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*George's POV*

So, we were going shopping? What the heck is a shopping. They said that they were going to buy us clothes. All I know is were going somewhere to do something and that's about it. I should have read more papers with stuff(books).

"So, have you guys one in a car?" Dream asked us.

"uuuuuuuh, what's a car?" I asked


"Ow ow ow ow George. It's fine." Dream told me, as I clung on to him for dear life.

"N-nope. N-never again. Uh uh. N-nope." I said. It was too scary for me. I hate this.

"Y-yup. I agree w-with G-george" Karl said. He was on Sapnap's lap curled up into a ball.

"Oh, come on your muffins, It's not that bad" Bad said wrapping his feathers around me. It was calming.

You guys aren't ever going to drive if you can't even ride in a car" Sam said, He was pretty chill. HOW?!

"We're here!" Sam said.

"You can get off now." Dream said

"No" I said.

"Karl, we're here. Can you get up for me, please?" Sapnap asked, blushing a bit.

Karl was hanging on to Sapnap and was sleeping. Oh no. When Karl was asleep it took ages to wake him up.

"Good luck" I said, still hanging on to Dream.

"Why?" Bad asked.

"It takes Ages for Karl to wake up when he is like that. It's like he's in a sleep coma." I said, snuggling into Dream. He's warm.

"Karl WAKE UP!!" Sapnap screamed. I flinched. Loud noises are bad.

"uhmmm sleeeeeeeep..." Karl slurred. Welp, this was very normal.

"How do we wake him up?" Dream asked me

"Oh, just get him a monster..." I said. It was true.

"A monster?! Would a Bull dog do?" Bad asked.

"Nooooooooo, I mean the drink." I said, I was annoyed now.


"Sam, can you go grab a monster can for Karl?" Sap nap asked, playing with Karl's hair.

"Okay, come on let's all first go in and-" Sam got cut off by Sapnap.

"Uhhhhh we can't just carry a sleeping Neko into a supermarket you know..." He said.

"*sigh* I'll go get the monster." Sam said and got out of the car and headed towards the store.

"So have you guys ever had a waffle?" Bad asked.

"WAFFLES!!!" Dream and Sapnap both screamed. I flinched. Why were they so loud?

"I was asking George you two. So have you George?" Bad asked.

"Never even heard of that." I said. It was true. What was a waff–ael?

"We have a lot of work to do." Bad said.

"Kaaaaaaarlllll! Please wake up..." Sapnap said.

"..." No answer from Karl. When he was sleeping, he is out of this world.

"Well, it seems like he doesn't want to" Dream said.

Then I heard a door open. I didn't even care getting myself off of Dream. I don't want to and I will have to soon enough anyway.

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