12: The calm before Heda

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After breakfast Nyko had to go back to his hut and take care of his patients and Clarke decided to join him. Anya wanted to check on the prisoners again and Bellamy joined her while Alura and Octavia went of to the fighting pits.
Bellamy expected Anya to go to Finn and Murphy, but instead she went into the guildhall and got three flasks of water and some mini-bread and meat. She told Bellamy to carry some of it and they went to a man tied to a pole and looking very thirsty. Anya crouched down beside him and gave him some water, but other than that she didn't interact and the man was seemingly not in the mood to say anything. But when Anya wanted to leave without giving him food he protested. Anya just cut it of by saying, "Be glad you got anything before Heda arrives," and went away. Bellamy followed her to the cell where Finn and Murphy were hold. They laid on the ground, but when they heard steps approaching, Finn got to his feet and Murphy weakly raised his head and eyed to door. He didn't show any other reaction when Anya and Bellamy stepped into view. "Step back from the door," Anya instructed and Bellamy nodded to Finn for reassurance. When Anya was satisfied with the distance, she opened to door and stepped into the cell. She sat down the water and the food and got out again. "Make the water last, I won't bring you more soon. But maybe Heda arrives today and decide your faith." But before Anya could lock the door again, Bellamy asked, "May I talk to them. They are my people after all." Anya looked at him, before answering his question, "If you want to. But I have to prepare for Heda's arrival, so I would lock you in with them and get you later." Bellamy thought about it for a second, then nodded and entered the cell. Anya closed and locked the door behind him and went to tend to her duties.
At the same time Octavia was training with Alura and some of the village kids. Training was less serious and more playful with them. That didn't mean Octavia didn't learn anything, but it was good for her to train with the kids, learn from and with them and let them take her mind off of everything going on at the moment.
Just across the village Clarke helped Nyko with a woman, who burned herself in the smithy. Clarke contributed her knowledge about burns from the Ark while Nyko taught her about herbs and other stuff, he uses for his medicine. Nyko treated the wound and then wanted to let the woman go, but Clarke was worried that she might get an infection and asked Nyko for the alga, she knew from treating the 100, that helped with Jasper's infection. She needed to do some explaining, but then Nyko understood, got the alga and instructed the woman to make a tee with it once a day and if it didn't get better to come back. After the woman exited the hut Nyko turned to Clarke, "I see, you are skilled in healing. I believe, we can gravely benefit from each others knowledge." Clarke just nodded, "I hope so."
Because Nyko had no other patients at the moment, they prepared more medicine and shared their knowledge. As they did so, Clarke asked Nyko to continue teaching her Trigedasleng and so Nyko explained the herbs and tools to her and taught her the words for them in Trigedasleng. When the next person that needed help came in, he taught her basic interaction in Trigedasleng and encouraged Clarke to talk to the man, while he helped with the Trigedasleng she didn't knew.
While Octavia was training with the children and Alura, Clarke and Nyko were in the healer's hut and Anya prepared for the Heda's arrival, Bellamy tried to ease Finn and Murphy's minds.

In the early afternoon, Anya and some villagers had put up the tent for their Heda and moved the throne and a bed like structure along with a table and chairs in. They were in the process of putting up candles when Alura and Octavia came to the tent, a messenger from the Heda in toe. Anya stopped putting up candles and approached the messenger while Alura and Octavia went to help with the candles.
"Heda will arrive soon and with her Indra. The Heda wishes to speak to you immediately in her tent. And she wishes to meet this Skaikru person that fled the mountain with you. I hope, Heda's tent is ready?" the messenger asked.
Anya pointed at the tent and said, "As you can see, we are ready. If you need food or water, go to guildhall." It was clear that Anya thought this messenger to be a complete idiot, but since it was someone Heda send, she remained civil.
As the messenger left, she called for Alura. She send her to get Clarke while she herself would get Bellamy. Alura and Octavia got Carke, while the villagers finished the tent and Anya went to get Bellamy.
Bellamy sat in the cell and held Murphy and Finn, they obviously cried. Maybe they now realised, that their actions could have serious consequences, Anya thought wile opening the door. "Bellamy, it's time to go. The Heda will arrive soon. A messenger has just arrived." Bellamy nodded, squeezed the boys one more time and stood up. At the door he turned again and said, "Stay strong. Clarke and I will help you out of this."
As Anya and Bellamy were walking towards Heda's tent she turned to him and started speaking, "I can see, they look up to you. They seek your guidance. From my understanding, Clarke is you leader..." She left her question unasked. But still Bellamy answered, "It's more of a shared task. We both lead the 100, not always agreeing on the how, but we did. But Clarke is more of a leader then I am. After all, she was the one negotiating with you for peace." Anya nodded in understanding. Then she looked at him again, "One piece of advise, never give a promise, you can't keep. It always is better to promise, you will do your best, than to promise results, because it is up to the Heda, what the punishment will be. And they could have killed us." She didn't continue, but Bellamy still knew, what she was implying, Finn and Murphy might not get out alive.
The rest of the way, they went in silence.
A/N: Going forward, I will stop posting on fridays and only post once a week. It has time reasons. But the time I save from it, will probably more often than not go into planning and correcting. Have a nice day, I hope you liked this chapter.

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