The End...

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A/N - All credits of picture to the artist please!!!       :3

*George's POV*

"You just found a child, and now you want to adopt it?" I asked, looking at the exited dog hybrid skeptically.

"Yeah" Dream said, exited. Wagging his tail back and forth, the child he found seemed quite mesmerized with it.

"Are you sure he wants to stay with us? Did you even ask the kid his name?" I asked.

"Uhhh, no." He said, his ears going down.

I sighed. I knelt down near the kid, who backed up behind Dream.

"Hi bud, what's your name darling?" I asked, gently holding my hand out to him.

"R-ranboo..." He said, stammering.

I could see tear streaks lined his skin near his eyes. If Techno was correct, this was an enderman and white enderman hybrid. So, this child would be highly allergic to water.

"Bud, do you know how old you are?" I asked him, gently guiding him into my arms.

"N-no, i-I'm s-sorry.."

"It's ok bud. By the looks of it, you look about 13 years old, but enderman are tall, so I think you are like 8 or 9 years old."

"Howd'ya guess?" Techno came in.

"I'm, correct?" I questioned him.

"Yeah, enderman hybrids only have those spots when they are below 10 years of age."

"Oh, then is he like Tubbo's and Tommy's age?"

"Yeah, about right. Tommy's 9 years old and Tubbo's like 8 going on 9."

"Hmmm, do you know where your parents are dear?"

"N-no... They are g-gone. They were k-killed in the l-lab.' He said, crying again.

I quickly held him close and shushed him as he cried into my chest. I felt a warm, honey like feeling in my chest. I couldn't let this child go into the CPS. He would just be taken by some hunters again, and that time, hell have no help, and be shown no mercy.

"Darling, would you like to stay with us?" I asked, gently bringing his crying face out of my t-shirt.

"C-can I ?" He asked timidly, voice breaking, but I could see his tail perk up.

"Of course, darling. I'm sure Dream wouldn't mind sharing. Wouldn't you, right Dream?" I asked Dream a bot forcefully.

What can I say? I'm already attached.

"Thank you, mister." He said, snuggling back into me.

I looked at dream with my best kitten eyes, clearly asking him to adopt him. I need this serotonin in my life.

"I was planning on it anyway, Love." He said, bringing me into a soft and loving kiss.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too darling..." He said, bringing me and Ranboo into a hug.

*Five Years Later...*


"Hi baby, what do you have there?"

"A STICK!!!"

"Hehe, I see that." I said, petting my husband's ears, watching our second child, whom we adopted.

Everything has been well, there were some bumps along the road, but we got through them. I can't believe how many things have changed In three years.

We had just escaped from the reception of a certain wedding. Sap had to work so hard to get 'an allowance' from the government to marry both Karl and Quackity, and now here we are!!! All three of them were now goofing off on their dance floor, before their honeymoon.

Skeppy was trying to calm down his husband, Bad (They got married five months before the trio) from tearing up, watching his precious 'so called son' getting married.

Meanwhile, Sam, Ponk and Foolish got engaged!!!! Foolish, being a big gentle giant, wants to adopt so many kids. The other two are not opposed to it, but they doubt they could handle so many mischievous devils. Right now, that trio was preventing one of the fiancés from getting too drunk. If you can't guess, it's Foolish.

Will was trying to get his brother, Techno, to dance with him on the dancefloor. Meanwhile, Tommy and his platonic (READ!!! PLATONIC!!!) boyfriend, purpled (an alien hybrid) was watching Will fail miserably, while cackling at him.

And my oldest son, Ranboo, whom I had adopted three years ago, was dancing with his platonic (PLATONIC BEEDUO!!!) husband. (they marries each other using dollar store, glow in the night, spiderman rings.)

Phil was watching his two older sons goofing around with Ant and his boyfriend, Velvet. The guy had bumped into Ant while in the dollar store where Ranboo and Tubbo got platonically married. The had instantly clicked and were now together.

Niki and her girlfriend Minx were dancing too. And Puffy, their friend and Sam's high school best friend, was talking to Phil now.

Everything had changed for the better, and all of us were happy.

"mhng... George?"

I looked down onto my lap where Dream, my beautiful, lovely, clumsy husband laid, sprawled on the grass, after playing with our youngest.

(I didn't have any ideas for a name so I used random name generator... WE GOT............... Maie!!!)

Maie, our daughter, was picking up sticks, and making nests for birds. She was a moobloom hybrid. We found her in one of the Labs exploiting hybrids, but now she is happy buzzing like a bee. She's only 3 years old, but sometimes freakishly smart.


"Hey sweetie, you making nests for birds?" Dream asked, sitting up and leaning on me.

"YA!!! NOW MOMMA BIRDS CAN BRING BABY BIRDS!!!" She wasn't exactly a quite kid, but she's still my kit.

"That's great baby, come give papa a kiss?" She ran over and gave Dream a cute little peck in the check and then to me and then ran back to her pile of sticks and mud, aka a nest.

"Oh, how I love all of you." Dream said, sighing into my hair.

"I know, me too. Love you." I said.

"Love you too darling."

"OI, LOVEBIRDS!!! GET OVER HERE WITH YOUR LITTLE BOOMBOX OF CHILD AND DANCE!!!" Sap shouted from across the dancefloor.

We both chuckled and joined them with Maie, to goof off on the dancefloor.


A/N - So guys I'm ending this book. Hope you all enjoyed this one and thank you for being with me all through out this journey.

A/N - Do you guys have any ideas for a new book? Tell me in the comments. Ill pick by favorite ideas and let you guys vote for the best!!!

A/N - Hope you guys had a wonderful time with me. Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!

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