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*George's POV* (Sorry that this is short)

I woke up in my bed. I didn't know what to do so I just changed my clothes and waited. I remembered that Dream waited till I fell asleep yesterday. That was nice of him.

After thinking for a few more minutes I decided to check my wounds. My ribs hurt a bit, my cuts were healing fine, my sprained ankle wasn't hurting that much now. I think that's good to know.

After few more minutes I heard footsteps. Then the door opened. It was Dream. I relaxed a little.

"Hey, I brought you breakfast" he said. I thanked him. "Bad will be around soon to change your bandages. I must have looked scared cause "Hey, hey, It's ok. I'll be with you the whole time ok?" he said. I nodded, a bit shook.

-Small time skip-

The door opened and Bad stepped in. He was holding... something. It looked like one of those scanner things in supermarkets that scanned the groceries.

"Hey Dream! Look what I got!" Bad said waving the thing around. "What is that?!" Dream wheezed, wagging his tail with his ears up. "It's a brain wave scanner (I don't know if these are real. Just roll with it). He whispered something to Dream. Dream held an understanding gaze on Bad and that made me uneasy.

Bad gave the thing to Dream and told him to put it in the Med room. After Dream went Bad came near me and talked to me in a soothing voice. "Hey how are you feeling?" He seemed nice so I decided to open up to him a little.

"OK I guess..." I said quietly. "I'm going to change your bandages now ok?" He asked. "Umm c-can we wait till d-dream comes back. He's nice." I said nervously avoiding eye contact. He gave me soft smile and nodded. I noticed a twinkle in his eye.

After a while dream came back. He saw that Bad hadn't changed my bandages and he took my hand as I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the stinging in my stomach and the pain in my leg.

After Bad finished changing the bandages he and Dream left. I was tired so I slowly laid back down and went back to sleep.

A/N -  Hope you guys enjoyed. The above comic is not mine. please give all credit to the artist. (@Theresssa1 on twitter)

A/N -  Hope you guys are having a wonderful day!!! Stay safe and Be happy!!!   :3

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