26: Ranya

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Raven shifted in her bed. It didn't feel like her own, though. And the smell around her? It smelled like disinfectant. And then her memories came back. Finn was dead. This grounder princess was responsible for that. Raven had been so furious. Raven's eyes shot open and she tried to sit up. Immediately she fell back down. Her head was throbbing. It had been all too much for her. She had passed out. That was probably the reason she laid in medical. She her someone stand up next to her, so she blinked her eyes open carefully to see who it was, that now was crouching beside her bed. The first thing she saw was the blonde hair. But it was darker and longer then Clarke's. And it was braided into one thick braid. Then she noticed the prominent cheekbones and finally looked into brown eyes.

"How are you feeling?" the woman asked.

Finally Raven put the pieces together. Before her stood the grounder princess. Her eyes widened and she started to move away from the blonde. Unfortunately in her hurry to get away from Anya she lost her balance and fell down from her bed. A short shriek escaped her throat. Then she saw Bellamy slumped in a chair. He didn't seem affected by her shriek. Raven tried to stand up, but she didn't have her brace. While looking around for it, she asked, "What have you done to him?"

"I? To him? Nothing," Anya answered truthfully, "But it seems he has a heavy sleep. He insisted on coming with me to make sure I don't harm you. If you ask me, he is way too confident in his abilities, seeing I'm awake, you're awake, but he, he's asleep...Searching for that?" With that Anya held out Raven's brace.

Raven took it without a word and put it on. It took a few minutes in which both women just silently sat there. Finally Anya broke the silence, "I thought you could sleep more comfortable without the brace."

Raven looked at her, then muttered a thanks. They fell back into silence while Raven pulled herself upright and supported herself with the bed frame. She saw Anya removing something from her belt, but because of the darkness she could only see, that it was long.

Then Anya reached over the bed and gave Raven one of her swords in it's scabbard with the words, "Apology, we didn't remember to bring your cane."

"Why?" was the only thing Raven asked after putting her weight on the sword.
"I didn't think you'd want me supporting you," Anya answered, evidently thinking, that Raven wanted to know, why she gave her one of her swords.

"No, why did you..." Raven inhaled shakily, "Why...You killed him." Raven was conflicted, she wanted to hit this women in front of her, but at the same time, she wanted closure. She wanted to understand, how Anya could inflict this pain to her. Why had Finn to die? She just needed to know.

For a moment Anya was silent and Raven glanced at her from the side, then Anya began to speak, "Clarke convinced Heda to hear Finn and Murphy out before passing judgement. That is very uncommon in our tradition. At least for cases this clear. But Heda wanted to honour the Skaikru customs and decided to hear their defence. But Finn broke loose from his guards and charged at Heda and as her general it is my duty to protect her with my life. I didn't aim to kill. I actually wanted to pierce his shoulder. But then he was yanked back by this other boy, my aim was off and...you know the rest of the story. I never meant to cause this kind of harm, but in this world, sometimes we can't do what we'd like and have do do, what needs to be done. I don't kill for joy. Never. I know how it feels to loose people dear to you. Before our current Heda assumed the throne, there was no peace between the clans, but now we have a coalition between all twelve clans. She is the commander of peace. We all need her for she can make this world a safer place, a more just one. But with the Maunon posing a threat to everything and people falling from the Skai just to bring more fayogons and violence, I almost lost my hope for peace. I don't expect to grow old, warriors never do, but now that we have an alliance with your people, for the first time in forever we have, what we need to bring down the mountain and achieve piece, however long it may hold."

Raven nodded, "I think I understand you. You had to protect someone important to you. The guard would have acted no different." And Raven did understand. At least with her brain, understanding with her heart and accepting would take more time. But logically understanding was a beginning.

For a short moment Anya drifted off and absent-mindedly reached for the bullet wound, that slowly healed on her shoulder.
"They almost killed Clarke and some grounder for being to close to the fence. They didn't need to shoot. You can't easily pass the fence," Raven added.

"I know," Anya whispered, "I was the one with Clarke that night." Her eyes glossed over, but Anya shook the thought and added, "We should probably get some more rest before the morning."

Raven nodded, but didn't move. "I want to see the stars. I don't think I can just go back to sleep right now."
With that Raven started to walk out of the tent and Anya followed her to a hole in the fence. Raven turned around, explaining, "This is how Clarke, Octavia and Bellamy got out."


What both Raven and Anya didn't notice was the small hooded figure following them to leave through the very same weak point in the fence to sneak to her boyfriend's cave.

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