Uh, The Ducks Overreacting...

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*Sapnap's POV*

Awwwwwwww! He fell asleep! Karl was literally trying not to combust from the cuteness radiating off of the ducky.

"Sap? Can we take him into our relationship please!?" Karl asked, giving me those adorable kitty eyes that want to make me do anything for him.

"Of course. I am also in love with him, and I'm guessing you are too, Karl?" I asked.

He nodded happily. I mean who couldn't fall in love with this angel. I picked him up and tucked him back into bed and then picked up Karl and then carried him downstairs.

On the couch, Dream and George were making out, and skeppy was looking like he was going to murder them both as Bad was yelling at them that what they were doing was inappropriate. Tch, like Bad and Skeppy definitely didn't kiss a few times.

Sam was just standing there drinking his coffee with a dreamy look on his face. i woNDeR wHy?!

Ant was making some porridge or soup I don't know. I placed Karl on top of the kitchen island and gave him a peck on the cheek. He hid his face in the long-sleeved hoodie he was wearing, which was mine.


*Quackity's POV*

I woke up again. This time I was just on a bed. I knew it was a Dream! Those people were too nice to be real. I was hallucinating. I need to get out of this fake paradise quickly.

I tried to stand up and immediately fell face first on to the carpeted floor. This is going to be a real piece of cake. I was kept under imprisonment and experimented on so I had special powers even as a hybrid.

I managed not to die the second time I stood and started to inch forward towards the door of the room. I may have stopped on my feathers a little but I got there eventually.

I walked down the stairs trembling, shaking. I wonder if I can fly inside the house, but my wings hurt so, no. I got down the stars to see those two boys and another six people staring at me.

Panicked I plucked two feathers off my wings as they unfurled into some long fighting knives made out of gold. I puffed my wings up and took a fighting stance.

The people seemed startled. Good. Wait, there was another harpy. I felt my eyes dilate and my mind go fuzzy as I turned into my duck form. I really want to snuggle into that harpy and there was nothing stopping me so that's what I did.

*Sapnap's POV*

Uh, the harpy, trembling, walked down the stairs and then froze as he saw us. He TORE two feathers from his WINGS and they turned into SWORDS?! HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!

He spotted Bad and we all saw his pupils dilated as he turned into a baby duckling and flew onto Bad's shoulder and snuggled into his shoulder.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!" Bad squealed and pet the tiny duck on his shoulder. I was just shocked.

"Why is he acting like that?" I asked. "And does that mean Karl can turn into a cat?"

"Of course! You didn't know?" Karl said.

"No?! George? Does Dream know that you can turn into a cat?" I asked.

"Dream? D you?" He asked.

"Nope. Hey I thought that only Inu's can turn into an animal form which is a dog!" He said looking at Sam for reference.

Sam looked at Dream with a look of disbelief on his face which then turned into a look of pity.

"I forgot that you and Sap were both uneducated." Sam said.

Oh, right. I forgot that too but I didn't know that we could all turn into animals.

"George and Karl can you turn into your animal forms?" Dream asked, his head tilting and one ear going up as he was curious.

George giggled and said " Of course, puppy!!! Omg Dream! You're so cute!!!" George squealed and went up to dream to pet his hair.

He then gave Dream a little peck on his cheek and then turned into a gray, brown white mix-ish cat. I turned to Karl and he turned into a brown cashmere cat.

He came up to me and climbed up my pants and up my hoodie and then laid across my shoulder's like a scarf. I petted his head as he purred.

"Have you never seen me in my bird form? I fly down the stars sometimes!" Bad exclaimed.

"uuuuuhhhhh nope." I said.

He sighed and then turned into a red cardinal. The ducking chirped happily and then snuggled into the cardinal a little bit more. Then a yellow smoke came up and the harpy was snuggling his face into the cardinal, little chirps leaving his mouth.

He looks so happy and content.

"Feathers?" I called him. He looked in my direction and tilted his head.

"Can you tell us your name? We still call you nicknames." I said.

All he let out was a series of chirps and chitters. He seemed pretty satisfied with his answer cause he placed Bad onto Skeppy's head and then came over to me and pet Bad.

"Feathers, you didn't say anything in English for me to understand." I said. he looked up at me with a pout on his face.

Just then a red billow of mist poofed up as bad was now, bridal style, in Skeppy's arms.

"He said his name was Quackity." Bad said.

Quackity gave a series of happy chirps and hugged Bad who was still in Skeppy's arms.

"Let's try to get Quackity on the English dictionary again." Dream said, petting George.

Boy! This is going to be a long process.

A/N - Please give credit of the art to blue :] on tumblr. Their art is amazing.

A/N - Hi guys! I woke up to two notifications. One was similar to "BRO WTF I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD?!. the next one was "BRO ITS BEEN LIKE MONTHS WDYM WEEKS?!. Well, I'm not dead. and I think it's been three week? I think ok, I'm not sure at all.

A/N - I hope you all are having a wonderful day/night! Just remember to Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!


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