Nightmares and Waffles...

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*George's POV*

I slept feeling someone scratching behind my ears and gently circling my arm. Then, It was all nightmares and darkness...

"YOU LITTLE SH**!!!" I Heard my father screaming at me. He barreled into my room and lifted me by the collar of my shirt.

'I-I'm s-sorry. Um w-what d-did I do?" I asked, stuttering and struggling to breath.


He took an empty beer bottle and hit me over the head with it. Then he took out his pocket knife and started placing cuts on my cheeks and thighs and arms. I screamed in pain. Soon, I couldn't breath and my vision was slowly draining until he just dropped me on the floor and left me there, freezing, until I passed out.

I woke up to someone gently rocking me back and forth, whispering sweet nothings into my ears and their fingers drawing all kinds of shapes on my arms.

"D-dream?" I asked, Tears running down my cheeks.

"Yeah. It's ok, You're safe. I'm here, You're here, everything's ok." He said.

He gently rocked me back and forth still doing the comforting thing with his hand. A few minutes later, I was now comfily sleeping beside him.

*Next Morning*

I woke up at about 5.30 in the morning. Pretty usual. I went downstairs thinking that I'll make waffles for them since they were being super nice to me and Karl.

I carefully and quietly walked down the stairs and went to the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards and took out the box of...uh...waf-eal mix? Whatever it was, I took it out and started to read the instructions on how to make them. There was this thing about a waffle maker? (A waffle iron or whatever you guys would like to call it.)

Fortunately, there was a picture of the thing it was talking about. So in about a few more minutes later I had stacks and stacks of waffles ready for all of them. I took out some blue and red colored berries from this cold box and some golden syrupy thing and put them all on the table and waited for them to come downstairs.

A few minuted later I heard someone bounding down the stairs. Soon enough, Sapnap saw all the Waffles and told me to help him wake up the others.

I went to Dream's And Karl's room's while Sapnap woke up the rest of the guys.

First, I woke up Karl and sent him on his way to have this new kind of food. Then I went into dream's room.

I opened the door where he was asleep, his sheets covering his whole body.

I went up to his bed and shook him.

No response

I shook him harder. Still no response.

I went to Bad's and Skeppy's room to find Sapnap standing on a chair ready to jump on the sleeping duo.

When I entered the room, he looked at me and whispered; What?

"How do I wake up Dream?" I whispered back.

"Just jump on him. Always works for me." He said Gesturing at himself on the chair. "Or dump some water on him. That also works."

I did not want to jump on him. So, I settled with the water idea. Even though water is bad and evil, it will do for now.

I went back to Dream's room and poured the water on his face.

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