Chapter 34: Chad's Party!

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Weeks had passes since the whole "Ben situation" Carlos had finally forgiven Jay for his mistakes and Carlos, Ben and Jane are all on good terms, after Jane rated Carlos a 14/10 on the day he found them. But one thing stood in the way of a near happy ending, Tristan.

Lets just say his obsession with Jane grew Larger and larger everyday. Ever since he saw her change clothes, the blonde haired boy often seaked more oppertunities like that. He often searched for a quiet spot at night for a sighting of her nightly Jog. And tonight he found one.

Every night Jane would run from the dorm block, passed the gardens, to the enchanted Lake and back before 9:50pm. Tristan walked through the enchanted forrest until he reached until what he liked to call "the tree". This was a completely hollow tree that could fit 2 people inside. The 6ft giant scrambled his way to the top and manoeuvered his way safely to the ground inside.

Tristan waited at that location for 30-45 minuets before our blue fairy came jogging past. She wore her hair tied back in a high pony-tail with a blue scrunchie, her wired earphones set in her phone that sat in the side pocket of her black leggings, and tucked into those leggings was a pastel yellow gym shirt that was too large.

As he watched from the hollow tree, Tristan pulled out his phone and began to take multuple photos of the girl again. It was fair to say, Tristan Fasa was crazy! He kept taking pictures until Jane passed and jogged in the other direction. Disapointed but yet so thrilled, Tristan put away his phone and began to climb up the tree. Once he got to the top, be began his journey down the dead tree, then his feet were firmly on the grassy ground.

Without looking,The dirty blonde ran over to the enchanted lake that stood atleast 20 feet away from the tree. But what he didn't know, is that Carlos had been tailing him with his mutt, Dude. He knew something was up, and now he knew.

"Go get Jay" Carlos mumbled to his furry friend who gave a "ok" responce. The white haired teen watched as the dog ran at a swift pace to find his masters best friend. Carlos watched the Son of scar scroll though the pictures with no shame what so ever. Carlos couldnt take it anymore.

Instead of waiting for Jay to conjure up a plan, Carlos went for it. The 5ft 6 boy made his way over to Tristan with fury surrounding him. Carlos was unsure what he was going to do. But the outcome wont be pretty.
_________  Time skip_________

Dude ran though the dorm halls insearch for Jane, lets just say that the small dog was infact, lost.

"Can't a dog get directions anymore?" He groaned to himself. He roamed and roamed the hallway until he knew where he was. He counted exactly 7 doors down from the left until he reached the 7th door. The dog scratted on the large piece of wood, hoping this was the right one.

Slightly opening the door, Jane looked around the corrior think that someone was playing knock and run on this hall. She heard a small bark from beneath her, tiling her head down Jane saw the small, brown, shaggy dog sitting at her feet.

"Whats wrong dude?" The girl kneeled on the floor to get a better glimps of him. Dude spun on the spot atleast 6 times before finally telling her.

"Its Carlos! He looks pretty bad! Worse than before..." The small girl looked at him. Dude was Carlos' best companion and never left his side, she knew something was up because this short, shaggy dog came to her instead of Jay. And to Jane, this was strange.

"Ok, ok where is he?" Jane asked slightly worried for Carlos' saftey, as she had no idea what had happened. Dude began to trail off on the direction of Carlos and Jay's dorm room, spiteful that Jane could help. Jane followed Dude past a variaty of students who looked at her funny, including Audrey and her friends.

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