Medhel An Gwynn

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Demelza was finding it hard to get everything done.  While they were in town, James and she had purchased seeds to grow carrots, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, radishes and turnups. She got the starts for garlic, onions, and potatoes.  She bought herb starts, parsley, thyme, sage, rosemary, basil and she saw one called oregano that she wanted to try to grow. She asked Joshua if he thought they could purchase a couple peach trees or orange trees to see if they would grow.  Joshua said he would see if he could order them. She was hoping to get the garden ready for planting, but she didn't have time.  She was pulling the bread out of the oven and put in an apple cake for dinner desert, she decided she would ask Jim if he could plow a sport for the garden preferably on the side of the house where it was shelter from the harsh sea wind.  She pulled out the leftover dinner from the night before and places some meat and cheese along with some fresh made bread. Jenny was still cleaning the upstairs and Demelza hadn't started the wash yet and the downstairs needed swept and dusted.  Demelza thought with added rooms she was going to be able to do the garden, which saddened her because that was her favorite chore.
Joshua and Ross came in for lunch along with James and Jim.  When they all sat down.  Joshua saw that Demelza was sadden.  He asked, "what's amiss child?" She smiled and "tis nothing," then she asked, "do you think Jim could plow a vegetable garden on the shielded side of the house.  Then I would like James with the help of Willie and Drake to plant and care for it." Joshua asked, "Jenny do you or Jim know of anyone who may be willing to come and work here to help share in the housekeeping.  We need someone that will take orders from Demelza, will work as hard as you and her?" Demelza blushed she felt like she was failing at working, I am getting soft father would have beat me for not stepping up more.  Ross saw that the question upset Demelza and said "we are not saying that you are not competent but homes with as much space, the size of this family have at least three to four indoor servants.  That does not include the Mistress of the house working her fingers to the bone." Demelza said "I would rather work then sit and embroidery all day!" Ross said, "I am not saying you have to sit and do samplers all day but even my father and I have breaks and enjoy life once in a while, you are not a beast of burden Demelza." Demelza didn't say anything else what would be the sense in arguing with him.  Jenny said, "I may know of a couple, Widow Wheelage comes to mind, Jim do you think your mother would be interested the girls and your brother are older?" Jim said I could ask. The widow though takes in borders and feeds them I don't think she could do it, but we can ask around."  Joshua said, "please do and let me know their answer."  They finished eating and while Demelza was cleaning the table, Drake and Willie asked, "Is there something we can do to help?" Demelza looked at them and thought and answered "yes, you can dust the downstairs furniture, I will show you how to polish it." The boys carefully watched. When they were done, they Demelza saw how proud the boys were for doing such a job.  She sat them down and gave each of them a piece of the leftover lemon cake with some milk.  Ross came in and sat down, he asked the boys how they earned their pieces of cake and when they told him what they did he smiled at Demelza.  He said, "if I sweep will you give me a piece of that cake also?" Demelza laughed and said, "I think we can give you a piece since you have been working at the mine this morning, right boys?" Both boys nodded their heads since their mouths were full.
After they left Jenny brought down the laundry, Demelza told her to put the laundry in the by the tub she would do it first thing in the morning, Jenny nodded.  Demelza told Jenny if she swept the floors she would scrub them. While Jenny was sweeping Demelza started evening meal.  She had the apple cake done, by the time Jenny was done sweeping Demelza had supper on and cooking all Jenny had to do was watch it.  While Demelza was scrubbing the floor Jenny did up the dishes and swept the kitchen. It was time set the table for dinner. 
Everyone came in for dinner just as Demelza put the finishing touches on the meal.  She told the boys to wash their face and hands.  Ross came in and lifted Drake and Willie to the water pump. Then James washed, then Ross.  Joshua came in last, then they all sat and ate.  Demelza was bone tired but was determined not to let them see.  When she brought the apple cake out Joshua commented, "Demelza I don't know how you find time to do all you and Jenny do.  The house is spotless, and the meal is perfectly cooked plus you have fresh bread almost daily and always have something for a sweet. You are a wonderous woman and I am proud to call you, my niece." Ross's heart filled with pride for this beautiful woman, wait did he just think of her as a woman, she was not seventeen yet, but she was wiser than most of the women his age. Certainly, more so the Elizabeth that acted as a spoiled child. Ross remembered her body through the thin shift she wore, how her long shapely legs under the towel.
After supper Jim went outside with the boys to plan of where they should put the garden. Demelza and Jenny did the dishes and straightened the kitchen.  Once that was done Jenny went out to sit and watch the men work.  Joshua and Ross seeing what they were up to went out to give their opinions.  Demelza had set to the laundry the white shirts she scrubbed the stains then boiled them. Ross noticed that Demelza was not outside but thought that she was just resting.  When the sun was setting, they were retiring inside, Ross went into the kitchen and saw Demelza scrubbing the clothes, she was almost done she had a couple britches. Ross said "Demelza leave them come sit." Demelza said "After I finish these, I plan on washing and going to my room." He walked over behind her, she had tied her hair up with a ribbon, showing her long neck and ivory skin, earthenware.  So beautiful, so gentle, so kind, so loving, someone who he loves.  He went behind her grabbed her waist turned her around and kissed her.  He pulled back and kissed her passionately again. When he released her, she said "breaking my heart by tricking me once could be me being stupid but trying it again will make a fool of you. Please do not do it again." Ross said "Demelza it isn't like that; I find you attractive and I really wish to court you." "Yes, until I turn eighteen, then Uncle can give me to whomever he desires. No thank you Ross." Demelza put the cloths in the baskets and turned to go upstairs. Ross grabbed her arm, "Demelza please I really want to court you!" she pulled her arm, "I need to get the boys ready for bed."  Ross said, "I'll do it." "They're my brothers my responsibility I will do it." Ross swore "damnit Demelza stop being so stubborn let me help." Demelza said, "you and your father have and are doing enough for us. The least I can do is take care of my brothers."
Demelza went and gathered her brothers, James and Sam had left before the sunset. Taking Drake and Willie upstairs she started to heat the water once she had two pails heated and put in the tub, she put the boys in.  Gathering their clothes, she brought in their nightshirts. She helped them into bed and Willie asked her to sing them a song. She asked Willie what he would like to hear. Willie told her Mam used to sing the Tide Song. Demelza said is this it:

