Clarke answered. She new that sugarcoating things would just make the whole situation worse.

"You are too late. They already tried to kill us. But currently they are held here and I took their weapons."

"Is someone harmed?"

"Beside the boys? No. Luckily for you not. Bur I think the one you call Finn could use a visit from a doctor. I wanted to ask Nyko, but now that you are here..."

"Where are they?" Clarke stepped forward and immediately stopped dead in her tracks, because the crowed now pointed their weapons at her. "Chil doun (stand down)," Anya ordered the people. They reluctantly sheathed their weapons. "Disha hiton ste dula klin! (This meeting is over.)" The crowed slowly got back to their business, just Nyko and Alura came to Anya's side. "Due to recent events we do not allow Skaikru to carry fayoguns in this town. Please give this weapons to her." Anya pointed to Alura. "She will bring them to my tent where they are safely stored for you."

Clarke new that they would not get anything by arguing, so she looked to Bellamy and nodded her head in Alura's direction. He immediately protested, "Clarke, they are the enemy. We can not go in there unarmed."

"Then you won't go in at all. I trust Anya and I told you before, they are not the enemy, the Mountain Men are. Besides, can you blame them?" Bellamy looked to the ground, then handed his rifle to Clarke, who handed them to Alura, who brought them to Anya's tent.

"May we see Murphy and Finn now," Clarke asked and looked at Anya. She just turned around and started walking. Clarke caught up to her and decided to introduce Octavia and Bellamy, "By the way, this is Octavia and this is Bellamy." Anya just looked at Clarke for a second with a blank expression and then kept walking. Meanwhile Octavia was talking to Nyko, "Heya Naikou. How are you doing?"

"It's mostly business as usual, but I miss Linkon." There is a short pause. "Are you still learning Trigedasleng?"
Clarke stopped listening. She mentally prepared to meet Finn after everything that happened. She was afraid who he had become. Her thoughts were interrupted when Anya let them down some stairs, talking again, "This room is normally used for banquets, but since you can lock it, it now holds you friends."

When Anya stepped to the door to open it, Finn jumped up and ran towards her. Metal flashed and he brought down his knife. In the last moment Anya stepped back and slapped the knife out of Finn's hand, dropping the keys. Behind her they could hear a thin, unbelieving voice, "Finn?"

A/N: I hope this chapter wasn't too drawn out or long and I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know whether you prefer fewer and longer paragraphs like in chapter 1-5 or shorter and more paragraphs like in this chapter.
Thanks for reading and stay tuned...

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