Chapter Two: When a Date Goes Wrong

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-(Quick AN here

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-(Quick AN here. I forgot four trigger warnings in my list and they are pretty important to mention, especially in this chapter. Trigger warning for kidnapping, drugging, and alcohol and drug use. Alright, that's all. Cya at the end of the chapter.) 

"Jacklynn! It's so pleasant to see you! How long has it been since you last visited my humble diner?" The stout cheerful Italian man known as Mister Pickett greeted. With a firm hearty handshake, he led me to the table my father had booked for Henry and me.

"It's been far too long. Has Mister Mallrick checked in yet?" I took my seat and menu Pickett held out to me.

"Not yet, but I'll keep you posted if he calls in to cancel."

"And dad was worried about me being late."

Granted, I was late, but he was later than me.

"Would you like to order now, or would you rather wait for Mister Mallrick?"

"I'll wait for Mister Mallrick. Thank you for your award-winning hospitality, Pickett." With that, the bundle of Italian spunk skipped off to attend to his other patrons.

A buzz from my phone prompted me to put my menu down and check it.

It was probably Dottie asking how everything was going.

My smile faded when I saw a threatening text message from an unknown number on my screen.

UNKNOWN: Vacate the establishment immediately.

ME: Who is this?

UNKNOWN: That is unimportant. You need to leave the restaurant NOW!"

ME: If this is some sick joke, it's not very funny.

UNKNOWN: Not a joke. Leave the restaurant right now. Consider this is your final warning.

ME: I'll consider myself warned.

UNKNOWN: It's your funeral.

"I am not getting kidnapped today."

ME: Hey. I just got an ominous text message from an unknown number.

DOTTIE: What'd it say? Send me screenshots.

I did so.

DOTTIE: Creepy. Do you think it's Mallrick playing some sick joke on you?

ME: I'll ask him when he gets here. If he gets here.

DOTTIE: He's not there yet?

ME: Nope, he's later than me.

DOTTIE: I didn't think that was possible.

ME: Me neither.

DOTTIE: What are you going to do?

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