9: The Karen did it.

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As Anya and Clarke entered the stables, they could see two people cleaning the stables. "I need to talk to you," Anya's voice rang through the air and startled the two guys. The larger one - Magnus - managed to pull himself together quickly and answered, "Sha, worheda?" Anya, true to her nature, cut directly to the point, "Who gave our prisoners the knife. And I don't want to hear excuses! I just want to know, how Finn kom Skaikru could obtain a knife." The two guys looked at each other and then looked back at Anya. "We don't know, general," the smaller one - Elsu - claimed. Clarke stepped nearer and Anya subtly rested a hand on her sword. Clarke began to speak, "Look, we want to know who did it, because Finn attacked your general with that knife..." Clarke stopped, just realising in how much trouble Finn was because of that. She really wanted to protect Finn and Murphy, but maybe this time she wouldn't be able to do so. She had helped so many of her friends when they got in trouble with the grounders, but this felt different. Her thoughts were interrupted by Anya's voice, "And believe me," Anya tightened her grip on her sword, "I will find out, who is responsible for this. And if you keep refusing to tell me, Heda might not be as forgiving as she could be, if I tell her, that you are still more loyal to the Heda then to traitors." Magnus and Elsu looked at each other for the second time and Magnus spoke again, "At first we wanted the two boys attack each other and to make it more interesting, Barn threw a knife in the ring, but soon it got boring, so we decided that we would seek our justice in a fight, the Skaikru boys against us. We knocked the knife out of the boys hand and a little later you stopped the fight. Finn must have snuck the knife to his cell, when they were taken. But you have seen him, they basically needed to drag him after the first few steps. That's probably why he didn't attack them." Clarke took a moment to process all of that. She wasn't really surprised by the news. Finn was capable of sneaking a weapon to his cell. He was for sure smart enough to think about that despite everything. But she still struggled to match the loving and caring Finn to the one that went rouge one a defenceless village. She stopped short. "Wait. Who is Barn?" she asked. "He is the third guy, that beat up your friends. He is currently tied to a pole," Anya answered. Clarke ask for more information, she really didn't want to know. But Anya wasn't done yet. She turned back to the two guys, "So you are telling me that you all forgot about a knife. You branwadas (idiots) were stupid enough to give a knife to a criminal? Ste yu koken?! (Are you crazy?!) Believe me, this will have consequences." She then turned to Clarke, "I will go to Barn now, you can go to the friends you came with.
With that Anya turned to the door and left. Clarke stood there stunned for a second and then decided to search her friends. She found them at the outskirts of TonDC where Octavia, Bellamy and Nyko trained in the fighting pit. At the moment Bellamy was fighting with Nyko while Octavia watched them. When Clarke stepped to Octavia silently, the other girl turned her head and Clarke could see the laughter Octavia tried to hold in and raised her eyebrows questioningly. But before Octavia could answer, they both heard a thud and then a grunt. They turned to Nyko and Bellamy and saw Bellamy on his back while Nyko stood over him smirking. "One can see that you learned how to fight in brawls and never had proper training. You reveal to much in your movements. You tend to over-swing. That's why you always land on your back," Nyko explained while offering Bellamy a hand to stand up. Bellamy you murmured, "Whatever," ignored Nyko's outstretched hand, rolled to the side and stood up, brushing himself off. Then he turned his head to Octavia and Clarke and came over. As he reached them he said bitterly, "Done talking, Princess? What have the 'grown-ups' talked about?" Someone was in a bad mood. Clarke held the urge to roll her eyes back and answered, "We found out how Finn got the knife and Anya taught me a little bit of Trigedasleng."
"Who did it?" Clarke almost jumped when she heard Nyko ask this question. And if Bellamy's eyes gave away anything, they both didn't hear Nyko nearing. Only Octavia didn't seem surprised at all. Quickly Clarke regained her composure and answered Nyko's question, "I don't remember his name, but Anya said he was currently tied to a pole." Nyko looked sad. "That would be Barn. He always had anger issues. And he is stubborn. He never would admit fault even when he knew he was at fault. I lost count how often I treated his wounds from another tavern fight. I never thought, he would go that far." Octavia laid a hand on Nyko's arm, offering some hopefully comforting words, "Some people go down a dark path and they are not lucky enough to have a brother like Bellamy, that goes every step of the way with you and helps you see the light and be a better version of yourself. Some people are beyond saving..." "...Though we must never stop trying," Clarke finished the thought. She thought about Linkon, Octavia's grounder boyfriend that was taken by the Mountain and she thought about Finn. She should have done more to help him out of this. Maybe she could save him. Nyko nodded and straightened his posture. "Do you want to train with us, Klark kom Skaikru? You never know, when it might be useful."
Clarke thought about it for a moment and then nodded.
"Okay, show me what you got," Nyko instructed her, walking towards the centre of the pit.

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