Venus Dog Trap...

391 9 19

*Dream's POV*

Everyone left to sleep and I was carrying George, who was just lazy up to our room. At the mention of Techno by Skeppy, I really want to meet him again. I kinda miss him.

Just then felt something brushing my face. It was soft and fluffy.

"Dream, you've been zoned out for the past ten minutes, still standing on the stairs. What are you thinking about, honey?" George asked me, his tail still petting my face.

"I was thinking about my friend Technoblade. The guy Skeppy mentioned?" I said, melting into his touch.

"Mhm?" He hummed, now petting my ears. "Let talk about this after you take us to the bedroom. Your just standing there, holding me for an addition."

So, I carried George up the stairs and we settled into the bed. Now that I think about it, did george have a bath any time soon?

Hmmmmm. He is scared of water so; he may be avoiding it on purpose. I bring that up a bit later.

I put george down and went to my closet to get myself some clothes.

George also kneeled down next to my hoodie drawer to get one of my hoodies I presume.

He picked out his favorite which was my big black hoodie with a white smiley face.

He put it on with no pants, just boxers and got into bed, with me following.

"So now tell me, who is this Technoblade?" He asked, sifting his hands through my dirty blond locks of hair.

"He was my sparring partner when Sam was training the both of us. Including Sapnap. He has two brothers, adopted, named Tommy and Wilbur. They are rare hybrids so they are really valuable for humans. So, they mostly hide their true hybrid form and just pretend to be another common king like a Neko or an Inu." I rambled on.

"Ok... What are their real hybrid types?" George asked.

"I'm not gonna say. I want it to be a surprise. I was thinking of inviting them to live next door cause why not. We are all like very rich and can definitely afford it and like Skeppy said, I think Techno and Quackity will get along just fine. I said, giving him a gentle smile.

"I think that we should go to sleep now don't you think so?" I asked.

"Hmmmmm, ok." George hummed and cuddled up into my chest as I wrapped my arms around him, ready to take slumber.

"Good night, darling." I said, kissing George on the lips, softly.

"G'night , dream." He said as well both comfortably laid there waiting for gentle sleep to engulf the both of us.

*in SpongeBob guy voice *Next morning*

I woke up to my nose stuffed into some brown curls. They smelled like... Sniff sniff... eeeeeeeew. Sweat. I need to give George a Bath before Techno comes, or George will have to endure a lot of roasts from him.

He snuggled closer into the warmth engulfing my body. Well, he is a cat. Kinda.

I hugged him tighter, even though he kinda stinks right now, and kissed his forehead. I need to get up and talk To Sam about getting Phil and the rest to live closer to them.

But first I need to get out of this cute Venus dog trap.

First, I tried to shake him awake. Fail.

Next, I barked in his ear. Fail.

I bit his hand 'very hard'. Fail.

To be fair I didn't bite him that hard. I couldn't bring myself to it. He is so cute; I can't hurt him. Even a pinch on him is a crime.

Soon, I heard people running up the stairs and slamming the door open to our room. Sap, Skeppy, Bad and Sam were standing infront of the doorway looking startled.

"What happened?! Why were you Barking?!" Sap asked, panicked.

"George won't wake up." I said, bluntly.

"Oh." Bad said.

"Oh, by the way Sam I have an arrangement to deal with you." I said, in mock importance.

"Oh? And what may that be?" He asked, his head cocked to the side.

"I'll tell you as soon as I escape." I said, trying to get out of George's tight grip.

A/N - Please give all credit of the art to the Artist please!!! Btw, The picture is so adorable!!!

A/N - How did i do? I wanted to this sort of fluffy chapter cause... um... why not? I didn't really have a reason. Btw i need you guys to vote on some things. BELOW!!!


Piglin hybrid (With blood god status and potato obsession)

Bunny hybrid (with chat and voices and carrot obsession)

Other??? (leave comments pls)

Tubbo... (Did I already give Tubbo a hybrid status??? remind me if i did.)

Goat hybrid

Ram hybrid

Sheep hybrid

Other??? (Ideas in comments)



Racoon hybrid

Other??? (Ideas in comments pls)

Ranboo is and enderman!!!




Phantom Hybrid (personally like this one)

Other??? (comments pls)

Dadza is gonna be a harpy ------> crow hybrid

Mumza... is a surprise.

A/N - Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please vote on the above subjects!!! Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!    :3


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