Mission Golden Duck (Part 1)...

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*Dream's POV*

I woke up with George next to me, cuddled up to my chest. I heard and felt my tail thumping against the mattress since I was vey happy. He is so adorable.

Then I heard a small yawn from George. SO CUTE!

"G' mornin..." He said, his voice muffled cause he was snuggled into my chest.

"Good morning." I said, my tail still thumping.

And then came the sound of Sapnap stomping between the corridor banging on a metal pot.

"WAKIE WAKIE LOSERS! MISSION TIME!" He shouted, kicking open everyone's doors open.

"Bro, why are you like this?" I asked, kinda annoyed he disturbed my time. Yeah, we have a mission, but it's still 7.00am or something.

"Because, I'm me ma friend!" He said, his tail wagging. Karl then came and waved at us.

"Good morning, guys..." He said, kinda gloomily?

"Ok, ok. Out of bed now, you sleepy heads!" Sapnap said, going downstairs with his serenading pot.

W got out of bed and went downstairs. Oh, and did I mention I was carrying George. I sat down on a stool near the kitchen island where Ant was making us fruit salad for breakfast. On mission days we eat light food.

"Here you go Dream and George and good morning!" Ant said, delightfully.

"George... Breakfast..." I said, shaking him lightly. Well, no response.

I could hear him lightly snoring and purring. He was kneading the front of my sweater as well. That was kinda adorable.

"Hey, Georgie... Wake up, hon." I said, nudging him.


"... Ok that's adorable." Ant commented.

"Oh, hey guys. Can't wake George up I see." Karl said.

"Yup." I said.

"I'll show you how I did it once. Stand up and hold him at arm's length." Karl said.

I did as he told me to and held George at arm's length. Karl then came up to George and scratched him behind his ears. George let out a purr and stretched in my arms and looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"Dream, I think your tails about to fall off." Karl said, giggling.

I looked back at my tail which was having a spazz attack.

"G'mornin..." George said, yawning cutely. I mean normally. *Cough* Adorably *Cough*

"Good morning, George. Did you have a nice nap?" Karl asked, amused.

"Mhm... Dream's warm..." He said. " Can I get down now?"

"Y-ya sure." I said and put him on the ground.

He walked back to me and snuggled into my chest.

"I'm hungry... Can I have food please?" He asked me, giving those adorable cat eyes! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

"Yup, C'mon. Let's get you some thing to eat." I said and carried him to the Kitchen.

I carried him to the Kitchen, and gave him the food that Ant had made for the both of us earlier. George seemed to be enjoying it a lot.

"Ok, guys. So, we have distributed roles. EVERYONE TO THE KITCHEN. MEETING!" Sam shouted.

After everyone gathered into the kitchen, we were all given our mission roles.

"George, Sapnap, Skeppy, Dream and Karl. You guys are all engaging in the field. Bad and Ant you guys are on medics and communication. I will also be communication and emergency evacuation ride. Everyone got it?" He asked.

We all nodded.

"Ok, now field agents, go get your suits from Ant and Bad." He said.

We all went into the medical room to get fitted into our outfits. They were Jade black with black, leather combat boots. The Neko's of the groups got special earpieces and of course, throwing knives.

We got nothing special just the normal gear. Oh, yeah. We all got grappling hooks and emergency bandages to use in an emergencies.

"These are so cool!" Karl said, clearly excited.

"Ok, Now let's get going." Sam said, as we all started the mission.

A/N - HI GUYS! Sorry I get a bit late to update chapters now. School works a rising! Please give all credit of the art to the artist. (Chii  @ tumblr arc)

A/N - I hope you guys are having a wonderful day or night. Be happy and stay safe!!!       :3

You are special. Everyone is special in their own way. Even if you feel like your unappreciated. Someone out there in the world appreciates you     <3

Have a wonderful day     :3

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