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A/N - Please give all credit of the above art to the artist. It's So CUTE!!!   :3

*Quackity's POV*

I woke up and felt something fluffy under me and two warm things tangled with me. I couldn't open my eyes yet cause I was scared. One of the warm things shuffled and I flinched. I swear I didn't do it on purpose, it just happens from time to time.

The figure go into a snuggly position with me and then started petting my hair.

"It's ok..." A voice haven't heard said, in a soft, soothing voice. I t sounded calm and caring but I couldn't trust it yet. Manipulation can be done in different methods. This may be a trap.

The unrecognizable voice kept sifting their fingers through my hair. I was still afraid to take a peek.

"You can open you eyes if you want to, Feathers..." The voice said. Feathers... Oh my gods, they saw my wings. Does that mean I'm going to be treated badly again? I mean it's not new but still, I was scared. The voice must have felt me tensing up cause it started caressing my right shoulder. It felt nice.

"I'm not gonna hurt you And I'm just calling you feathers for now cause I don't know your name." It said. I softly nodded my head.

"Can you look at me?" It asked. I was scared, but for some reason I felt as if this one could be trusted. I gently opened my eyes and stared softly into the small bonfire like irises infront of me.

The voice was a He. They had raven hair like me and had auburn brown eyes like a blazing yet soft bonfire. He was laying on his right side while I was laying on my left. He had slightly tanned skin and had a soft smile on his face. I'm pretty sure I was blushing softly.

"Hey... You did it. You're safe now. Your home." He said, his ears twitching slightly. His ears. He was a hybrid just like me!

"Y-you're a h-hybrid t-too?" I asked, softly.

"Mhm." He hummed. He shuffled closer to me and embraced me in a hug. I slightly flinched at first but then I melted into it. It's been so long since I've had caring physical comfort. I kinda missed this.

It made be feel like a baby chick again. Being smothered in love and affection by the ones who cared. You get that fluffy feeling inside your long-waited numb heart.

My embracer started to pick me up while standing up. I tensed up a bit afraid that he would drop me but he held on to me tighter, like I was going to fade away any minute. He then sat down on the edge of the bed and placed me on his lap so I was straddling him. He brought me close and then inhaled the scent of my hair. It must smell pungent.

"Thank goodness we cleaned you up and treated those wounds. They would've gotten infected." He said.

Cleaned me up? What?

"Bad gave you a bath if you're wondering." He said.

Who's bad and he did WHAT?!

The person hugged me tighter making me sigh. In content. It just felt so nice to be embraced in the warmth I missed so much.

Then I felt another big thing lean on me. I flinched cause... yeah.

"Hey Karl..." The person I knew said. Karl... I 've heard that name before. Isn't he that person who hugged me in my cage?

"Hi Quacks..." The nice other person said.

"You call him quacks? I call him feathers." The person holding me said.

"Both of them suit him." The other guy said.

Then the guy holding me picked me up and handed me over to the other guy. Come on! I'm not a pack of potatoe- ooh he's warm. I snuggled into his shoulders.

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" The guy called karl crooned. I didn't care right now. I was warm and not being abused for once in my life. It'll end soon but until then I will cherish and enjoy it.

"Welcome home little buddy..." Omg, there were talking to me as if I was a child, and why did I kind of enjoy it a little bit. I lifted up my hear and looked both of them in their faces and spoke.

"H-home?" I asked, absolutely star struck by this warm and fluffy word.

"Mhm..." The black haired one said. I started tearing up and I was just sitting there as tears streamed down my face like waterfalls from the river Styx.

There looked worried and embraced me in their warm embrace. I soon felt my consciousness slipping from my grasp as a fell into a comforting, dreamless sleep.

A/N - I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR LIKE THREE WEEKS?!BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT i have a surprise. I will post another chap tomorrow. I promise.

A/N - I hoped you enjoyed this chap. It was pretty fluffy. I hope you are all having a wonderful day! Be safe and stay happy!!!               :3

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