Chapter 16: Uh Oh-

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Carlos was to engrosed in his book to see the time. He kept reading until he heard someone banging on the door, almost like the door was locked. Pulling out his phone, the freckled boy proceeded to check the time; seeing that the library souldn't be closed off at this time, made him a little curious to what exactly was going on!

Carlos placed his book back on the shelf and arose from where he was comfortably seated. He continued to walk past the book shelf and meet a small girl trying to pry open the double french doors that had been locked from the outside. He observed as the girl used all her strength to open those doors, sadly it did not work; did she not know that those doors can only be locked from the outside?

"Are we stuck?" Carlos asked the girl who paused slightly when hearing she wasn't alone. She was relieved (of course) that there was infact some company! But, said company being the one and only Carlos De Vil made the whole process a lot more difficult.

"uh yeah... I guess so." she replied, she turned around to see Carlos leaning againg the dark bookcase, her heart skipped many beats of being locked in with him. Jane left the door and began slowly walking to Carlos "Carlos-" she began but was cut off when the room went completely dark, followed by the halls.

"Dont worry, I have my phone" Carlos Laughed as he put the torch on his phone, he placed it on the floor by the back wall and jestured for Jane to sit next to him. Slowly, steadily the blue eyed fairy made her wat down the isle of book shelves to meet her ex boyfriend at the end wall.

Time passed slowly and suddenly, the awkward silence hit the two of them for moments. Neither of them knew what exactly to say until Jane broke the deafening silence.

"I... I dont want things to be awkward bewteen us" Jane Sighed. Carlos held Janes hand and smiled, the soft touch of their skin sent shivers down their spined and butterflies releasing in their stomachs.

"And they arent" Stated Carlos. The pair both exchanged smiles that brightened up the half lit room. That made her feel better. Carlos was one if her best friends! And if they couldn't be together, she hoped and prayed they could keep that relationship as it was!  "Y'know... I didn't know that some could feel a certain way about another person before... then, I met you! I'm greatful that it was you who showed me that." Mumbled the older, white haired teen who was slightly embarrassed with what he just said.

Growing up, Carlos was taught at a young age 'trust no-one!' And that he did. He spent years of his life avoiding people at all cost, potentially losing out on a few decent friend too! But Cruella's words were drilled into him; meaning sometimes her voice still lingers deep in his memory. On the isle, you can always trust someone to be dishonest, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for. Honestly!

Our descendant of Fairy Godmother timmidly smiled, turning her attention towards the floor she sat comfirtably on. She felt almost honoured to be the one who taught an infamous Vk how to feel emotion towards a certain person! She was just glad she had some time with him, as it may never of happened.
_______________________________________Time skip________

Three hours passed and still they where locked in! fortunately in that space of time the pair stumbled across a game to play "ok, uhh... Something you have never shown or told anyone else?" Jane asked. They had infact chosen to play a (long) round of truths.

"Ok... uh" carlos began. Jane could see that he was nervous, or he was just trying to think. Either way Carlos thought long and hard about his answer.

"you dont have to" she reasured him, but he just smiled and procided with his secret. Just then, he finally recalled something he had been meaning to share with her. Now, would be the perfect oppertunity to do so!

"ok uh, you are... another person I will trust with this so, please keep it a secret." Announced Carlos. Jane nodded a held her heart in her right hand. She was no snitch! If she promised a promise, it would stay between them! Carlos tooo a sharp breath in as he rolled up his sleves, revealing multiple scars; mainly cigarette burns, but anomgst them were small slash scars and deep cuts that wounded the skin long ago. "my arms are covered in burns..."

Jane was faced with over fifty scars just on one arm alone, she focused on muntiple ones that left quite a dent ok his freckled skin. The fairy could only imagine how much pain this would if infliced on him at a young age.

"My mom decided I was her ash tray when I 'misbehaved' as a kid" he added. Jane now understood why he covered up so much, to avoid being judged by people who dont understand the pain the Vk's recieved from their own parents; The people who were suposed to protect them from harm!

"Then-" he continued moving to the side. He procided to lift the side of his shirt up to reveal long indents around the left side of his waist. Each mark made up a some-what perfecf arch, indicating this was made by some sort of dangerous contraption.

"What happened?" Jane fearfully asked.

"My mom forced me to sleep in her closet when I was around nine. The place was filled with bear traps, one day I was getting dressed when I slipped and landed in one" he added, Jane ran her finger around each and every marking. "Mal and jay had to pull me out" Carlos concluded. Everybody had some sort of insecurity, this being carlos' biggest one.

"Im so sorry" Jane sighed. Life on the isle was horrible but she never knew the full story.

"Ive got one for you" Carlos said placing his jacket back on "are you a fairy?"
"Where are your wings?" Carlos' question echoed in his head, he only just realised how it sounded

"I didnt mean to be rude-" jane smiled at her Ex-Boyfriend knowing that he never wanted the question to hurt her.

"Its ok" she reasured him. Jane proceeded to stay quiet for a while; thinking of the best possible way to answer his question.

"Um, im a fairy like I said." She began. Jane began to panic, nobody knew exept her mother, and telling this to someone her mom doesn't trust might get you into some trouble.

"But Auradon doesnt allow any sort of magic, so when I was born they were removed and... ive been kinda insecure about the fact I'm not a 'real fairy' without my wings." 

"You don't need wings to be a fairy... your Moms fairy Godmother for crying out loud, magic is in your blood!" Carlos argued back, he didn't believe that to 'be a fairy, you need wings!' Nonsense. As long as you have the ability ti care, be kind, love all no matter what and to be a decent person, thats all that matters!

Jane let out a small laugh, somehow she thought the kindest Villain was judging her "yeah I guess so... but, my Mom won't let me use the wand, she doesn't fullt trust me till im seventeen... I hate it." she continued. Carlos looked at her. He could see that she wanted to love herself the way she was, but how can she love herself if the constant reminder was still there?

"Dont hate it!" carlos smiled "Once you learn how to use your magic, you'll be amazing! I know you'll help people the way you do already. I know that you will help keep Auradon safe!" Carlos placed his arm around the brunette and pulled her in close. They held eachother tight, like the world was ending. But it wouldnt of mattered, they had eachother.
Hii! Sorry for the slow updates, I keep apologising but yk!

Thank you for the support and the comments, I really love it! And I thank you for it! (Also it's my birthday today! Yay 🥳)

I hope you a having a good morning/ afternoon/ evening!

~Yoshi <3

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