8: Grown ups only!

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A/N: I know, talks again, but I promise, it's not just talk. Hope you like it, feel free to comment.
"What will happen to Finn and Murphy?" Clarke asked.
"They have attacked the village and could have killed many. They didn't because Alura took Finn out by pure luck and the crowed took down the boy you call Murphy. But because the village already took their justice without my approval, Heda will decide what to do with them, seeing that this behaviour is a war crime. One of many you committed, I might add."
Clarke eyed Bellamy when she asked the next question, "What is the worst that could happen to them."
"It's a war crime. It's punishable by death." Anya didn't quite understand the question. They could have massacred TonDC, if it hadn't been for Alura. Of course it was punishable by death.
Clarke knew she couldn't let that happen. She needed to protect her people.
Bellamy rose his voice, his face getting redder with every word, "You cannot kill them! They are not even your people. They have to be brought back to Arcadia and have a fair trial!"
Anya looked at him like she was about to murder him, "It is not about what happened, but what could have happened. With you weapons it's just a small step to mass murder. And because they committed a crime against my people, they will face my people's justice. Let me ask you, goufa (child), your people almost killed me and Clarke, because we looked like 'grounders', as you call us, are your people really capable to bring justice? Our ways might seem harsh, but tell me are jours better?" That had Clarke thinking, but her thoughts were interrupted by a voice.
"Worheda, are you there? I bring news from Heda," someone asked from outside the tent.
"Come in," Anya answered.
He stepped in and Anya asked, "What is it?" The messenger looked at Clarke and Bellamy wearily, but spoke, "Heda will arrive tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan. She had to talk to the ambassadors before she could leave, though."
"Thank you, you are dismissed." After a short silence, Anya called to him before he reached the tent flaps. "And please take him," she motioned to Bellamy, "to Nyko and his sister. The grown ups have to talk now." That last sentence was clearly meant for Bellamy, but with a look form Clarke he left the tent grumbling under his breath, probably about how unfair the world was to him. But he would eventually come around. He was not a bad person, but often misguided by his emotions.

"Now, where were we?" Anya asked and Clarke responded without missing a beat, "You questioned my peoples justice, but I don't think we need to discuss that now." A ray of light dazzled Clarke and she squinted her eyes. A dagger on the table caught Clarkes attention. It was the one Finn had in his cell. "Wait...how did Finn get his hands on that?" Clarke pointed at the dagger and looked at Anya. Anya thought for a second, then spoke, "He must have gotten it in the fight. We took all weapons from them when we brought him in. Though, I have an idea whom we can ask. Let's go to the stables." Clarke was a little confused, but nodded. She trusted Anya, she would have her reasons. Clarke stood up and went to the exit, but was stopped by Anya's voice, "Before we leave, could you have a look at the fayogons? I honestly don't know what to do with them." Clarke stepped to the table and took the first rifle. "Is 'fayogon' the Trigedasleng word for guns?" "Sha, yes it is." Clarke made a mental note of this and then started to explain while doing, "You have to make sure the safety is on and for extra safety I'd unload the guns as well." Clarke did so with the first gun and then added, "And never just point a gun at someone, unloaded or not, because if it is improperly unloaded it can still shoot one shot." She looked at Anya who looked confused. "I can show you, so you can do it if you ever need to." Anya just shook her head. "It is believed that the Maunon will kill the entire village of the person that dares to touch a fayogon. It was risky enough to get them here." Clarke resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The Grounder had suffered for so long under the Mountain, it was understandable that they were superstitious when it came to tech and guns, but Anya had to loose her fear of guns. "Nothing can happen to you. I assure you, there is no way the Maunon would find out that you touched a gun. And if you can unload them, you take their power." Anya was still hesitant, but stepped nearer and then actually took the gun like it could go off at any second, which it could, considering it was still loaded. Then Clarke showed her through the steps of securing and unloading the gun and let her practice on the last two guns, too. After they were done, they put the ammo to the opposite site of the tent and left to go to the stables. On their way Anya tried to teach Clarke to introduce herself in Trigedasleng. Clarke continued to try to say, "Ai laik Klark kom Skaikru." And Anya corrected her pronunciation in a helpful, yet insulting way, "I know that you like yourself, but it has to be laik, not like." That was more like the Anya Clarke got to know on their run from Mount Weather and when they reached the stables, Clarke was able to introduce herself in Trigedasleng properly. She had also asked what 'Yu gonplei ste odon' meant. She remembered Anya saying it when her second, Tris, died after Raven blew up the bridge and Tris was hit by the explosion, that caused fatal internal bleedings. Anya explained to her, "It means 'Your fight is over.' It is our way of saying goodbye to the dead ones and in a pyre we release their souls to the travel, so they can be reborn one day." Clarke wanted to enquire more about the soul travel, but they reached the stables and Clarke decided to ask later.
Anya stepped through the doors to the stables first and Clarke followed her.
A/N: The scene where Anya tells Clarke "I know that you like yourself" was hugely inspired by "The One Who's Fallen" by @The_Sarcastic_Dork, Chapter 9. It's the first Clexa fanfic I ever read and so far under my top two, so go and read it, you won't regret it👍

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