Cupboard Cat...

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*Dream's POV*

I woke up to the sound of someone walking around in my room. It was just Sapnap. He had a weird smile on his face, and he was pacing in front of me.

"Hey Sap. What's up?" I asked. He looked at me and I saw his tail wagging. "You've got to see this. It's so cute! And it's also a good sign." he said. I just looked at him confused and just followed him downstairs.

No one was eating. They were all was watching TV in the living room. He didn't see Karl or George. He guessed both were still sleeping. Sapnap told me to go near the Med room and that Bad would explain everything.

Bad was in front of the Med room grinning to himself when I got there. When he saw me immediately ran up to me and started talking in a enthusiastic voice.

"Hey Muffinhead! Go look inside" he said as he gestured at the Med room. "Why? Isn't George still in there?" I asked. "Yeah... just check it out. I'll promise it'll make you happy..." he said. I sighed and went inside the room.

Inside, was one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. On the bed, George was asleep, while hugging a purring Patches. I couldn't resist so I took a picture of them both together. He would show it the cute Brunette once they became friends.

-Small time skip-

After he had eaten breakfast, he and Sapnap had to go to meet Karl in one of the guest bedrooms. Once they got there Karl asked them a load of questions which they had to answer for about two hours. Karl was pretty clam about the situation. Karl seemed to like the both of them. But he told them that George was the one they had to worry about and not him.

"I've only known George about for one day, but that day we learned a lot about each other which lead us to be best friends. I'll tell you his story but I'm warning you two, he didn't exactly have a fantasy childhood." He warned. Me and Sapnap just nodded.

"Well, you see... George was sold to the Black market by his own father. His father was a human, and his mother was a Neko. His father was an alcoholic. His mom had been thrown out of the house by his Father when he was small and hadn't seen his mother ever since. So, whenever his dad was angry he would take it on George." He explained.

"George told me that once his father came to his room at 11.00pm and started kicking him just because the football team his father cheered didn't win the game. George has always had no one to trust or love until the day I met him. Sometimes he would have Panic Attacks and I would sneak out of my cell just to calm him down. I actually think that he has mental trauma." He said.

Sapnap and I were speechless. They had heard stories of many Hybrids before but this was the most unsettling one of all. Karl was about to ask them a question when Bad suddenly barged in to the room, Breathless.

"Go... George on cupboard... scared... come on..." Bad said while panting. His wings flaring as he talked. Me, Sapnap and Bad ran down the stairs to the Med room to find Sam, Skeppy and Ant trying to calm down George.

George was on the cupboard in his cat form. His eyes were wide and scared. I noticed that one of his eyes were sky blue while the other was chocolate brown. 'How did he even get up there?!' I thought.

Then Karl entered the room and tried his best to calm him down. "Hey, George. It's ok, these people are good. They helped me and you escape from Mr. Schlatt." George flinched when Karl had said the name of his torturer. "It's ok, why don't you come down now, and I'll introduce you to all these nice people." Karl spoke to him in a soft voice.

George didn't seem to want to come down, but he jumped (Still in cat form) on to the cabinet and them into Karl's arms.

"You can stay in your cat form if you feel uncomfortable, ok? It's fine. Now let me introduce you all these people." He said.

He introduced Bad first and then the rest of us. I felt like George stared at me for a little while longer than the others. George still hadn't changed from his cat form, but we didn't mind. It was important to let him adapt into this new life. As Karl had said, his life wasn't exactly a fantasy. Karl handed George to me and told to me to show him his room.

I agreed and carried George (still in cat form) to his room and placed him on the bed. I turned around to close the door. Then I heard a little pop. It was George, he had turned back into his human form and was rubbing his wrists.

I decided to talk to him. "Hey, are you ok? Do you need anything?" I asked in a soft voice. He shook his head. His ears were down and pointing away from me. I realized that he was afraid of me.

"Hey, you don't have to be scared of me you know. I was once sold to the Black Market too, but I found a way to escape with my friend, Sapnap." I said trying to make him feel better.

He just nodded. I told him just call me if he needed me. He nodded and started to get comfy on the bed. In a moment of a second, he was sleeping.

I decided to leave him alone and go to bed. I was tired as well. So, in a few minutes I was also sleeping on my bed.

A/N - Fanart is not mine. In my story hybrids can turn into two forms; Half form and full form. George as a cat, is in his full form.

A/N - Hope you guys are happy and having a wonderful day!!!

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