Chapter 15: The Next Day

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"CARLOS!" Dude nagged. Advantage to having a talking dog; Carlos would never have to invest in an alarm clock, as Dude was practically one!

"What Dude what?" His master groaned still half asleep. Carlos rolled over onto his side and faced the small dog purched on his hind legs, begging for Carlos to get up.

"you're going to be late for school!" Carlos didn't believe the mutt in the slightest but, there were times where Dude had been right about his late departure for school. Just to clarify, The white haired boy picked up his phone to check the time but was greeted with initial blindness from the brightness of his screen! (Clearly, he had forgotten to lower the brightness) on the other hand, the time read 3:45Am meaning he infact was not late for school.

"Dude, you mutt its 3:45!" Carlos groaned, he turned over to try sleep again but it was no use; the shaggy dog was still convinced he was late.

"So you're not late?"
"No dude"
"When does school start?"
"And what time is it?"
"So you're not late?"
"Do you see me leaving out that door?"
"Then im not late!"
______________________________________Time Skip_________

After finaly convincing Dude that he wasn't late, Carlos had finally managed to drift back off into a some-what peaceful sleep. Eventually, Carlos had to be awakened by his loving pet again.

"Carlos-" dude whined. He looked up at the boy, blinking his large, puppy dog eyes at him to try get his attention; clearly it worked as Carlos slowly turned onto his right side, facing down towards the small, scrappy dog.

"Yeah?" Groaned the dogs master. "Dude, can't it wait until morning?" Dude had enough of Carlos' laziness! The small dog purched on his back legs and managed to pull Carlos' phone onto the floor with a thud. This got Carlos attention, wondering why Dude was acting up all of a sudden.

"Carlos... it is morning-" Dude calmly notified. The freckled boy leaned down, picking up his phone from the floor and proceeded to check the time. 'Shit!' He thought, the time was 9:15Am! All students were expected to be up by 9:05Am.

Carlos had never leaped out of bed so quickly in his entrie life. He knew he was late when Jay was up before him! 'Boy, what a good friend he is!' Carlos said to himself. 'The least he could of done as give me a nudge.'

Dude opserved from his food bowl as his owner quickly pulled himself together. The small dog wasn't really bothered about how late Carlos was, or how much trouble he was going go be in if he got caught by Fairy Godmother. All Dude's problems were solved by the simple meaning of a dogs life. Breakfast! Indeed, Dude couldn't be happier as long as he got his breakfast in the morning, he was one happy boy!
______________________________________Time Skip_________

History was never Jays thing. The ex-theif would much rather spend most of his day out on the tourney field! But, he cant have everything... so, in the mean time history always was an excellent time passer when it comes to annoying Carlos.

Speaking of Carlos, Jay looked over at his best friend to see him drifting back to sleep. He couldnt resist the nerve of nudging him; waking him up from his much desired slumber that he failed to get last night, of course due to Dude annoying antics, sleep was deamed impossible!

"Dude... cmon!" Carlos groaned, it was true Carlos was sleep depribed and Jay was no help to the matter. Still, just because the younger boy was tired, it didn't stop Jay from aggravating his best friend.

"Sorry man, you look tired" he responded, Carlos looked over to the other villan sat next to him and stared into his sarcastic eyes.

"No figure!" He mumbled. "Dude kept me up all night" he said as he recalled Dudes mischeif from early this morning. History wasnt Carlos' favoutrie class but it would finaly be over once that bell rang.

The bell began to rang and as the Teacher dismissed everyone Carlos began to make his was to the libary, He rushed passed the halls that began to drown in noise, to the quietest place in the school.

He began walking to the back corner behind the bookcase when he realised he was only one here, but Carlos didnt mind.

It was only a hour that Carlos was there that someone else came in the libary, he couldnt quite make out who it was, but it didnt bother him.

To be continued...

Hiya! I wanna thank you for 300 reads it means a lot to me! Thank you all for reading my story <3

I want to apologise for being really inactive recently, life has been really havoc and stressful but, I am on the mend and ready to return!

I hope you are having a great morning/ afternoon/ evening

~Yoshi! :)

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