Thank You...

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*Dream's POV* (t/w – Needles)

After I woke up I checked twitter for a while. After a few minutes I decided to go back to George's room to check on him.

When I got nearer and nearer to the door I started hearing whimpering. I went into the room and found George shivering in the corner of the room with tears running down his face.

I immediately ran to him and tried to comfort him. Then I hugged him. It seemed to calm him a bit. Then he shivered violently and gasped. I pushed him to arm's length and then he passed out!

I quickly picked him up and laid him on the bed and went to wake Bad up. He quietly ran up to Skeppy's and Bad's room.

"Bad! Wake up it's an emergency!" he said while shaking the sleeping harpy. "H-huh? Good night." He said sleepily and went back to sleep. "Bad there's no time! George fainted after having a panic attack!" I said urgently.

"Oh muffins! I 'll quickly go get my med kit. Skeppy wake up! Dream, go wake up Karl. He may be able to help." He said and I nodded.

Once Skeppy woke up he and Bad went to the Med room to go and get supplies.

I went up to Karl's room and woke him up. We then went to George's room. He was in the same way and place that I had left him. Karl went near George and studied his face. I asked him why.

"I'm checking his facial expressions to see what's happening inside his head." He explained. His tail was swishing back and forth so that means that Karl is nervous. "I think it's another nightmare. He told me sometimes he had nightmares of his father... hurting him." Karl stated.

Then Bad and Skeppy ran in to the room with a few med kits. Bad was holding a syringe. "What's that for?" I asked nervously. "This will make sure that once George wakes up he will be sleeping so he doesn't have a panic attack all over again." He said.

Bad bent down to George and lifted the unconscious boys sleeve. He injected the liquid into George's arm. I winced. I hate needles. "Karl, tell us more about George's past. It may help us to help him." Bad stated.

"Ok so well...Oh no..." Karl said with sudden realization of...something. "What! Karl what is it?" Bad asked. "You said it was a panic attack?" he said looking at me. I nodded.

"Well, every time George has a panic attack, when we... we were not free, he always had the same dream. I always told him to tell me." Karl swished his tail nervously. "He always told me the same thing. It... it was the day his father decided that he would soon sell George to the b-black market. He told me that his father said 'Next year, you are going to make yourself useful'. And sure enough, the year after, he was sold to the black market" Karl said.

After Karl explained a bit more we all decided it would be best to go back to sleep. I said that I would clean his room a bit and come. They all wished me goodnight and went to their rooms.

I picked up his fallen blanket and tucked him in. I felt sorry for him. He was so young when he got involved in with the black market. I turned to leave when I felt a weak grip on to mine. It was George.

"Thank you" he said with a faint smile. "Of course. Now get some rest." I said. He nodded and closed his eyes again. I stayed until he fell asleep. After a few minutes I heard quiet snores. I smiled and went to my room and went to sleep thinking about George.

A/N - I hope you guys like this chapter!!!

A/N - Hope you guys are having a wonderful day!!! Be safe and stay happy!  :p

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