7: I don't need a strong man by my side!

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Clarke stood there shocked. She was not prepared for this. Finn was always the one to suggest peace with the grounders. He made the first meeting between Anya and herself possible. And now he was like this. He wasn't the Finn she knew and it was her fault.
Finn stood there in shocked silence, trying to process what he saw. There was Clarke. And Bellamy and Octavia. How was that possible?
"What have you done?" Clarke's voice brought him back to reality. "I have found you!"
Wait what? He found her? "You have found me? You almost killed unarmed civilians, because you decided to go rouge!" Clarke's voice rose with every word. Murphy just stepped further back into the shadows and Bellamy, Octavia and Nyko just watched in shocked silence while Anya stood there without any emotion displayed on her face. "Do you even realise what you did. How far you have come from the person that fought for peace? How could you fall like that?" The last sentence was sad and Clarke's voice was quiet.
"I did it for you! I needed to save you!"
"Finn, I don't need saving. And we weren't captured by the grounders. The mountain took us." Clarke was quiet for a moment, then she turned to Anya and said, "They seem fine. Should we go somewhere else to talk?"
"We will go to my tent. There we can talk." With that Anya picked up her keys and the knife and led the group to her tent.
Before they reached the tent, a villager approached Nyko, asking, "Raymond cut himself in the smithy, could you please check on him? He bleeds very badly." Clarke found it very odd that a big, muscly guy like this, would use a word like smithy and not forge, since the word smithy was so cute and did not sound nearly as mighty and appropriate for a boulder like that as forge. She smiled to herself. Nyko turned to Octavia, "Do you want to join me. After I am finished with Raymond I could show you TonDC. I believe you have never seen it like that before?" Octavia smiled lightly - she definitely had the stoicism of the grounders down - and left with Nyko. Bellamy turned to Clarke, and asked with his usual worries about Octavia, "Do you trust him with her?" Clarke thought for a moment, but then reached a conclusion, "If I understand it correctly," she turned to Anya, "he is the healer of this village..." Anya nodded. "That means he is someone who helps people and doesn't attack them. So yeah, I trust him. And more importantly, I trust your sister. She knows what she is doing. And with him she will definitely be safer than without him." Bellamy didn't seem convinced, but dropped the matter.
When they reached Anya's tent, she hold the tent flaps open and motioned for Clarke and Bellamy to enter. Then Anya entered and went over to the table where Alura, who stood next to the table, had put the weapons. "Apologies general, I didn't want to leave the weapons unattended, so I stayed here."
"That was a reasonable decision. Thank you. But you may leave now, I have things to discuss with Clarke."
And with that Alura left the tent and Bellamy turned to Anya, "You do realise, I'm still here, don't you?"
Anya raised an eyebrow at him and spoke, "Yes, so? I do not see the need to talk to you."
Before this could grow into a heated argument, Clarke intervened, "So, Anya, how is your shoulder?"
"Her shoulder?" Bellamy asked confused.
He was ignored by both women, but Anya answered Clarke's question, "Nyko has tended to it and will have a look at the heeling process in a few days. For now I'm not able to travel, that's why I have sent a messenger to Heda. Hopefully he will arrive here today with a message from her. I asked Heda to come to TonDC, but if she's busy in Polis, she might not come so soon."
"What is Polis?" interrupted Bellamy.
"Not that you need to know, but Polis is the capital and political centre of the twelve clans. The Commander resides there and meets with her ambassadors."
Clarke listened carefully. When Anya and Clarke ran from the mountain, they didn't really have time to talk politics, but Clarke was definitely interested. She had to understand the dynamics of the coalition to ally with them against the Mountain Men.
"Nevertheless," Anya continued, "I have informed Heda of the importance of her presence and I am sure, she will be eager to hear what you have to offer in the fight against the Maunon. And she has the power to make peace with your people in all clans name. So you should make sure not to aggravate her." She looked at Bellamy. He just looked back, seeming offended.
"Just keep an open mind, Bellamy," Clarke told Bellamy. "Remember, we want peace. And we are the intruders, not them." Bellamy just scoffed at that.
Anya looked between them and then looked to Clarke, "You will have an audience with the commander. Alone. Without this branwada (fool)." Even though they didn't know what that word meant, Clarke and Bellamy knew, it was an insult. Anya definitely seemed to like to insult people. Bellamy puffed himself up, but before he could start to quarrel with Anya, Clarke took the word, "I'm curious, what is this language called, you speak. I know Linkon taught Octavia a little."
"It's called Trigedasleng. It's the main language in the coalition. Only the warriors speak Gonasleng like you. I can teach you, if you like." Clarke thought about it. "I would very much appreciate that, but do you mean English when you say Gonasleng?"
"What is English?" Anya asked. Somehow she made Clarke feel dumb, even though Anya asked the question.
"It's the language we currently speak."
"Then I guess English is Gonasleng. Now, do you want to start now with your learning or do you wish to discuss something else first?"
"I want to know, what happens with Finn and Murphy? That has priority over learning, what was it called, Tregadaslang?"
"Trigedasleng. What do you want to know?"

A/N: I know, this and the last chapter had a lot of talking in them and the next will have even more talking in them, but I promise, that, if not next chapter, the ninth chapter will have more action again, because, how did Finn get a knife? And soon I will introduce Lexa. So stick with me, comment, vote and just enjoy the story and stay tuned.

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