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*Dream's POV* (t/w – gunshots, blood, death)

(A/N – This is going to be a long chapter. So, enjoy!)

Me and Sapnap were hiding behind the Target shop Planning on what to do next. "We gotta do this quick or there gonna somehow catch up to us. So, what are we gonna do?" Sapnap asked without taking his eyes off the tall building.

"Ok. Sam said that the Neko was being kept on the fourth room in the basement. So... I think we should somehow sneak through the main lobby, somehow get to the basement and save that poor Neko who is probably getting tortured." I said.

"That's your plan?!" Sapnap whispered while his dog ears were listening to the enemy building. "Yeah." I said. "Ok fine. Let's get this over with quick." He said and started running toward the main entrance of the building. I noticed how his ears were twitching and how is tail was swishing nervously.

I pulled him back and said, "Hey. You nervous?". "A bit." He said. "It's fine. Let's get this finished so we can go and watch a movie or something." I said in a soft voice. He nodded and we both started running towards the entrance.

Once we got there we were surprised. There were no guards, people, not even a receptionist for that matter. He didn't think of that and just pulled Sapnap along with him to the staircase he saw when he entered the building.

They went down the staircase and looked for room 4. After about five minutes later they found the correct door. But something was already inside it. Or more like someone was inside it. Sapnap put his ear on the door to hear what was happening inside. I did the same. I was surprised to hear a conversation and not pained screams.

"No can-do little kitty, he hurt me once and now I have a chance to get revenge. Get out of my way and I might let you live." Another voice almost immediately screamed back. "Never! Go away leave us alone!" "Wrong answer kitty" A gruff voice said as the voice started screaming.

Immediately Sapnap and I jumped into action. Sapnap kicked the door open to find a tall man twisting a knife into the arm of a poor Neko who was shielding an unconscious Neko. I took out my gun and fired two shots at the big man's head. The big man slumped down, Dead.

"Go help the small one, I'll help this one" Sapnap said as he went near the Neko who still had a knife in his arm. I went to the Neko who was passed out, probably from pain, on the floor. I was surprised how cute this Neko was. He had short fluffy brown hair, a little splash of freckles on his cheeks, a cute little button nose and soft, pink lips. I felt my tail wag. He was so pretty!

He looked like he had blacked out or something. I checked his pulse. I was very faint; they should quickly get both Nekos back to their car and get them back to the main house.

"Hey, Sapnap? We should go quick before a guard, or anyone comes back again." I said. "Yeah" he said. "What do we do with this guy?" he asked. "Who?" I said with one of my ears raised.

"Hi. I am Karl. Excuse me but who the honk are you? Are you good guys or should I be fighting now?" The Neko named Karl said, gritting his teeth in pain.

Sapnap and I looked at each other and made a silent agreement. "Hi! I know you might be a bit confused, but we came here to save you guys from this Mr. Schlatt guy. We are now going to take you both to our main house and tend to your wounds. I will explain more when we get there. Is that, ok?" I asked Karl.

"Only if your taking George too." He said looking at the Neko near me. "He's my best friend" "Of course." I said.

He nodded. "Ok, so I am going to carry you, Karl. Is that, ok?" Sapnap asked him. Karl nodded. "Dream, you carry George and we'll both run up the stairs, out the exit and straight into my car. Karl in the passenger seat and you and George in the back. Ok?" He asked. I nodded as I lifted George.

Then we ran. We didn't even look back. Sapnap was in front of me carrying Karl and I was right behind him. We didn't stop running until we reached the car. Sapnap placed Karl in the passenger seat and started driving. There were several gunshots behind us but Sapnap continued driving.

After a few minutes we lost them and pulled up at the drive of our house. I picked up George and stepped out of the car. George was still unconscious. Sapnap followed me carrying Karl.

When we were inside the house Sapnap sat Karl down on the couch while Skeppy and Sam started tending to their wounds.

Bad and Ant immediately came over to me as I placed George down on the opposite couch. "How hurt is he?" Bad asked me. "Sprained ankle, I think, Broken ribs, Internal bleeding probably and lots of cuts and bruises"

"Ok, can you carry George to the Med room?" he asked. I nodded and carried him to med room and placed him on the white bed. Bad started treating him right away.

I was exhausted after running so much, so after Ant finished tending to my wounds, Bad told me to go to bed. I climbed up the stairs to my room and slumped onto my bed and almost immediately fell asleep.

A/N  - I don't hate Schlatt or anything but he is such a good... um.... villan character, you could say.

A/N - Have a wonderful day and hope you all are happy    :3

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