Chapter 24: What Happened Last Night?

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"Where did you go with little missy up there" Jay smirked, slightly pointing his sword up to the platform which the cheerleaders stood. Carlos looked him up and down knowing he too could play that game. "After the bonefire you disappeared. We couldn't find you... or Jane!"

The younger boy stared Jay dead in eye "First you tell me what happened with Lonnie, c'mon I looked at the place and i thought someone tried to rob us" suddenly a hot flush of pink came onto his face as he began remembering what he did the night before.

"Fine you win, ill tell you when we get home"
"Alright man"
"Why where you back so late last night, thats... not like you" said a slightly worried Lonnie, the small fairy grined looking down at the Swords and shields team.

"Carlos kissed me!" She smiled. The older worrior was bursting at the seams wanting to know the details but, she saw her team needed her otherwise Chad would be up her Ass to why shes late.

"Tell me later, i gotta deal with them down there" she said her goodbyes to her best friend and made her way down to the fencing ring. She blew the shiny silver whistle that was hanging around her neck, gathering the attention of the swords and shields team.

Just as the young worrior was about to announce the practice run for the day, a smaller girl came towards her holding a yellow note. Carefully, Lonnie unfolded the yellow note to reveal a message from the coach himself.

*Practice shall be posponed this week due to Tourney Tryouts! -Coach J* it read. She sighed due to the news, she looked up at a bunch of confused fencers.

"Sorry guys, Coach cant make the match this week" Groaned lonnie.

"Why?" The long-haired son of Jaffar called out.

"Tourney Tryouts" she smiled sympathetically at the group of guys. "Go home" she called out.

Carlos looked at Jay who was clearly disappointed by the match being canceled, but he liked tourney more. Carlos gave him a slight nudge to his best friends shoulder, catching his attension.

"Now you can tell me about lonnie." He grinned. Jay rolled his eyes at his younger psudo sibling, finally jay got a taste of his own medicene.
Immediatly, the white haired boy changed out of his blue and yellow fencing kit as it was so uncomfortable from time to time.

He threw on a black white hoodie with black ripped jeans and sat himself on his bed, waiting for Jay to share with the class about him and lonnie.

Finally Jay came back wanting to turn around and leave again, before Carlos made him speak.

"Talk Jayden!" He smirked at the older boy, Jay strolled slowly over to his bed, ever so carefully sitting on the egde.

"Ok ok.." me murmured "So we came here and we kinda... y'know... did it" a timid Jay looked back at his friend who clearly had thousends of jokes

"THE Jayden Max? Doing it with a girl he acctually loves?" The Freckled boy laughed. Jay looked up in pure fustration.

"Shes different!" Jay yelled emphatically. For all the women hes been with, not one was like lonnie.

"Ok ok man i belive you" he giggled, getting up off of his bed. Jay's eyes slowly moved over to Carlos who was doing other things in the room. The older boys evil smile grew on his face. Plotting his revenge, he sat up and crossed his legs staring at the boy.

"So...." he began "what about you and Jane?" Carlos stopped dead in his tracks knowing He had walked into Jays trap of humilliation.

"Nothin' why?" He asked nervously. Jay spontaniously montitered his friend actions. From head to toe he knew Carlos was painicking deep down.

"Cmon! You where dazed when you came back..." he smirked, Carlos knew what he was thinking and he couldnt be more wrong.

"Did you two have s-"
"Bro imagine if you did!"
"We haven been together for long"
"Neither have me and lonnie"
"Yeah well, im not like you"
"Ok ok, sorry."

Jay playfully held up his hands in surrender to his friends anger. Carlos simply smiled at his best friend knowing he loves to drive him around the bend. Someday, he'd get used to it. Some day!

Idk what's up with me with all these updates! I guess I'm making up for being inactive (plus being board in class helps too!)

~Yoshi <3

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