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A/N - Give all credit of the art to the author please!!! It's stunning.

*Karl's POV*

The harpy was sobbing on my shoulder as I was rocking him back and forth. He was shivering and looked cold. Not gonna lie, he smelled very bad but it wasn't his fault. As soon as reinforcements come, we can get him clean and medically treated.

His sobbed slowly faded as he now just lay there in my arms, awake yet shivering.

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked.

He slowly looked up at me eyes teary and nodded. I hugged him and rocked him back and forth.

"Try to get some rest." I said to him in a soft voice as I started purring. At first, he was startled but then he laid back down in my arms and then started gently purring and crooning.

Soon, he fell asleep. In a bit of time Sap and the others came through the door with George in tow. By in tow I mean in Dream's arms, being carried. That big baby.

*Sapnap's POV*

I walked in with the rest of the team and saw the most adorable sight unraveled infront of me. Karl was holing a harpy with raven black hair and yellowish golden wings. I haven't told this to anyone, but I'm poly. An I think I've fallen for two angels.

We went closer to a cage that looked like a bird cage but bigger. Is this being the harpy was staying? How unhuman.

Me and the others walked towards them but Karl gestured us to stop. Then he gestured me to come, so in quietly went inside the cage and sat down next to him.

"So, what's with him? Is he ok?" I asked, in a soft voice not to disturb the sleeping harpy.

"I am trying so hard not to break down right now, but about me later. This guy need medical attention immediately." Karl whispered to me.

I nodded and picked him up and carried him the rest of the way. The harpy looked physically drained and exhausted.

We exited the facility and got into our vehicle where Sam was waiting for us. We gently lowered him into me and Karl's laps to keep him comfortable

Sam popped up from the front and asked "Is that him?" he whispered. We nodded. I ran my fingers through his hair. It was matted but I could tell that if it was washed it would be soft.

After everyone got in the car, we started heading back. George was asleep in Dream's lap. Thank god, Karl was asleep on my shoulder too. I didn't want another 'cat's hate cars' incident.

Soon we got to the drive through of our little mansion. Now here came the biggest challenge...

"Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrllll..." I whined shaking him gently not to wake the sleeping ducky on our laps.

"Mhm staaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppp..." Karl groaned. Oh gods. "Welp, you leave me no choice then." I said, and picked up the Harpy and laid him on my shoulder, where he cuddled up, and then picked up Karl bridal style and then carried them both inside.

I kept Karl down on the Couch and then took the harpy to Bad.

"OMG! QUICKLY GET HIM IN BED NOW! I'LL GO GET MY STUFF!" I think he kinda panicked seeing his condition. I put him in bed and wet a cloth and started to gently rinse off the blood and grime on his face.

After Bad came back we needed to give him a bath before dressing the wounds. Bad said that he'll do it and I agreed. While he did that I went back to my sleepy kitty.

"Karl. Baby. Do you wanna go to bed?" No response. He was curled on the couch with George.

"I left him with since they both are sleepy cats." I heard Dream say from behind me. I turned around and nodded.

"So, how's the harpy doing?" He asked.

"Bad's giving him a bath." I said.

"WHAT?!" Dream said.

"We have to do it before we dress his wounds. Bad said he'll do it; probably cause he's done it before and it won't be weird for him since he's like a doctor." I said.

"Huh. Yeah, that makes sense." Dream said, his ears twitching a bit.

"We're back!" Bad whisper shouted while walking out from the bathroom. The harpy was wrapped in a fluffy yellow towel. His hair was king of fizzy and he was still asleep. Pretty sure I was a blushing mess now. He actually looked like a duck now.

"While I get him dressed, you stay there." Bad said and left me and Dream.

"Bro, you poly or somthin?" Dream asked me as I nodded, still stunned.

"Welp, good luck. I'm gonna go cuddle with George." He said. He picked up george bridal style and carried him up the stairs, probably to his room.

"I'm done!!!" Bad shouted from the medic room. I picked Karl up and then I walked into the infirmary. I think I almost had a nosebleed.

Bad had dressed him in one of my hoodies and Karl's sweatpants.

"Wha-? OMG! Sap!!! Look he's so cute in our clothes!" Karl said with a blush on his face. Huh. Maybe we can talk things out.

"Ok, now help me dress his wounds." Bad said.

Karl cut the bandages while I steadied him and kept his wound areas sterilized. Bad applied the needed medicine and stuff. I was surprised with the amount of wounds he had. So many.

"Ok. That's the last one." Bad said.

"We should get him into a better, comfier bed. I heard harpies like sleeping in soft places that are like nests for them." Karl suggested and stated.

"That's true. Can you guys take him into your bed? The others are full." Bad said.

I blushed and I saw Karl blush as well. We agreed. I carried him to our room with Karl following behind me.

Karl arranged the pillows of our bed so that it was like a nest and brought extra sheets and quilts for comfort.

I put him in the middle ofthe pile and then Karl climbed in next to him and cuddled up to him. For somereason I felt happy instead of jealousy. I quickly got in as well and we fellasleep cuddling him from both sides.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. It's very fluffy? You could say that. Sorry again for posting late. My work pile is on my plate and the plate is bout to break.

A/N - Hope you guys are having a wonderful time! Be happy and stay safe!!!        :3

A/N - Should I start a different book just for incorrect quotes? Tell me in the comments!!!

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