Chapter 29: Alone

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⚠️smut chapter: if you are not comfortable reading it, please don't feel you have too! Feel free to skip this chapter <3⚠️

*(perviously: Their fingers laced together and their hearts in sync, a better picture couldnt he drawn without that scene.)*

"Im sorry about everything thats happened" Jane murmured into Carlos' chest. The boy played with her beautiful brown locks and smiled.

"It's not your fault, and I understand why your Mom did it" Jane gazed into his dark, hazel eyes and thought about everything that had happened to them, one particular moment crossed her mind.

"Were... were you really going to give up on us?" She said with a tone of wonder in her words. Carlos continued messing with her soft hair and nodded slowly as the rain hit the window harder.

"I just thought that, if the world was ending in 5 minuets, I'd call you to say I love u, but you'd be calling someone else saying the exact same" Jane looked at her boyfriend who was still stroking her head but staring at his knees.

"I wouldn't be calling someone else, i'd be calling you at the same time dummie" Jane giggled with a slight smile on her lips while the taller boy laughed at her "I love you" she concluded adding a small kiss on his lips.

He returned the kiss and as the rain fell harder and faster the kiss became stronger. The two pulled away from eachother completely dazed by the kiss, their eyes staring into eachothers being completely shocked by something they had never felt before.

"Holy shi-" Jane began before Carlos inturupted her "dont swear, J"
"You do it"
"Im from the isle, its a habit and you're not bad"
"Thats what you think" Jane pressed her lips against Carlos' once again and the energy ran through their bodies. the kiss this time was more feirce than the last and lead its way down to Janes neck.

Each and everyone became more and more intense than the last. Carlos trailed his hand through Jane's soft hair still kissing her neck, Jane let out a soft sigh that made Carlos kiss her harder.

The brunette grabed the collar of his T-shirt, pulling it down slightly. Carlos quickly removed it and pressed his lips against the girls again, their hearts beat faster from the excitement about to happen.

The two pulled away for the need of oxygen, the pair stared into eachothers eyes; looking into them without a sheer thought of the next move. "Ill stop, when ever you want." Carlos peered into his girlfriends eyes and admired the sparkle within them. The fairy smiled at the boys words and knew only one thing.

"I dont want you to stop" the girl concluded and lead Carlos into a full on french kiss and he knew, Jane wanted more. The boy spun his girlfriend around so now her back was facing him, making her blush instantly. He pulled her closer and began to kiss her neck with his hands around her waist. Carlos' hands trailed to the end of Jane's T-shirt and began to lift the bottom, The small fairy elevated her arms to help take off the garment quicker. The brunette released her t-shirt, leaving it on the hard floor. Elevating her arms ever so slowly, she placed her hands behind her head and placed them on the back of Carlos' neck, then proceeding to trace his jawline with a simple affection, she sent a warm feeling through-out him, a feeling that couldn't be described with words but with actions.

Carlos dug his face in the curvature of Janes neck, taking in her sweet smell. Jane enjoyed his presents, his company and his love. And so, without him being aware, the petite girl unhooked her blue lacey bra and slipped it gentely off her shoulders and tossed it onto the floor. With his hands still around her curvy waist, Carlos wanted to move his hands up as he had now noticed that her bra had vanished and found its way onto the floor, but he didn't want to make her uncomfortabe. Until he felt Jane's hand ontop of his as she grasped it and lead them up to her full breasts. Carlos was supprised at the permission he was given. He squeezed them a little and felt his girlfriend tense up and whince, now knowing that this was a senitive area and though that he was being too rough, Carlos began to massage that region.

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