Memories like voices that call on the wind
Medhel an gwyns, Medhel an gwyns
Whispered and tossed on the tide coming in
Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns

Voices like songs that are heard in the dawn
Medhel an gwyns, Medhel an gwyns
Singing the secrets of children unborn
Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns

Dreams like the memories once born on the wind
Medhel an gwyns, Medhel an gwyns
Lovers and children and copper and tin
Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns

Dreams like the castles that sleep in the sand
Medhel an gwyns, Medhel an gwyns
Slip through the fingers or held in the hand
Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns

Songs like the dreams that the bal maiden spins
Medhel an gwyns, Medhel an gwyns
Weaving the song of the cry of the tin
Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns

Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns
Medhel oh Medhel an gwyns

Willie said, "you sound just like Mam, I miss her melza" Demelza hugged him and said, "I miss her too, but you know she would want you to grow into a strong loving man and uncle can help you do that." Drake said, Melza do you think she is watching us; does she know we are with you now." Demelza nodded not knowing Ross was on the other side of the door.  His siren was singing again.  I went into the empty room next to the boys so she would not see him listening to her conversation with the boys. She went into the water closet cleaned the tub out. While she was in their Ross made his way down to the parlor. Demelza made her way back down to the kitchen. She was determined to wash the clothes the boys had on today.  She put rope across the kitchen standing on a chair. She hung the clothes on the line so that she could iron and mend tomorrow whatever needed the attention. She added more wood to the fire and went into the parlor, everyone had long since went to bed she realized.  She gathered the glasses that were used by the men for their drinks and went to the kitchen where she washed and put them to dry.  Looking around she decided she should go sew some on the clothes for Sam since she didn't have that long to get them fitted for him.  Ross was coming out of his room heading to the water closet to bathe, he asked, "Demelza what are you are still doing up?" She said, "I had somethings I needed to see to."  Ross then asked, "are you going to use the water closet?" Demelza said, "no I have some mending to do, good night, Ross." He said, "good night" after she went into her room he said, 'my love!"
Demelza was up to well after the house was silent and there was no noise what so ever. Garrick was laying beside her feet as she sewed Sam's clothes. Garrick ears picked up and her door crept open. In walked Drake crying, I had a bad dream!" Then Willie walked in and said "I had two bad dreams!" Demelza said "well I guess you should sleep in here tonight, but you really must start sleeping in your room.  Uncle spent all that money making that special for you don't you think you should try to sleep in it?" Both boys told her they would tomorrow night.  Demelza said "I am going to check the kitchen fire, then wash up and I will be in to go to bed.  Leave a spot for me please!" Demelza went and checked the fire in the kitchen checking the clothes they were almost dry. Then she went and washed-up ad slipped her night rail on.  Going into her room she wondered where she was supposed to sleep, both boys were spread out leaving about four inches for her to sleep.  Demelza went over to the boys' room and laid down on Drake's bed and fell into a deep sleep.  Ross woke up and thought he would go over to get boys up. Walking into the room, he noticed that both boys must be in one bed. Seeing what looked like a long body confirmed in his mind that they were at opposite end of the bed. He walked over and grabbed what he thought was the boys' feet. It wasn't until Demelza shrieked that he realized it was Demelza. He kissed her passionately and said, "good morning. Where are the two rascals that should be in here?" He kissed her forehead and helped her up. Crawling out of bed Ross noticed Demelza's night rail had was gathered at the top of her thighs.  He thought I want to marry this girl!

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