10: Community

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Clarke showed Nyko the little things regarding fighting she picked up on the Ark and based on that Nyko decided to start teaching Clarke basic self defence, especially against larger and stronger people. Because most men and women of the clans were stronger and often larger than her. Meanwhile Bellamy and Octavia fought together, what basically meant, Octavia taught Bellamy what she learned from Linkon and by doing so threw Bellamy to the ground a little more often than necessary. She seemed to enjoy it, Bellamy not so much. He thought, he would easily overpower Octavia in a fight, because he was smarter, but he very soon learned, that Octavia by far was the better fighter. Even with just little experience. Clarke was very happy that she trained with Nyko, because even though she couldn't hold herself against the healer, he was gentle in her training. That quickly changed one or two hours later, when Anya found them and joined the training. She continued the training with Clarke while Nyko went to train with Octavia and her brother. Anya's fight training was a little like when she taught Clarke Trigedasleng. Many helpful insults. But Anya didn't hold back and when the sun set and they decided, it was time for dinner and then sleep, Clarke was covered in dirt and sweat and felt more muscles in her body than she knew existed. And that meant a lot, considering she trained to be a doctor on the Ark.
Anya and Clarke joined Nyko, Octavia and Bellamy and they went to a campfire in the middle of TonDC. On the way Nyko complimented Octavia and Bellamy, "You did well today, Octavia. Linkon has taught you a lot. You have much potential. And so do you, Belomi kom Skaikru. But you lack proper training. Keep training the basics for now." Octavia nodded her head in thanks and nudged Bellamy who than grumbled a thank you. Anya complimented Clarke in her own way, "You didn't make a fool of yourself today, though you still fight like a goufa (child)." Clarke smiled. She knew that Anya didn't talk like this because she disliked Clarke. They were past that point after they fled from the Mountain.
When they reached the fire, people were already sitting around it and a big kettle hung over it. Nyko explained, "Some people cook for themselves, but that often are families that join us later around the fire. But people who live alone, normally dine as a whole village. Everyone cooks sometimes and we all eat together as a big family." Clarke was impressed. She always just saw the warriors the Grounders had. The never thought, that they had such a strong sense of community. She never thought about the civilians. This sense of community was something, she never knew from the Ark. In the sky it was everyone for themselves and and the guard against everyone. Of course, there were and still are good people in the guard and the council, but most are power hungry or misguided by their efforts to contain the human race. The Chancellor and his supporters flouted the head engineer of the Ark without a second thought. Jaha flouted his friend, Clarke's father without a second thought, because they had different views on the people.
"...Cla-haaarke," Octavia waved her arm in front of Clarke's face, "Your food." She gave Clarke a plate with stew and asked, "What are you thinking about?" Clarke sighed, "I just thought about how great the sense of community is here. It's so different from the Ark. And it is so peaceful. Something we never saw as the 100 landed here. I have never really thought about that. First impressions count a lot, I suppose."
They grew silent as everyone ate. The food was gorgeous. Even compared to the Mountain and all the things the 100 ever made. Here the cooks knew, how to season their food. They used berries and herbs, they had meat in it, soft like clouds in the summer and something that almost looked like maize. It was gorgeous. The diet of the 100 was always very one sided with a lot of meat and sometimes berries and herbs, but they never found staple food like potatoes or maize or rice. And they also didn't know how to make noodles, nor had they the necessary ingredients. Clarke decided, one day she would need to learn how to cook from a grounder.
After they were finished Anya, Nyko and Alura, who joined them earlier, lead Clarke, Bellamy and Octavia to a nearby large house, that almost looked like a town hall, where they all cleaned their plates and cutlery. Then they took it to one of side rooms to let it dry, so it could be used again for the next meal.
After that they joined the large group of people around the fire again. People were chatting with each other and more and more people from the houses around joined. The three Skaikru got side eyed glances from some people, but since they were with their general, their healer and a warrior, people didn't see them as that much of a threat. As the evening progressed, three people got their instruments. One came back with a Kalimba, one with drums and one brought a guitar. The Kalimba and the drums looked like they could have been made by the grounders, while the guitar looked like it survived the bombs. The trio came back to the fire and people grew quiet. They all looked expectantly. And then the group began to play. It was a quick song and almost immediately people got up and started dancing in small groups. Anya told the rest, she would be back soon, but she had to tend to general-duties first. They all knew, Anya just wanted to avoid dancing. So it fell to Nyko and Alura to show Bellamy, Octavia and Clarke how to dance to the music. And then the three grounders with the instruments began to sing. Because it was Trigedasleng, the Skaikru trio couldn't understand a word, but that didn't stop them from dancing...

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