The End?...

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*George's POV* (t/w – blood and violence)

When I woke up I only felt pain. Cold, hard pain. I ignored it stood up. I was in the concreate box where I had lived for the past two months. I am a Neko, so people didn't exactly like me. When I was 8 years old I was taken to my seller. I have been sold 6 times and every time his life had gotten worse and worse. I was thinking... When will it end?

-Small time skip-

I was leaning against the wall when my owner came in. My owner was scary. He was tall and had menacing eyes. He always wore a suit and spoke in a husky voice. He knew that the owner only came to visit one of his guests if he had an announcement to make.

"So... I came here to tell you that it will be your last day here. You will not be going back to the Black market. Your days are finally over." He said with false cheer. "I wonder who would like to finish you off... Max would like to, I think. Especially when you almost ripped his face off. So Au revoir my dear Neko. I hope you have a painful death. I should tell Max to take a photo for me to enjoy" Mr. Schlatt said while exiting the room.

I was scared. I had always been. What was he going to do? I had only one friend in this hell hole and he was locked in a different cell. They would probably kill me in the afternoon cause they think that it's funny to end someone's life in the end of the day.

-Time skip to about 3.00 in the evening-

I was on the floor while his head hurt like crazy. My tail felt limp. My body felt like it was burning from all cuts and bruises. I was pretty sure that one of my bones were broken. He couldn't see anything. He didn't dare move just in case he was seen by the guy who hurt him. He heard muffled voices above him and tried to listen.

"Stop! Get away from him!" Someone said. Then a gruff voice answered the voice from earlier. "No can do little kitty, he hurt me once and now I have a chance to get revenge. Get out of my way and I might let you live." The other voice almost immediately screamed back its reply. "Never! Go away and leave us alone!" "Wrong answer kitty" the gruff voice said as the voice from earlier started screaming in pain.

Just then I heard two gunshots and a loud thud. The screaming stopped as the voice from earlier started speaking with a different person. "Thank you" said the voice from earlier. Then I felt unbearable pain again. It hurt so much. I couldn't hold on for any longer. I let my body take over control and I blacked out.

A/N - I don't hate Schlatt or anything, It's just for the plot and he's a good character for a bad guy.

A/N - Stay safe and hope you all are happy. Have a wonderful day!!!   :3

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