Joshua Poldark

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It was a cold November day in Cornwall. Joshua Poldark was waiting on the return of his son from the war in American. He received word he was injured and was be discharged to recuperate at home and should be arriving soon. It all depended on the weather at sea. Joshua was seated at the back of the house in the library looking over some mine maps. He had improved their financial position since his son enlisted, to avoid the wrath of the law. Joshua was trying to hide his success because he knew if certain family members and other society members knew, he had no doubt that his good future would be stolen or a certain young lady would chase his son to the alter. He had a hard time trying to tell his son that the girl he wanted for a wife my have been brought up with social graces, and was pretty but she did not have a heart that cared for people less then of her own status. Not like his dear sweet Grace, she treated everyone from lowest to highest in society the same. Sitting there he thought of the first time he saw her. Working in the dress shop in town, he was know as a libertine and he had to fight hard to gain her approval. Although in the end it was worth it. She gave him Ross his oldest son and Claud Anthony his youngest even though he was only here a short time he was a joy to have. After he passed Grace followed, he knew it was because her heart was broken. If she would have seen how he treated Ross she would be appalled.
He thought of his older brother how he was intent on Joshua making a social connection which would benefit the family. In fact his first love was the mother of his sons choice, Elizabeth's mother Joan Chynoweth but she knowing he was a second son, married Jonathan. That marriage was the best thing for him because he met Grace and she saved him. Saved him from his law breaking and whoring while she was alive. Once she died he returned to his old habits, which he now realized did a great injustice to his son. He sat and contemplated all he had done that had damaged his son. His inability to accept change, his inability to show emotion and his inability to speak from his heart. There was a knock at the door and Joshua put his cat, Tabitha Bethia down. When he answered the door there was a woman that looked familiar but not being able to place her, Joshua opened the door and invited her in. He then saw the girl of about fifteen. Joshua thought oh God don't let this be a child of mine! He invited them into his pallor, "what can I do for you" he questioned looking at the girl? The woman said "you probably don't remember me it has been nigh on twenty years since we last spoke".  Joshua had a sense of relief this child couldn't be his, because his Grace was still alive. The woman continued, "you married my best friend and adopted sister Grace".  "Demelza is it you" Joshua asked? She nodded her head "yes it is I and this is my daughter Demelza" I have come to ask a favor of you. Joshua indicated she should go on.
She explained that after Grace got married her father passed away a few years later. Joshua acknowledged that he did know this for it was Grace's father who gave permission for him to marry Grace. At that time he was dying and wanted to make sure Grace was taken care of. After Graces mother died, his father had remarried Demelza's mother. Grace was fond of young Demelza even though she thought her mother was a bit hard. Demelza went on, after Father Venor passed mother and I didn't have much she remarried then married me off to a miner.  I immediately became with child. This is my eldest, my only daughter Demelza she is fifteen sixteen in May. I have five more boys at home the youngest being three. My, she inhaled a breath, my husband has no love for our daughter. He was a good man once but it has been many years since I have seen it. He never hits or punish's the boys but Demelza and I take the brunt of it. I protect her from the worst, but I be dying. The girl had tears falling now as she grabbQped her mothers hand. I can't leave her to her father he has already done her harm. She indicated to her daughter to stand then lifted her shirt, showing him her back. She had scares already healed and a nasty burn mark on her shoulder. She told Joshua that the burns were from two days ago when he didn't like the tea I made. I being sick, I didn't have it made, it was late being placed in front of him and he said it wasn't steeped enough! She started sobbing he poured scalding water on her, saying since I wouldn't be around long she had to take the punishment for me from now on. She started crying harder now. I can't leave this world knowing she will be abused by him and most likely sold to anyone offering him money. I come to ask you to give her employment. Joshua after seeing her back agreed and told Demelza the mother to bring the boys and he would take care of them to. He knew it would be what Grace would want. She shook her head. He would come after the boys but not Demelza he had a pure hated for her.
Joshua offered her a bed for the night she refused saying she must be back before morning or her husband would question her and she would be punished and he may come to take Demelza back. Joshua called his man servant, Jud and told him to hook up the cart and take Mistress Demelza back to Illogun.  He then called to Prudy and told her to get some sandwiches and scones for her to take with her and to make up a room for the girl after she gave her some food and drink. Mother and daughter embraced crying and older Demelza said to her daughter, I have loved you since you were inside me. I wish I could have protected you better but remember to your own self be true, never settle for second best! With that she kissed her daughter one more time and left.
