Chapter 10: The Dance

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The core four arrived at the dance to celebrate Mal and Bens one year anniversary, Thats when they parted ways with their dates. Carlos made his way to the end of the hall where the grand balcony stood, from there he could see the Isle of the Lost. And even though it wasnt much, to Carlos it was home.

He watched as dull grey clouds rolled in from over seas, how airships could be seen flying way up into the night sky and how the buildings lit up with flickering lights and moving shadows. This was the isle that eveyone saw from a distance. But, the longer he starred, the more Carlos got lost in his own thoughts.

As the night continued Carlos began to fear that Jane had ditched him for someone else. After all, He was a villain kid! 'Who could ever love a villain' he thought, bringing himself more anxiety.

"hey!" Suddenly, He heard a sweet subtle voice from begind him; breaking his train of thought. Carlos turned around to see a small girl in a baby blue dress, with sleves just off the sholder and a white lace rim. Evie had really outdone herself! She looked stunning!

"Jane... you look beautiful!" Carlos knew that Jane was insecure, which the comment brought a smile to her face.

"Thanks... i saw you up here before and asked Evie if you are ok" she began, later joining him by the blacony "They said you where having a moment" Jane let out a small laugh that made Carlos' heart skip a beat.

"I was... just thinking that... if Alberto is alive" Carlos sighed at the thought of his brother "Hes still out there" his heart ached his brother was his first best friend, But heaven took him from Carlos' life.

"Maybe he is still out there" Jane smiled softly trying to give Carlos some hope.

"And if hes not?"

"Then hes in a better place... The world can be so crule but life goes on and thats all that matters" Jane said softly and Carlos knew she was right. Life goes on what can you do?

"Hey... you wanna dance?" Carlos asked with a smile and as he held out his hand, Jane reached for his, with a simple 'yes' his heart nearly stopped. This moment could only happen in movies or in a cliché fairy tale. But for Carlos it was a living reality.

______________________________________Time skip_________

Soon the night came to it's end. Everyone made their way home under the stary sky. Carlos offered to walk Jane home, his smile grew when she said yes.

After five minuets of walking they reached Janes dorm. Neither of them wanted it to end! To the young couple, this was the feeling they had both longed for! Love!

"thanks, for tonight Carlos" Jane smiled. She never knew how good of a dancer he was! Jane loved the way he woukd randomly twirl her half way through a dance, or how he would let her get close during a slow dance! Jane admired the little things that made her happy!

"Thank you too, ive never done this before..." He cooed shyly.

"Well you're good at it" Jane reasured him, Carlos' heart was skipping mutiple beats. Before Jane went inside Carlos knew it had to be said "wait! Jane..."

She turned her head to see Carlos beaming with happiness but in his mind he was scared "I totally understand if you don't want to... but-" Stuttered Carlos "would you... maybe... like to be more than friends?"

This time Jane was the one who was exploding on the inside, she got closer to Carlos and pecked her lips on his cheek "i cant tell of thats a ' yeah I'd love too" or the biggest friend zone ever" He joked making Jane let out a small giggle.

"It means 'I'd love too'" she said softly, she began closing the door still blushing from the moment they just had, They exchanged 'goodnights' that
brought their night to a end!
______________________________________Time Skip_________

"Sooooooo" Sang Lonnie who was buzzing after the dance "anything happen between you and Carlos?" If anything were to happen in Jane's personal life (getting a boyfriend for example) Lonnie would be the first one to know about it! They had been best friends for as long as they could remember, so it was fair to say they had no secrets! "And don't lie to me I saw you guys walking back!"

Jane smiled shyly, but couldn't contain her excitement anymore! "Well, we walked back to the dorms and after we said goodnight... he asked me if I wanted to be more than friends!" She squealed, Lonnie too doing the same reaction.

"Oh! Oh please, please tell me you said yes?!" Questioned Lonnie, Jane nodded as a responce with a huge smile working its way onto her soft lips. Finally, Jane felt like she was worthy of somebodys love! Today was for sure one of the best days of her life!

Sorry for the late update, but i hope you all enjoy <3

I hope you have a good morning/ evening/ night!


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