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A/N - Whoever  did the above art... You are a genius!


Tubbo: motioning to a Halloween display: All these Ghosts! All these Ghosts! But I can't find boo!!!

Ranboo: *Hiding in the Halloween display*


Wilbur, looking at Tommy's essay about himself: Okay, so here it says that you are creative.

Tommy: Yes...

Wilbur: So, what are you good at creating?

Tommy: Problems.


Tommy: So, are you the big spoon or the little spoon?

Tubbo: I'm a knife.

Ranboo, from the kitchen: He's the little spoon!


Phil: Everyone, synchronize your watches.

Will: I don't know how to do that.

Tommy: I don't wear a watch.

Techno: Time is a construct.


Bad: What is a 'thot'?

Sapnap: A thoughtful person.

*At the dinner table*

Bad: Skeppy, can you please pass the salt?

Skeppy: Sure...

Bad: Thanks' Skeppy! You are such a thot!

Skeppy: *Spits out water*


*Tommy teaching the bee duo his miraculous cooking recipe*

Tommy: Today I'm going to teach you how to make pizza, with only one ingredient.

Tommy: A phone.

Tommy, Calling the Pizza place: I'll have Hawaiian please. With extra pineapples.


Tommy: Rules are made to be broken.

Phil: They are made to be followed; Nothing is made to be broken.

Wilbur; Uh, Glowsticks.

Quackity: Piñatas

Techno: Karate boards.

Tubbo: Spaghetti when it is in a small pot.

Tommy: Rules.

Phil: ...


*Sam and Ponk are guarding the prison*

Techno: We need to distract those guys. What do we do?

Ghostbur: Leave that to me. *Goes up to them*

Ghostbur: Centaurs have six legs; therefore, they are insects. Discuss.

Sam and Ponk: *Immediately began arguing*


Ranboo: What is your biggest weakness?

Tubbo: I can be uncooperative.

Ranboo: Can you give me an example?

Tubbo: No.


Ranboo: It's pretty dark in here.

Tommy: Don't worry, Tubbo's got this.

Tubbo: *Jumps up and down and then starts to glow*

Ranboo: Wha-

Tubbo: I swallowed a glowstick!

Ranboo: ...



Techno: Tommy... why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?

Tommy: you text told me to Satanize the house before you came.

Techno: ...

Techno: Tommy, I wrote sanitize.


Wilbur: Hey, Techno.

Techno: What.


Techno: *Pushes Wilbur to the floor* Good riddance...



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A/N -   Sorry I'm late!!!I love these, so I decided to do some! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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A/N -   Sorry I'm late!!!I love these, so I decided to do some! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

A/N - The above comic is great!!! Good job to whoever did it. Give all credit to the artist! Hope you all are happy and please stay safe!!!

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