Panic Attack...

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*George's POV* (t/w – Panic attack, Physical abuse)

I woke up in the white bed. Just then someone came in. He was wearing a black hoodie with a red trim, and black pants. He had two red wings coming out of his back and wore glasses.

I was afraid if it was one of Mr. Schlatt's goons. So I did something only a sane hybrid would do. I quickly turned in to my cat form and jumped onto the cabinet and then onto the cupboard.

He immediately came near to the cupboard and then started talking to me in a soft voice, "Hey, my name is Bad. Could you please get down from there? You might get hurt."

His voice was full of concern but I couldn't trust him. Most people had been awful to me. How could this Bad person be any different? His name is literally 'Bad'. I didn't listen to him and paced on top of the cupboard.

He called to three more of his friends who tried to get me down but I didn't let them. Two were Inus and One was a Neko. They seemed nice but I was scared. What if they hurt me?

A few minutes passed and three people entered the room. The Bad guy and two more Inus. One was huge(tall). He had blonde hair and wore a yellow(green) hoodie and grayish coloured sweat pants.

The other had black hair and wore a white t-shirt with a fire symbol on it with black sweat pants. He also wore a white bandanna. Probably to keep his hair out of his eyes.

The yellow one was looking at me in surprise. He was huge and scary. He had golden yellow eyes that looked like they could paralyze anything.

Then Karl came in. He always managed to calm me down. He told me that these people were nice. I got down from the cabinet because I trusted him. He introduced me to all the people and then gave me to the big yellow guy.

Karl had told me that his name was Dream. He was kind of like a big clumsy puppy! He was very warm, but I didn't dare get comfortable. Just in case this was a trick.

The Dream guy carried me all the way to my room and put me down on a bed with blue sheets. I decided that maybe it was ok to trust him. So when he turned around to do something, I changed back into my human form. He asked me some questions but I just nodded to them. He told me to call him if I needed anything.

I decided to ignore him and go to sleep because I was very tired. So I closed my eyes and fell into unsettling sleep, for this wasn't the first time I had a flashback while sleeping.

"Wake up Twerp!" my dad called me from downstairs. I could hear myself. "C-coming sir." Hearing my 7-year-old voice seemed to break something inside of me.

I saw my little self go downstairs and get my father his morning beer. He took it from me and told me to go and make breakfast. He wanted scrambled eggs with chips.

I quickly made the eggs and ran to the cupboard to get a crisps packet. I opened it and slowly places one chip at a time. After I was finished with arranging his plate. I put it on a tray, and he took it.

After a few seconds he came barreling a me with his pocketknife. "How many times have I needed to tell you! Eggs need pepper!" he screamed at me and started placing small and painful cuts on my left arm. "Next year, you are going to make yourself useful"

I remembered that day. Oh, how I screamed in fear and pain. It was horrible. I just wanted to wake up. Then I felt someone giving me a warm embrace.

I woke up and found myself shivering. My leg hurt. Someone was hugging me. It was Dream. I was in the corner of the room hugging my knees. Tears were streaming down my face.

I felt faint. I felt myself leaning into his embrace. I shivered violently and then I felt pain in my head. I gasped and Dream quickly held me at arms length as the blackness closed in, pulling me to its void.

A/N - Thank you guys for the support!!! Hope you are well! My you guys have a wonderful and cheerful day!

A/N - #8 in catboy! Wow! Thanks soooooo much guys!!!

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