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*Dream's POV*

George was now asleep on my lap while I was on the couch watching TV. As soon as we got back Sapnap took Karl up to his room saying that he was going to sleep with him since I don't want to cuddle with him.

I didn't mind really. A few minutes later George started stirring.

"hngy..." He said? I think.

"Hey George, Had a good sleep?" I asked in a calm not, not to startle him.

"m'fine." He said sleepily.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"No." He said, snuggling into me a bit more.

"Do you want to go to sleep? We can go to my bed?" I said.

"hmmmmm..." He hummed "shure..."

I carried him up to my bed room, him curling into my side as soon as we settled in bed.

He's kinda cute.

What am I thinking? Well, he is kinda cute, I can't lie.

"George? You sleepy still?" I asked, kinda getting sleepy myself.

"Yeah..." He said.

"Then I'll go-" I said, not wanting to invade his personal space.

"No, please don't go!" He said looking at me with tears in his eyes.

"Hey, I'll stay, ok? All you had to do was asked. And you did. I'm so proud of you." I said, actually feeling proud that he opened up a little more to me.

"I-i-m Just s-scared that you'll l-leave m-me like M-most other people D-did." He said, sniffling, his ears twitching sadly.

My ears went down. He had fear of abandonment.

"I promise I won't leave, ok? I'll never leave you. Your too cute and such a good friend." I said, not realizing what I said about him being cute.

"Y-you r-really think s-so?" He asked, looking up at me with his eyes all puffy and red.

"Yup." I said, giving him a little scratch behind his ears. He purred at that.

"Can you lay your head on my lap?" I asked. My tail wagging from excitement.

"Okie...' He said and did what I told him to. I then started to scratch behind his ears making him purr loudly. A few minutes later he was soundly sleeping while I was still scratching him.

"Hey dude, what's with the purring?"

Sapnap was near the door and was peeking inside.

"He was crying, I cheered him up. Now go away, I found my cuddle partner." I said, in a mischievous tone.

"Sheesh dude, 'kay. See you later, gotta go back to Karl." He said, his tail wagging at Karl's name.

After he went, I spooned George and pulled the blanket over both of us. I am pretty sure I was going to have a wonderful night's sleep today.

A/N - Give all credit of the small comic above to the artist. Did you guys see the error code I got yesterday? (It's in the chapter before this one) If you guys didn't, go check it out!

A/N - Hope you guys are having a wonderful day! Be safe and Stay happy!!!

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