Laser Tag...

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A/N - Whoever made this gif, Thank you so much!    :3

*Dream's POV*

I woke up with George on top of me, just staring at the ceiling.

"What are you doing and Good Morning?" I said and asked.

"Well, your feet are not letting my feet go so I had to stay until you woke up." He said, shaking his legs that were entangled with mine.

"Oh... sorry." I said and untangled

We got untangled and we went downstairs for breakfast. Downstairs Sapnap had pulled up google and was now reading it to Karl.

"In a laser tag match, each player shoots as many of their opponents as possible. Each time a player accurately shoots their opponent, they score points. The points at the end are totaled and each player's total points are added to their team's score. At the end of the match, the team that has the most points wins."

"Oh! That's not that hard." Karl said, his tail swishing back and forth. "That's easy! You said teams right?"

"Ya?" Sapnap asked.

"Teams of what?" Karl asked.

"Teams of three or two" Sam said.

"I call George and Dream!!!" Karl said.

"Not fair! I wanted to team with you!!!" Sapnap said.

"Too Bad." Karl said, giving him a peck on the cheek. Well, that was new.

"So, Skeppy, Bad and Ant will be one team." Sam said. "Sapnap, you and me are partners." Sam said.

"UUUUUUURRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!! Fine..." Sapnap said. His ears drooping.

*At the Laser Tag place*

"That was horrible" George said, still clinging on to me.

"Oh, come on George, It's not that bad." I said.

"Oh no! That was absolutely Horrible." George said while slowly getting off of me.

We walked to the Laser Center place. What is it even called?! In side a man in a red camouflage type face mask (I wonder who this is...) came and directed us to ward the gearing up room. (I don't know what to call it...) There we found a totem and shark hybrid. (Who could this be?)

He taught us how to put the gear on. I helped George with his vest and he helped me with my bootstraps. In a few minutes we were all geared and ready to laser the floor out. Metaphorically...

"So have you guys chosen your teams yet?" The totem shark guy asked.

"Y-yeah. Um Me and Sapnap, Skeppy, Antfrost and Badboyhalo and last group, Dream, George and Karl.

"Ok, What would be you name now cutie?" Shark guy asked.

"S-sam.' Sam said, turning into a tomato.

"Well, mister Sam you can now continue forward." He said and gestured for the door in the back off the room.

"Thank you! We will be going now." Bad said and started pushing the stuttering and blushing Sam towards the door.

"Ok, Btw, my name is Foolish and the guy you met earlier was Ponk. I'm sure he will be interested with you too. See you later cutie~" Foolish said and left the room from the front door leaving Sam Dazed and leaning on Bad.

"Sam? You ok, bro?" Sapnap asked, one ear up and one ear down.

"Y-yeah. Totally..." He said with glazed over eyes.

"Oooooookay... Let's move on. Everyone to the Laser place inside the Laser place." Skeppy said.

"...what?" Bad asked.

"I mean let's go to the room where we play this thing!!!" Skeppy said. pulling Ant with him.

"Okay..." Bad said and continued pushing Sam to the Games.

When the were inside the place the speaker bleared informing them on what they were supposed to do.


As soon as the speaker gave the countdown, George and Karl pulled me over to a big, black rock.

"Okay, so me and George are going to climb this rock and snipe them from above." Karl said, pointing to the metal shafts above us.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked.

"Definitely!" George said and started climbing up the rock in surprising speed.

"So, what am I supposed to do?" I asked, actually confused on how this was going to work. They were very easy to target up there, but I didn't question their method because this was a secret test to determine whether they were cut out to go on missions with us to save more hybrids from... bad people.

"Oh, you stay on the ground and snipe them from behind rock and stuff. Me and George will do most of the stuff if you don't want to do anything.

So that was the strategy, I guess. Karl also followed George and was now in position.

I could hear Sapnap just screaming at everything and everyone. Then I heard a loud beep.


I looked up to see Karl now aiming at another target. I slowly crept up behind Bad who was aiming at Sapnap. Right as he was about to hit Sapnap, I hit him which caused him to miss his shot.


"Hmph..." I heard Bad huff and I watched him glide out of the Arena.

The game continued on. Sapnap somehow eliminated me and then Karl eliminated Sapnap.

Sam eliminated Skeppy and then it was a showdown between Sam, Karl and George.

Karl and George were now on the ground facing off with each other. When they were creeping around Sam somersaulted and eliminated Karl, so now it was only George and Sam.

George then jumped on top on top of Sam and held him in a headlock and then used Sam's own gun and hit Sam's target behind his back.


George released Sam and helped him stand up.

"Sorry..."' George said, his ears going back.

"For what?! That was amazing!!! Good job!!!" Sam said patting his back.

"Great job!!!" I said, my tail wagging."

We all congratulated George and headed outside. Somehow Sam had gotten the two numbers of the shark guy, Foolish, and the red mask guy, Ponk.

We all went home, with George sleeping in my lap during the car ride. After George woke up, we told both of them the good news. They were definitely in the team. They were overjoyed to know that they were going to help their kind.

We then had Dinner (Just imagine they already had lunch.) and I dragged the already sleepy George up to bed and cuddled him to sleep.

A/N -  I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll say it again, Thank you to whoever made the above Gif. Any Credit ya'll want to give to the gif, give it to the artist!!!

A/N -  Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Stay safe and Be happy!!!   :3

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