Chapter 27: Don't Listen To Them!

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Once Evie FINALLY decided what to wear, the group of 8 made their way down to the crystal waters. The lake was a glistening waterpool with a waterfall at the other side with clifs high enougth to jump off. Jay had gotten the idea to leap off of the tallest one in competition on who can make the biggest splash.

2 hours had passed by and everyone was enjoying themselfs, everyone exept Jane. The voices echoed inside her head of Audrey and Ella's verbal abuse, the migrane became so powerful it knocked Carlos' words out of the frame. 'I am too fat', 'whats wrong with me?' And 'im not skinny enough' filled her mindset, forgeting all her quallities.

The grass bank became a lonely old place for the blue girl. She watched the Vks play water polo, Mal was on Bens shoulders and Evie on Carlos'. Jay and Lonnie where the outstanding pair that challenged the finalists, while doug studdied the safty rules and aspects of the game.

Jane couldnt help but notice the scars on Mal, Evie and Jay's bodies. She couldnt see Carlos' since he never liked to show skin and would always wear a black T-shirt when swimming. The young girl smiled as she saw how happy the core 4 were together, each one like a sibling. But the insecurities where still there. Aswell as the scars on their bodys, Jane took the time to admire how beautiful they were in everyway.

Evie had a perfect body and a amazing curves while Mal was also cruvey. The petite girl layed back on the thick grass and watched marshmellow clouds float by, until a raindrop landed on her soft skin. Once one fell, more came down; each one heavier and heavier than the last.

"Quick! Back to the house!" Everyone laughed and giggled as the cold water hit their already wet skin. Carlos took Jane by the hand and sprinted up the hill towards the rustic styled house, but the rainstorm caught up to them. And by the time they reached the house everyone was already soaking wet.

Once night hit the forrest and a group of 7 found themselfs downstairs around the Tv watching "F•R•I•E•N•D•S" (ive always wanted to write it like that), each and couple were snuggled up next to eachother, appart from Carlos. Jane hadn't come downstairs since they got back.

"Is Jane down yet?" Doug questioned the brown eyed teen. Carlos shook his head meakly before responding.

"Ill go see where she is, plus i wanna change into a hoodie while im up there." He got up from the pitch black sofa and began his decent for the bedroom on the upper level.

The blue girl was curled up into a ball on the soft gray bed, her mind took over again and replayed the negativity inside it. Thoughts began to reach new levels of loud and painful. All that broke the screaming sounds where a click at the door handle turning and it opening ever so carefully. Jane turned her head to the other side of the dimly lit room to see her taller boyfriend standing center in the door way.

"Hey..." she said with sorrow in her voice, Carlos shut the door and made his way over to the soft bed. The boy layed back next to her in a attempt to comfort her. He extended both of his arms for Jane to lay on his chest. Once she did carlos wrapped them both around her, holding her close.

"Whats the matter?" The white haired boy whispered into her ear. Jane sighed into his jacket and breathed in his smell. 'He's going to think this is stupid' the brunette thought.

"Everyones perfect... why am i so different?" She asked, the numbness in her voice sunk into Carlos, hitting a new level of insecure. "Everyone has perfect bodys... Mal and Evie are both so curvy and pretty... I look like a door!" Jane finished with a groan. Carlos bit his bottom lip trying not to laugh, he'd never heard of anyone who compares themself to a door!

"Not everyone is perfect... Im covered in scars and burns and  so is jay" Jane didnt take any notes, people liked boys who had a background, but if someone finds atleast 1 streach mark or scar on a woman, they are ugly and discusting.

"But you're a guy... people dont mind it!" Carlos sighed aloud and got up from where he was lying and made his way to the other side of the room, the brown eyed boy opened a jet black bag and pulled out a black hoodie with white sleves.

"Not everones perfect, Jane" Carlos said emotionlessly while  taking his white T-shirt off. His words caused Jane to raise a head, catching a glimce of his  battered and bruised torso.

Carlos stood at the otherside of the room facing the white wall, Each inch of his back was covered in scars, burns and bite marks from his childhood. His scars sunk deep into his skin and effected other peoples views of him, the people who judged a body before a heart where the ones who got to him. And when he turned to the brunette, it was worse!

Janes emotions where everywhere, this was the first she'd seen Carlos shirtless, but was shocked by the damage that was inflicted on him. Everyone took Carlos to be a weakling or the runt of the litter, but he was quite built up, Thanks to Jays help of course. But scars made their way to the front too.

"I may not be perfect but, you are!" Carlos smiled, pulling his hoodie over his head he joined Jane on the bed again. The girl sighed, she felt so sorry for how she felt, when she knew it want her fault. In any way.

"I'm sorry for how im acting..." stuttered the blue fairy. Carlos flashed the girl a bright smile before looking her in those ocean blue eyes, he'd wanted to explore. He knew deep inside how she felt, Carlos always saw Jay celebrate any sporting event win by taking off his jersey. His mind always played on the thought that "nobody will like you because of those scars". Which also lead to everyone taking him for the weakest.

"Don't be!" The chocolate eyed boy began "we all feel insecure sometimes, hell even me! But it's not your fault." Those words soothed Janes troubled mind. She looked into his dark, romantic eyes, then down to his lips, then back up to meet him. Carlos followed suit, Carlos kissed her like never before, Jane liked that and kissed back.

(Bit of a heated scene here)
The brunette ran one her hands through his thick white hair, still being held by Carlos' tight grip he pulled her over onto his lap where the where both inches from eachother again. They kissed again for a split second before the freckled boy pulled away, his eyes shooting towards the door leaving Jane puzzled.

"What? Wha-" The petite girl questioned before her mouth was covered by Carlos left hand, he meerly shushed her just before removing his hand.

"What?" Whispered Jane "I thought someone was going to open the door on us" she nodded in agreement. Carlos rose from where he sat and held his hand out for the small girl to hold, jestering to go downstairs. The girl smiled and took his hand and held it tight. Jane kissed Carlos one last time before leaving the room, both dissapointed the didnt get more.

Hi everyone! So... I have no clue how to word this lmao. As you all know, this story is rated 'Mature' for string language and sensitive topics that will be mentioned later on in the book. But, I'm on edge about posting chapter 29 (I think) as a smut... kinda- 😂 it doesn't link to the story at all but I just kind of wanted to write one so if it isn't include it's not the end of the world. The reason I'm writing this is because I don't want to post anything that would make anyone uncomfortable.

Like I said it doesn't really matter if it's included or not, however I'm ok edge of creating a sequel and smut will be included (for other characters not just the main protagonists) chapter 29 won't be the best chapter as I haven't written about that at all, I just want to clarify my plans.

I'll leave it for maybe a day and a bit and if no responses are there I will add a warning (⚠️) so you can skip it. I personally would like to post it but... I'm not the readers so 😂

Thank you for reading this announcement and I hope you enjoy reading and have a nice morning/ evening/ afternoon <3


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