Chapter 2: Lost In My Head

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"Soooo, whatcha thinking about?!"dude teased Carlos for being lost in thought. Carlos didn't say anything, he was too busy to hear dude from the world he was imagining. A world where he and Jane where together and time stood still, where nobody could harm them or judge them.

"Earth to Carlos!" Dude yelled shortly followed by standing on Carlos' chest and licking his face. Sooner or later, the small dog managed to draw his master back to reality. Carlos smiled and began stroking the dog gently on his head whilest he began wondering again. 

"Huh? Sorry Dude..." he sighed still thinking, Dude whined before him causing Carlos to turn his head with pure confusion. The small mutt looked at his owner in the eyes, wincing once more.

"You shouldn't think too much, it's bad for you" dude joked, letting out a small giggle. Carlos didn't care. All he wanted now was Jane in his arms, but the real world was cruel and unwilling to have her with him. Carlos rolled onto his side and checks the time '11:56' it's getting late! Although he wasn't tired, Carlos knew that if he didn't fall asleep now, he never would! Plus, it was hard to drift off when your roommate was an incredibly loud snorer! Carlos lived by the fact than an nuclear strike siren could go off, but nobody would be able to detect it over Jay's not-so-subtle snores.

"Night dude" Carlos stroked his furry friend and tried to sleep. He watched his dog drift to sleep at the end of the bed, but the night grew longer and longer and his willingness to sleep got shorter and shorter.

"'I'll never get a chance with Jane" he thought to himself but before he knew it, his eyes started closing. Peacefully he laid there flat out.

The next time he opened his eyes the sun was shining and birds were singing. And he could hear people's conversations.

"Morning!" Dude jumped up on the bed. He felt him curl up being his legs and fall back to sleep again, man! Being a dog must be fun! Carlos' urge to get up was nowhere to be seen. Anywhere. All he wanted to do was just to lay there, but he couldn't, her remembered that jay arranged for him to practice tourney. 'Up I get I suppose' he thought as he rolled over to his left to see that Jay had already gotten up and was on the move. 'Weird'

The white haired teen checked the time once more, '7:30am' it read. He groaned, today he has no motivation. Maybe it was because Jay wanted to practive tourney later? Which, he didn't see the point of! He was on the bleachers, so why did he need to practice? (He much prefered Sword training anyways), but first he had to survive a day of school. It wasn't a bad day, most of his lessons involed Jane being in the same class. It was the one where he sat alone he feared.

Carlos pulled open his rather large, wooden dorm room door and was about to head out until his favourite mutt stopped him by tugging his cuffed jean leg using his teeth.

"Whats up Dude?" He questiond, crouching down to meet the small dogs height. As he did just that, Dude turned around and sprinted off in the direction of the bed side table, jumping up and grabbing a single item off of it.

Carlos watched as the terrier strutted back towards him, gripping the item in his mouth. The dog dropped said item on the ground for his master to pick up. "You left this last time!" He stated, wagging his tail in the process. He really was a good boy!

"Thanks Dude" Thanked Carlos as he picked up his phone and placed it in his right pocket "I love you buddy, I'll see you later!" He announced, shutting the door behind him as he made his way over to his first class and quite frankly his favourite, Biology.
(Sorry for the short chapter)

I have a question, what breed of dog is Dude, i googled it and apparently, he is a brusscless griffon but, the a brusscless griffon looks totally different, what breed is he?

I hope you are having a good morning/ afternoon/ night <3


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