Racoon Meets Duck...

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*Quackity's POV*

Some people arrived at the house, and I feel like I've seen the small brunette. He was a Neko with Brown hair with blond highlights. He had a petite nose and a face with freckles. He was always following this blond loud kid.

This tall brunette came over to me, Karl and George and talked to us. I just kept my mouth shut cause I don't trust any of them yet.

The little brunette kid kept sending glances at me. Which lead me to believe he has seen me before. I just wonder where, searching my memory up and down.

"Hi! I'm Wilbur. I'm Phil's Oldest son. Techno is my Twin, who will claim he's older, but ignore him. The child over there is Tommy, and the Kid always following him is Tubbo, who was adopted by Phil." He said to the three of us.

As Karl started a conversation with this Wilbur guy, I thought about what he said. This Tubbo kid was adopted. Where was he before he was adopted.

"Oh, and this is Quackity. He's a little shy." I heard Karl say.

"Hi! Quackity!" He said, I just gave him a tiny wave. Just then I heard the loud blond running in. Tubbo followed behind, smiling.

"Wilby! My rooms gonna be the biggest!" He said, puffing up his chest.

"Oh, shut up you child. It's gonna be mine" Wilbur said, giving Tommy a blank face.

Tommy just ran out claiming that the biggest room was gonna be his. Wilbur following him saying that it was gonna be his, Tubbo smiled at us and then followed the duo, giggling.

"I'm gonna find Dream." A sleepy George said and went off to find his boyfriend.

"They are loud." I mumbled to Karl.

"I know, Feathers. Hold on okay. I 'm sure you'll become very good friends with them all." Karl said, giving me kiss on the forehead.

"Sure." I just said.

"Come on, Let's go find Sap." Karl said, and picked me up.

A few minutes later we found Tommy and Sap... fighting? Wrestling in the garden. The Tubbo kid was laughing on the ground not even attempting to get them off each other.

"Just admit that I'm stronger than you." Sap said, holding Tommy down with one hand.

"NO! I'M A BIG MAN." The Tommy kid screamed, kicking Sap's legs."

"Of course, you are Tommy. It's funny how you're majestically failing." Wilbur said, walking into the garden.


Sap was kinda distracted when Tommy flipped around and kicked him in the stomach.

"YEOWCH! Tommy! What was that for?!"

"HA! I win!!!"

"Sure. Tommy. Sure." Sap said, as Tommy helped him up and walked over to us and gave us both kisses.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww." Tommy said.

"Oh, shut up, you child." Sap said, giving us more kisses making Karl giggle uncontrollably.

After He stopped giggling, Tommy asked me for my name.

"What's your name, Big man?"



"Hola, Tomas." I said, softly.

Tommy laughed in glee while I smiled softly.

*Sapnap's POV*

Karl looked at the duo in adoration. He was making Friends!!!! Even though it was with a man child, He was making friends!!! (I'm not bullying Tommy; I just thinks it's cute how everyone calls him that platonically.)

"Where are you from. Big Q?" Tommy asked, curiously circling around us.

"Mexico." Feathers said, timidly.

"WOW!!! Does that mean you can speak Spanish just like The Blade?!" Tommy exclaimed, surprised.

"Uhhhhhh, yes?" He questioned.

"That's so cool!!!" Tommy sparkled.

"Thank you." Feathers said, softly smiling.

"Come on, Big Q. I'll introduce you to Tubbo. He is cool." Tommy said, and yanked Quackity off Karl and pulled him along to meet Tubbo.

When they were out of sight, Karl said smiling, "He's improving, ain't he?"

"Yeah, I'm glad he's making a friend. Even though it's Tommy." I said.

"Why, What's wrong with Tommy?"

"He can be a bit rough when, playing? I guess." I said.

"Eh, It's ok. The just clicked." Karl said, and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"Love you, swirls."

"Me too, fire boy."

A/N - How'd ya'll like this chapter!!! I think it still need a pinch more chaos, but I tried my best!!!

A/N - Hope you guys are having a wonderful Day!!! Stay Safe and Be Happy!!!        :3

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