Chapter 37: Meet The Crew!

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Night fell apon the Isle of the lost. The headlights off of a Jeep Alberto had stole from Tristan lit up the abandoned back road, leading to somewhere safe. The small body of the 16 year old Jane lay sound asleep on the back seat; Wrapped in nothing but her saviours long, Black, leather trench coat. Rain fell on the car window with such force Jane awoke from her slumber. Sitting up slightly, Jane continued to stay wrapped in the now warm, long coat. As the rain fell, memories of her and Carlos came pouring back, many memorable moments happened in a rainstorm for them, each one brought a smile or a tear or two to her crystal eyes.

"T-thank you... by the way" stuttered the girl, she couldn't be more greatful for the person that saved her life. Alberto looked back with a slight smile apon his lips and quickly turned back to face the dimly lit road.

"It's ok" he started "where im taking you, you'll be safe I promise!" A relived brunette lay her head back against the leather head rest, closing those worn out eyes. "And besides" Alberto began again "you ain't the first half naked person ive had in my coat!" He chuckled slightly at his humor and frankly, so did Jane.
______________________________________Time Skip_________

The car drove down a bumpy yet setteling road that lead them down towards a rather large metal base with an airstip. The place looked abandoned, unkept and unwanted. But for Alberto, it was a home.

The two stepped out and slightly jogged over to the massive sliding door where the white eyed boy gave a total of three thuds.

"Who is it?" A deeper voice called from the other side.

"Jack sparrow, who do you think fuck-whit?" Alberto yelled to the metal door. A giddy excitement could be heard from the other side: banging and crashing as well as rustelling, each noice was pissing Alberto off more and more! "Would you let us in we are fucking freezing!" After that the base fell silent. Only the rain and the simple sound of breathing could be heard.

Just then, a rather loud clunk could be heard hinting that the door was opening; which it was. The door began to slide ever so slowly, each hinge buckeling under the pressure of said steel door. Once it hit the wall with a thud, Jane saw many unusual faces with in.

"The boss is back!!!" A rather large man called out the the rest of the crew as both Alberto and Jane walked inside. Two men pushed the door back into its original place, and locking it with a massive piece of metal. Jane turned her head back around to see many older guys standing over her; looking down. "And he's brought us a girl!" He smirked with high hopes of some sort of relationship.

"Hey!" Alberto almost yelled "This girl ain't like the others here!" He continued "Everyone, this is Jane! I found her in Tristans base. Jane this is my crew, that's tattoo" he said pointing to a rather large, stong man covered head to toe in tattoos. "Don't let the tattoos intimidate you, he's one of the nicest blokes around. Then you have Xander" Jane looked at Xander and saw nothing peculiar about the pale individual, until he flashed a smile and showed off his two tongues, like snake tongues. "He's a character, thats metal" Alberto then pointed to a slightly tall man with metal... everything! Nose, ears, teeth, arms, legs. You name it, its metal!

Jane looked around at the three men, how she was never exposed to different characters as a kid, how the barrier shielded her from interesting people with different lives.

"And thats my boy Connar!" Jane turned her head to face a slightly tanned, slender boy who sat upon two wooden crates. He looked shy, timid and most frankly, friendly! Connar waved at the girl with a slight sheepish smile to which she waved back. "He don't speak... at all to be honest."
"Yeah, found him when he was a kid- looked after him ever since!" Jane's heart was melting at the young boy, Connar had such a sweet, gentle face that nobody could ever hurt.

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