36: Call the war chiefs

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Finally the walls of TonDC came into view. Clarke was exhausted. Once again she reminded herself, that she needed far more training to make it on the ground. She still was too soft from the ark. Lexa on the other hand didn't even feel the beginning of exhaustion despite the lack of sleep and her ankle. And due to her nightblood her ankle was almost as good as new. She still walked slower than normal, though, so Clarke could keep up.

While Lexa and Clarke were approaching the city, a guard spotted them, signalled a guard and not a minute later a person rushed out of TonDC. Lexa immediately recognised Indra and quickened her pace.

"Indra, em ste bos ai op yu. Ba chit yu hir (it's good to see you. But what are you doing here)?"

"Heda, ai...osir get daun kos yu. Yu jos don gon we! Yu gona lufa au. Anya set raun in Skaikru trap. (we were worried for you. You were just gone. Your guards are looking for you. Anya waits in the Skaikru camp.)"

"I'm sorry we worried you," Lexa answered after switching to gonasleng since Clarke just caught up to them, "but we were surprised by Pauna. Luckily we could escape. And Clarke now has a plan to take down the Maunon."

Indra looked at Clarke doubtfully.

"I have," Clarke nodded while still catching her breath. "Bellamy is already on the way to lower the Maunons defences. He's Octavia's brother, so if anyone can succeed with the new plan, it's him."

"It's stupid to rest an entire plan on one boy," Indra retorted.

But Clarke defended her plan, "Not if it works. And it's the only plan we have."

"Indra," Lexa interrupted, "we don't have time to catch you up right now. Gather the worhedas. Inform them, that I plan to move as soon as possible. Let them gather their armies to follow them here. I want to plan this war in TonDC's guildhall."

Indra looked like she wanted to say something, but just bit it back, being the good warrior she trained to be. It was not her place to question her Heda. "Sha, Heda. I will sent riders. What do we do with the Skaikru?"

"I will go to talk to Kane," Clarke answered. We will join you here asap. The council already told you, we'd help."

After that Indra left to gather Heda's armies and Clarke accompanied a reluctant Lexa to Nyko's hut. Clarke knocked and opened the door. "Nyko? Are you here? I need you to look at a twisted ankle."

"Clarke," Nyko's deep voice answered. He mixed some tinctures at his table. "You're back." his eyes turned to Clarke and then to Lexa. "Heda," he bowed his head. "What can I do for you?"

"Heda twisted her ankle and i just want you to look at it," Clarke replied.

"I've told Clarke before, it's nothing," Lexa tried to play it down and Clarke glared at her.

"It can't hurt to look at it, can it, Heda," Nyko just stated matter of factly. "If you want I'll look at it. Just sit down." He motioned to a chair.

Reluctantly Lexa sat down and took off her boot. Nyko examined the ankle and Clarke watched what he was doing. Then Nyko turned around to his shelf, took a vial with some herb-mixture and gave it to Lexa. "Here. Apply it every night and you'll heal in no time. Your ankle looks good already, but this will help speeding up the process, so you are not slowed down when you finally move against the Maunon."

At this moment the door opened again. A woman entered, spotted Clarke and Heda and nodded, then her eyes rested on Nyko while she spoke, "Niron, Indra asked me to go bring a message to General Anya. I'll be back tonight or tomorrow." Nyko just nodded.

Now the woman turned to Clarke, "I heard you will accompany me? Do you know how to ride a horse?"

"Ehm, no. There weren't any horses in space," Clarke smiled at herself at this thought.

"Then you can ride with me on my horse. It will slow us down a little, but it's probably the best solution."

"Thank you, Alura. I appreciate it," Clarke turned to Lexa, "You'll stay here, I assume, and start preparing?"

"Correct. I have to prepare for the war chiefs's arrival."

And with that they all went their separate ways to get ready.

Half an hour later Alura and Clarke were ready to leave. Alura had packed some food, got her weapons and packed a tent for unplanned emergencies, Clarke on the other hand went over the new plan with Lexa, so they both hand an idea of the plan when the war chiefs arrived. Now they were settled and all the other riders had already left.

Alura helped Clarke to get on the horse and mounted behind her. She took the reigns into her hands and instructed Clarke, "if you need to, hold tight to the saddle. Other than that, I can make sure you don't just fall of." To prove her point, she moved her arms tighter around Clarke. "As long as we go slow, this should suffice. On sections where we go faster, you might want extra support. Other than that, you hold yourself on the horse with the strength of your thighs and it gets easier if you just follow the movements of the horse. Or mine for that matter. Are you good?"

Clarke just nodded. She didn't want to admit, that she was not at all comfortable on this horse and already thought about all kinds of gruesome injuries she would get from falling of. But at least she didn't have to ride alone.

And with that Clarke and Alura set of to Camp Jaha.

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