16: Funeral

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TW: Gun, Death, Grieve, Graphic Description Of A Cremation


The shot rang through the air and hit it's target, Barn dropped to the ground, dead. Releasing the knife, that hit the ground clanking. All eyes were on Clarke, but no one moved, then she was tackled by Gustus, who tried to grab the gun. By doing so, it went off again and the bullet grazed Clarke's cheek.
"Wan daun!!! (Stop!)" Heda's voice rang through the tent and Gustus rolled down from Clarke. She immediately put the safety on again and holstered her gun.
Heda descended down the stairs and stopped right in front of Clarke. "How do you have a gun?" She barely could contain her anger. This was not supposed to happen and Skaikru was not supposed to have guns.
"I took it when we got the guns from Anya's tent, I had no hands free for it, so I put it in it's holster and must have forgotten to get it out." It was a weak lie, but it was the best Clarke could come up with right now.
"And how did he," Lexa motioned to the dead Barn, "get a knife?"
"Octavia forgot it in Anya's tent and I wanted to bring it to her, when we were done here." Another weak lie. But then Anya spoke up, "Heda, Clarke saved my life. The second time now. And Murphy tried to save yours by stopping his friend. Please take this into consideration."
Lexa thought for a moment and then decided, "Murphy kom Skaikru, by the power of Bekka Pramheda in me, you are pardoned for your crimes in TonDC, but you are never to set foot in this village again after you leave it with your friends," then Lexa turned to the whole room, "Leave us alone, I need to speak to Anya and Indra in private."
With that everyone left the tent, Gustus positioned himself with two guards in front of the tent, the other two guards followed Clarke and Murphy to the training pit, where Bellamy and Octavia trained with the children of TonDC.
Bellamy and Octavia immediately came to Clarke and Murphy, but Bellamy knew something was wrong, so he asked, "Where is Finn?"
And with that Clarke and Murphy told them, what happened in the tent. It was shocking to hear, that Finn died, but also not really surprising. He was acting out ever since Clarke was taken by the Mountain Men. That didn't stop the four of them from crying. Finn was one of The 100, the first to seek peace. Clarke loved him, even though, they knew each other just for a few days. His death was not insignificant. And they all feared Skaikru's reaction to his death. Especially Raven's. They were childhood friends and he saved her life more than once. Yes, he also cheated on her, but that didn't define him. Raven would be devastated about Finn's death.
When the sun began to set, Anya and Lexa came to the pit, Indra had to tend to her duties in her village again.
"We would like to discuss an alliance with your people," Lexa's voice interrupted the dark thoughts of the others, "I suggest, that we come with you to the Skaikru camp. We could leave in two days time and help you get Finn's body back to your people. But first we hold a funeral for Barn kom Trikru tomorrow." The others just nodded. Then Anya spoke up, "It's time for dinner now. Tonight we will have it in my tent." The others nodded again and followed them behind.
While the small group walked towards Anya's tent, Nyko and Alura brought food to the tent and left to join the large group around the fire.
When the group entered the tent, food was already on the table and they all set around it and started to eat in silence. There was nothing left to discuss. After the dinner, the Skaikru went to bed in Alura's tent again, scooping a little closer together, so Murphy could fit in.
The next morning after breakfast, Clarke had to distract herself from Finn's death. She also didn't want to let Murphy out of her sight and she knew, that he wasn't completely useless with patients, so she took him to Nyko and they both helped him with the sick. Octavia and Bellamy trained and played with the small children again.
At noon the village's bell rang and everyone gathered at one of the clearings. Wood for a large pyre was piled up and on top of it was a body, wrapped in a shroud.
Lexa motioned for Clarke to come to her and when Clarke stood beside her, she explained, "You killed him, so you will lit the pyre to release his soul."
Then the Heda turned to her people and spoke,
"Barn kom Trikru don wan raun, taim em don trana frag worheda op. He tried to kill Anya kom Trikru and died for that.
Kom graun, oso na graun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op. Nou fir wamplei in, em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou. Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim. (From the Earth, we will grow. From the ashes, we will rise. Do not fear death, for it is only the beginning of the next journey. May we meet again.)
Yu gonplei ste odon. (Your fight is over.)"
"Yu gonplei ste odon," the crowed answered.

Then Heda passed a lit torch to Clarke, who went around the pyre to lit it at the different prepared places. The flames climbed up the wood, licked at she shroud and started to consume the dead body. The wood turned white and the shroud turned black. The scent of burning flesh filled the air and slowly more and more people left. Only a few stayed 'till the end. Clarke with them. The others had already left. When the fire was burned down some guards collected the ashes and Heda and Clarke turned to leave. Heda to her tent and Clarke to her friends.


A/N: Sorry to be that late with updating, I'm in summer camp and it was difficult to upload.

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