The next morning Joshua took his new ward into Turro, they went to the dress shop, he asked for at least two pre-made dresses one to be a formal dining dress, some undergarments, stays, stockings, and some ribbons for her hair. He figured he would ask his niece Varity to bring her in shopping to get her a wardrobe. He then went and purchased her soap of her choosing, she chose a lemon and a strawberry fragrance. Then he purchased a brush and comb. He asked if she required anything else and she told him no. He told her that they had a dinner invitation this evening an would ask his niece to take her shopping soon. She tried to protest. Joshua told her you are my dearest wife's step niece and you by proxy are my ward you will be treated as a lady! Then they went to the livery where he purchased two horses one a mare which she seemed to fall in love with and a beautiful black stallion for his son when he came home. He put the packages on the stallion and was determined to teach his new ward how to at least to ride a little.
Once home Joshua was seeking Jud to care for the horses and packages but nobody seemed to be there so while Joshua took the things in Demelza hung back and took care of the horses. She had them brushed, fed and watered by the time Joshua came back to find her.  "You didn't have to do that child you are my ward not a servant" pJoshua scolded her. Demelza hung her head and backed away. Joshua realizing she was afraid of punishment told her he was sorry he didn't mean to frighten her. Demelza looked at him and said "I like being with the animals they calm me." Joshua nodded and said, "as long as you know you don't have to?" Now we need to get cleaned up we have a dinner engagement tonight. I will take the tub up to your room and help take water up for you to take a bath and wash your hair your soap is already there. Wear the evening dress, if I find Prudy I will send her up." After getting the fire burning in Demelza's room and carrying up water. He explained to Demelza to check the temperature before she got in to not burn herself. He left in search of his servants. Not finding them he went to Mellon and asked Mrs. Zacky if she could come and fix his wards hair, since Jud and Prudy had vanished.
Joshua returned with Mrs Zacky and told her where Demelza was.  When Mrs Zacky walked into the room Demelza left a started squeal out. The older woman laughed and said calm yourself child, Master Joshua asked me to come and help ee. Here let me wash your hair. Once Demelza was deemed clean enough Mrs Zacky helped her out of the tub, dried and combed her hair and helped her with her undergarments. She never before had such as these. Mrs Zacky helped her with her stays, which Demelza said was cutting off her air, leaving Mrs Zacky chuckling Then she helped her into her dress, fixed her hair intertwining the ribbon with Demelza's beautiful auburn hair. They looked in the mirror and Demelza couldn't believe she was looking at herself. Mrs Zacky just smiled and said, "you be vera pretty." Joshua had saddled the horses and was waiting for the women to come downstairs when Prudy and Jud showed up. He payed Mrs. Zacky quite handsomely and told Jud and Prudy to go to Demelza's room and bring the tub down.
He took Demelza's hand and kissed it and told her she was beautiful and he was quite proud to be escorting her.
They rode off to Twenwith with Joshua leading Demelza's horse since she only rode for the first time earlier that day. He did notice that she learned very fast what to do. He had no idea what his brother Charles was celebrating but thought it would be a good time to introduce his new ward. They reached Twenwith and Joshua knocked at the door. Mrs Tabb opened it and greeted Joshua and he introduced Demelza. He put Demelza's hand in the crock of his elbow and walked in. Upon seeing Demelza there was some raised eyebrows then Joshua's brother Charles said "Joshua is she not a little young even for you?" Joshua sneared at him as Demelza blushed. Then Joshua grabbed her hand and said, "let me introduce my young ward!As some of you may know my late
wife had a stepsister and this is her daughter who I have been given the pleasure of raising." Joan Cynoweth gasped. He then introduced the people there to his ward. There was Uncle Charles of course, his son Francis, his daughter Verity , his Aunt Agatha, Master Johnathan Chynoweth and his wife Joan, their daughter Elizabeth. His cousin William Alfred, Cary Warleggan and his nephew George. Elizabeth glared at the young girl when she noticed Francis and George were both eyeing her appreciatively. Joshua said, "well Charles what is the celebration about?" Joan thinking she could again give Joshua a blow said "an engagement of my daughter to Francis!" Joshua looked at Elizabeth and said, "I thought you were promised to my son?" Elizabeth said "where is he? For all we know he is dead?" Joshua palled and said he is on his way home his ship has already sailed about a month ago so it could be anytime. Joshua failed to notice the looked his brother and Joan Chynoweth gave one another. Joshua thought hurry up and marry then at least maybe my boy will be happy! Before Joshua and Demelza left that evening he asked his niece Verity to help Demelza order some items for her wardrobe they arranged it in a weeks time and it was agreed she would stay for a week. At this Charles grumbled about Verity being to needed at Twenwith. Joshua told him Verity is not a servant and she should be able to go and do what she wanted. In the next week, Joshua taught Demelza how to handle her horse. He told her "I have never seen anyone take to riding like you it is almost like the horse and you speak to each other!"

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